Ozbargain liked it at $15 (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/650040)… it's now $12 ($10.80 with S&S)
Don't forget free coke zero: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/664109
Ozbargain liked it at $15 (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/650040)… it's now $12 ($10.80 with S&S)
Don't forget free coke zero: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/664109
Thanks! Ordered!
Argggg Sh!t I forgot the coke zero :(((
Cancel and reorder ;)
I used promo credit so can't do that or I'll lose it haha
Can't do the coke with the recurring order discount anyway
@ThemDealsThough: You can - click the promotion message on the page, then add both to cart. On the next screen you'll be able to change the single purchase to "Save 10% now with Subscribe & Save". You'll have both sitting in your cart for full price, and then on the final screen discounts are applied and you'll receive both for $10.80.
Tried the Pineapple + Orange flavour and was pleasantly surprised - keen to give this one a go at this price point. Cheers OP!
Please tell me it's good. I've never had it before but bought a pack
As someone who previously hated everything about sparkling water, I think it's pretty good - especially when cold. But of course, YMMV :)
I hate every sparkling water brand except this one. I think i prefer the pineapple + Orange flavor over the rasp but you honestly can't go wrong with any of the flavours. The lemon Lime one is also really good and I recommend that but its not part of the sale unfortunetly.
Just don’t get the tropical flavour. It’s horrible, absolutely awful. Tastes fermented and like cheap non-alcoholic wine.
Great to hear, I've never tried but decided to pick up some of each and have a crack.
I tried this last time - both flavours - and it was terrible.
Unless you like the taste of mineral water, give it a miss.
Probably better getting the s&s than the free coke don’t think you can do both ?
You definitely can do both - I've got S&S + Coke orders sitting
👍 thanks 👍
Ordered both flavours and a free Coke Zero. With 10c per can refunds and free delivery these are a bargain. Thanks OP
Gonna give it a go. Thanks op.
Jumped on the wagon, cheers OP. Hope it doesn't taste too diety.
Imagine water that someone waved some fruit in the general direction of. That's what these taste like. Nothing at all like a soft drink, diet or otherwise.
I enjoy them, but I've found it takes a few cans before you appreciate the fruit flavour. If you're coming from soft drink, these will taste like straight water first up.
Cheers, I can always gone them to my kids as a 'naughty' drink!
Sort of like putting lemon or lime in your water
Which flavour tastes best?
Thanks giving it a try
Excellent price! I like this stuff but honestly there is an extea sweetness that reminds me of artificial sugar in it 🤔
That's interesting, I find these the complete opposite to diet soft drink. Like fruit was waved in the general direction when being canned.
Thanks OP! Got one to try it out!
Thanks OP, will give it a go - hopefully a nicer alternative to Coke Zero / Pepsi Max
Thanks OP, these have been my go-to for a while now.
Thanks OP, - great value for this price :)
Hopefully tastes good with vodka
Mine got delivered today along with the free coke and one of the coke got crushed and damaged my box!
they sent my tiny 200 mL coke in a massive box for some reason, pretty hilarious when I opened it. The box was like 60 cm long
Same. The coke was.split open
free coke zero?