This was posted 3 years 3 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[PRE-ORDER] Niche Zero (AUS Power Plug) £549 (~A$1000) + Customs Duty + GST @ Niche Coffee


AUS plug model available for black(SOLD OUT) & white(SOLD OUT) are back in stock. Niche is a UK company offering plug variants for multiple countries.
Going for €499 + postage fees, bringing the conversion to around $1000aud in total. Disclaimer is that customs duty & GST are 100% the buyers responsibility if there are any on arrival.
Jump in to grab your pre-order now! Shipping for January 2022.

I'm sure these may stay for a little while after the release, but you never know. These grinders are highly rated in the coffee snob scenery, for their price tag, using 63mm Mazzer burrs

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closed Comments

  • -6

    At that price you might as well buy local and get a commercial grinder like a Mazzer.

    • +1

      Don't know why you were negged, I know quite a few ppl who own Mazzers (sadly out of my price bracket).

      • +5

        These are more suitable for single dose than commercial mazzer. I've got a mazzer, can't justify the upgrade to a niche, but it is an upgrade.

      • +3

        Don't know why you were negged

        I am one of the seven people (to date) who have negged it as a derpy comment. Two very different machines and value propositions.

        It's like saying "At that price ($55K) for a 2021 Nissan Navara ST D23 Manual Dual Cab you can get a 2021 Ford Mustang High Performance FN Manual RWD"

        EDIT: Why doesn't OzBargain offer transparency around -ve vote history?

    • +7

      Mazzer do not make a single dose grinder and even if you mod something like a Mazzer Mini or Mazzer Royal you still do not get the zero grind retention feature.

      There is a reason why some commercial brew bars have one or more Niche Zero grinders in their workflow.

    • +1

      Sammyboy as probably not tried single dosing with a mazzer

      • I have a Mazzer mini. It's a little tricky but you get used it in the end. Although I always do a double I guess… It's been going strong for over 10 years too.

    • +4

      These are targeted for home users, single dose, no/low retention (0.1-0.2g retention), small size machines. I'll stick with the niche thanks

    • It's single dose, low retention conical burr grinder. Its a good deal for the price, and very much in the same prosumer bracket quality wise as Mazzer, Eureka, Rocket etc. In fact it uses a Mazzer Kony burrset. I'd be comparing this one with a Eureka Mignon Specialita, modded for single dosing (or the Eureka single doser when that comes out).

    • +1

      Retention is a lot more with mazzer. Niche is low retention.

  • Should I tilt my Eureka Mignon 15 degrees, or should I go Niche?

    • +1

      Depends what you want out of it. Do you want to spend the extra money for a Niche? Are you happy with the current work flow of the Eureka? Do you want to stay with flat burrs or change to conical? ( some have preference and also can find flavour differences) the niche will be lower retention, easier to dial in shots in you're switching from espresso to different brew methods, the size of the unit will be smaller than a eureka. It will be slower as the rpm of the niche is low. Have a quick YouTube/google search of the comparisons between the Mignon and the niche as I believe there are a few to help you out. Or check out coffeesnobs forum as alot of people discuss this
      Hope this helps!

    • +1

      I love my niche, but personally I'm not sure I would bother upgrading if I had a mignon already. The other thing to consider would be that you'd be moving from flat to conical burrs, which means a slight reduction in clarity and an increase in body/roundness. Might be worth finding somewhere you can play with one or taste the results.

  • AUS plug not stock.

    • It most definitely is in stock. I have just checked at 0742 and both black and white are both in stock, not sold out

      • +1

        OP: eloque was commenting about your confusing Title "AUS Stock".

        They said nothing about available stock levels - that you misread & responded to.

        It's just an "AUS PLUG" - which should be what the Title shows.

        Title confused me until I read "CLARIFICATION" (just added) in Deal Description:
        "aus stock meaning Aus plug model… Doesn't mean stock is IN Australia"

        There would be no need for that added long explanation of a plug, if made clear in Title!

        Simply change Title from "AUS Stock" to "AUS Plug".
        Otherwise Mods will have to do it.

        • +1

          Will change it, I read their comment as aus plug not stock as in aus plug is not in stock, easy to be confused

          • +1

            @Discoaus: Good - changed already. A much clearer Deal! Have an upvote!

            People should now be reassured that it is ready to use here - with a AUS plug.

            Common use here of "AUS Stock", is stock is available in Australia. Which made UK price, added customs checks & GST hard to understand.

            When we write things, we dont see any confusion. We know what we mean. But others don't have your insight of what you meant.
            We all do that ;-)

            Experienced Posters like TA have run Deals past me - working out how to precisely word great Deals. But I can stuff up when writing my own!

  • -3

    Who could be bothered transferring your beans in per grind?

    • +13

      Me. Any other questions, just ask.

    • +6

      I do. I weigh per shot and grind

      • +1

        Same. :-)

        Acaia Lunar scales FTW

        • +2

          Yep, acaia lunar for me also! Great bit of kit

          • @Discoaus: Ours are now a little bit sad (read: dented) after the wife dropped them on the tiled kitchen floor. My heart sank when it happened as I did not feel like shelling-out $$$ for a replacement. Incredibly, the display did not break and the scales still pass a manual calibration test.

            • @[Deactivated]: Impressive, sad but impressive. As long as they calibrate properly then definitrly don't see any issues

    • +2

      Honestly its a very smooth workflow.. easier than weighing your grounds out of the grinder.

  • +6

    In my home espresso journey, the Niche Zero is the 9th or 10th grinder I've owned and, without a doubt, my favourite. Great piece of kit and my only complaint is the grind speed but, on the flipside, no grind retention and fluffy, cool grinds.

    • For context, what were your previous 8 or 9?

      • +7

        Oh boy…will see if I can do them in order

        • Some random Kenwood burr grinder (model unknown)
        • Rancilio Rocky Doserless
        • Mazzer Jolly
        • Breville BCG820
        • Lelit PL043
        • Bodum Bistro Burr <— Still have this as an emergency grinder :-)
        • Macap M4D
        • Baratza W270i
        • Niche Zero

        I feel like I'm missing one, but that will give you an idea.

        My brew preference is espresso, but I make siphon, pour-over and Aeropress/Deltapress in any given week.

        • Thats interesting list, can you also list your espresso machines? I am assuming you would have gone through multiple of them before settling on one? Thanks.

          • +5

            @[Deactivated]: I don't think I will ever settle until I own my grail machine (a Kees van der Western Speedster) but I'll likely need to go through a divorce before I own one of those.

            Current machine: La Marzocco GS3 MP
            Previous machine: Rocket Boxer 1GP

            Other machines I've owned over the years:
            * Some random (VERY cheap'n'nasty) Kenwood
            * Some random Sunbeam and Breville machines
            * Rancilio Silvia V1
            * Gaggia Classic
            * Rancilio Silvia V3 (PID-modded)
            * Vibiemme Domobar Junior

            I feel like there's at least one other, but I cannot remember what it was.

            • @[Deactivated]: Damn! You spent a lot on machines and grinders. One last question, which beans do you usually get? I am assuming after spending this much, you would be buying the best?

              • +2


                You spent a lot on machines and grinders.

                That's over the last 18-or-so years, remember? I'm not a regular drinker and I don't smoke. Video game collecting and coffee are my two vices.

                One last question, which beans do you usually get?

                Roasted: My favourite go-to for everyday espresso is "Flight Path" (blend) from Sydney coffee roaster 'Double Roasters'. I then mix things up with blends and SOs from Ona, Coffee Alchemy, Normcore and others.

                Green: I also do home roasting when I have time. I buy green beans in bulk from places life CoffeeSnobs, DiBartoli etc

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: Cool, I will give that blend a try. Thanks for sharing.

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: As always, let your tastebuds decide (not price per kg, packaging, SM influencer BS, marketing hype etc)

            • @[Deactivated]: Thats pretty impressive

        • Thank you, some good grinders in that list!

        • +1

          A solid list indeed. I've only had 3 in total and this will be my 4th on arrival.
          Sunbeam e0440
          Rancilio rocky doserless
          Baratza sette 270w

          • +2

            @Discoaus: Trust me: Once you are up and running with the Zero you will never go back to the W270i ;-)

            • @[Deactivated]: Oh I know I won't! I've been eagerly waiting. I've had my sette for around 2 years now, still works very well, it's just loud, and I want to get minimal retention, which the sette does, but overall when cleaning its no where near a niche. I cannot wait!

              • @Discoaus: I knew it was a solid grinder when I ordered it but it still surprised me when I first turned it on.. lovely bit of kit.

        • +1

          I've had
          - Ascaso I2 Mini
          - Breville BCG820
          - Baratza 270i

          Love the Baratza, but god it's loud. Can't decide if I should upgrade to either Eureka Mignon Specialita or Niche.

          • +4

            @Oldmate88: Depends on budget, and also use case scenario. If you want the lowest retention without altering things( buying a single dose hopper+ bellows and 15degree tilt for the specialita) then the niche is a better stock option. I still think the niche will be a better overall option with the mods as it has 63mm Mazzer conical burrs, some really good burrs on the market, whereas eureka have their own 55mm flat burrs, you can't replace these with other options as I believe the ssp and all that are 64mm flat burrs. Noise wise, the niche is a deeper sound than the specialita but both produce a similar dB reading. If you don't want to single dose or want to grind more than 50g at a time then the specialita is the better option. Form factor I believe the niche will be slightly smaller also, and definitrly lighter at the niche is around 4.4kg and the specialita is 7kg roughly. The specialita is around the $800 mark in aus or can get it overseas with an EU plug for under $600,so depends if you want to pay the extra or not

            • @Discoaus: Why would you need a 15deg tilt if you are using a bellows?

              Also, wouldn't one just buy a Eureka Oro for single dose instead of modding out a Specialita?

  • -1

    Now if this machine could have features like w270i, this would definitely be worth the price.

    • +2

      My W270i is now in landfill somewhere following a controller board failure (read: magic electrical smoke). I managed to get less than 12 months out of it as my daily driver.

      One thing that's easy to overlook is that while both the Niche and the Baratza will both give you near-perfect dosing, the Baratza retains close to 3g of grinds. That means, your next (say) 18.5g dose might contain >10% "old" grinds. This is not an issue in a single brew session, but introduces a really unhelpful variable when you come back after a few hours or the next morning - especially in humid home kitchen.

      • We make milk based drinks so its not really a problem. What matters is convinience of the w270i of measuring and dispensing (Yet to invest in one though).

      • +1

        I miss the auto dosing on the 270Wi, but they aren't the most well made machines. I had a gearbox failure in mine, so ultimately replaced it with a Specialita while waiting on the replacement parts.

        In saying that, Baratza's distributor are typically well stocked with parts, and in my experience very good to deal with - they sent me some parts at no cost even out of warranty.

        • +1

          Given the number of people that will discover this thread via Google search, that's a super helpful insight/perspective to have here. Cheers!

          Mine was a grey import unfortunately (no local distributor support) and the replacement parts - main board and motor - were close to $440 if I remember correctly.

    • +1

      It would be nice to have more features yes, but since this is targeted for single dosing, the fact that adding timed functions would be irrelevant/uneccesary as single dose is also weighed out on need base only. I do enjoy my sette 270w,but the noise it makes it's another level in comparison to basically any other grinder. It produces a very consistent grind for the price of the machine it's self though. Mine, how I currently use it retains around 0.1-0.2g from shot to shot. As to how much is retained in total if I were to clean it out and weigh it would be a different story. I'd have a guess at a few grams as the first few shots it tends to fill the gaps and need more beans until those gaps are filled

    • +2

      Niche is a single doser. All the features of W270i are useless on a single doser.

  • -4

    How come it’s a deal? Same price as always.

    • +4

      Not saying it's a deal, these machines go out of stock quickly, and there's a good reason they do. If you have a watch on a few YouTube reviews or Google reviews you will see why these are worth their pricing

      • -1

        I have one of these and they definitely worth the price. However, mere availability is not a bargain. This is ozbargain not ozstockwatchers

        • +1

          This is ozbargain not ozstockwatchers

          The 100+ XBox Series X and PS5 posts so far suggest otherwise.

    • +1

      these machines are the PS5 of coffee grinders. These have been in the market for a while yet Covid is making them hard to get, prices were through the roof in the beginning and still not accessible. You can buy them for $1.7k thereabouts here but elsewhere in the world stores are often sold out

      • Correct. Most tech and items that are imported are inflated price. Including the breville dual boilers that people enjoy buying as for their price is good. But they used to be like under $800,now it's hard to find them for under 1k anywhere. People pay the inflation otherwise they wouldn't get away with doing it

  • -5

    Not on special - however the Mahlkonig x54 can be bought for about $150-$200 more.

    Would much rather the performance and quality backed by Mahlkonig than this thing.

    Also the x54 looks about 20x better IMO.

    • +7

      For comparison to a X54, these are different to that as well. Yes the X54 may be cheaper, but it's also flat burss v conical, and the niche is aimed at doing a better job at espresso than the X54 is, the X54 is more of an all rounder machine. I weighed up a X54, as I was looking at niche, malkhonig, eureka, and for ease of use, cleaning, changing between brew methods, consistency, low retention the niche one. The X54 has been discussed as comparison to a niche or eureka, more than welcome to look it up and see the differences

    • +4

      Mahlkonig x54 is a great little machine but NOT single-dose and has up to 7g grind retention.

  • Why are you paying customs duty on Aus Stock?

    • Website says AUS model, not stock - they get sent from the UK.

      • Post has "AUS Stock"

        Thanks for clearing up.

    • Yep, website/company is based in the UK, they make uk, us, eu, au plug variants so no need for adapters when buying au model

  • +1

    Someone talk me out of buying this. Please, hurry!

    edit: would be upgrading from a Compak K3 Touch

    • +2

      I cannot talk you out of such things. I'm so excited for mine to come, so I wish you the best in deciding for or against it!

      • +2

        Rewatched James Hoffman's review and…. I pulled the trigger. Seems like a way better fit for my workflow and typical usage.

        Now time to abstain from OzB so my wallet can recover!!

        • +3

          God I hate ozb some days! But thought I'd be a kind soul to post this for other coffee officianados

  • Have tried to get this previously but was always sold out. Opted for the Heycafe H1 instead with the flat burrs. A bit more expensive than the niche but also highly recommend!

    • I looked at the haycafe! It's an ugly looking machine, not going to lie hahaha. I guess it'd grow on you? I did enjoy its adjustability, but the digital guage being to 1 decimal put me off slightly. As long as you're happy with it!

      • Haha it's a weird looking thing. But it actually grows on you. Got it in black. Love it now!

        • Black would have been my choice for sure! I went a black niche anyways

    • +2

      If I couldn't get a Niche, the H1 would be my next choice. Excellent performance, good on the grind retention and runs super-cool.

  • +1

    I've been trying to get my hands on one of these for months at a price that doesn't include a massive markup from local vendors. Very happy to see this alert this morning :)

    • +1

      Right!? I just missed the last pre-order that was posted on ozb, so I signed up and got this email and was stoked when it was in stoked quicker than I thought it would be

      • Hey OP, I have finally decided to bite the bullet and order the white one but it is now OOS :( Would you mind me asking how did you sign up for the alert when they are back in stock? Thanks!

  • +2

    I just bought an Eureka Specialita last month because Niche is oos 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • +1

      Oooof. The specialita is still a great machine for its price! I would be getting the 3d printed 15degree tilt platform for it and a Single dose bellow to improve its retention (though its low to start with). Check out Etsy

      • Didn't know about those platforms. Time to fire up the 3d printer!

  • So what does this do that my smart grinder doesn’t?

    • +5

      Grinds more consistently, grinds quieter, and makes a lot less mess. This grinder is able to produce a more consistent shot over and over again. Pre-weighing each shot is critical when it comes down to using double-walled baskets, as when you're aiming for a certain flavour profile or ratio, you need to be able to reproduce each shot exactly the same time after time. Though the smart grinder is good, it's aimed at a lower budget friendly market that isn't too concerned with being nitpicky. The niche is aimed at a higher end where some don't want to spent 1.5k+ for a machine that will produce the same result. The build quality will also be alot better in the niche being made of almost completely metal. I'm not doubting the smart grinder isn't great, but it isn't good. Once you do a little bit of research and digging on coffee grinders and it's importance to how your shot is, then you will understand alot more.

      This machine will allow you to put 20g of coffee in and give you 20g of coffee out without retaining much( 0.1-0.2g variance) you don't want stale or old grinds in your following shots as it will leave bitterness and flavours you don't want, also can result in Chanelling or a quicker shot

      I hope this helps. It's hard to explain things in a nutshell, but google and YouTube are great tools

      • Dont tell me you are gonna use dual wall basket with niche?

    • its a different class of product. larger burrset, heavier duty components. its much quieter and more solid. Will certainly have a much longer life. Will produce far more consistent, fluffier grounds which produces better, more consistent results from shot to shot. Has very fine, stepless grind adjustment instead of the clicky knob of the breville. This is sort of stuff makes a huge difference in the cup and is why people in the know will often spend more on a grinder than their coffee machine.

      Lastly it is a single-shot grinder so its built for precise workflow where you weight the beans going in and it is the weight of the grounds that comes out of the machine (give or take 0.1g). This allows you to lock in your brew ratio (weight of coffee out : weight of grounds in). There is also very minimal exchange (ie very little if any of the stale grounds left in the machine from previous shots make it into the current shot).

  • I'm currently using ECM S-Automatik 64. Will this be a better grinder? My grinder started to make a few clumps here and there but not too big of a deal. I was planning to replace its burr to SSP Red Speed 64mm.

    • What is your retention with it? When you dose 20g,do you get 20g or do you lose heaps? Do you find you're cleaning alot of stale coffee out when you clean your grinder? They look to have a retention issue. Grind speed shouldn't be a problem with 64mm burrs, but is the edge still sharp? You can test by running your fingernail on the edge and if it removes some layer of nail it's still sharp, and check for any knicks in the edges too. Do you single dose or do you fill your hopper? That's also a big factor

      • +1

        Ah thank you! I just fill the whole hopper. I'm too lazy to do single dose. If I do, I just do pour over with aeropress and my handy 1zpresso K pro…I'll test my 64mm burr and see.

    • +1

      You will be drinking stale coffee with a nice grinder if you fill up the hopper.

  • This vs the Eureka single dose?

    Just more so curious - I already have the Eureka Silenzio and am happy with it for the time being. But maybe one day I’ll jump towards either a Niche or the Eureka single dose so it’ll be good to know!

    • I'm not sure. I just watched both reviews. They both seem good. Price-wise, this would probably be cheaper than Eureka ($1,399 from Alternative Brewing). However, it is from the UK. You will have to deal with the UK for warranty purposes.

      Other than that, it would be Eureka is flat and Niche is conical! The taste preference would be slightly different!

      Overall, I think you can't go wrong with either!

    • +1

      I was weighing up the Mignon Oro single vs the niche. There are minimal reviews for the Oro as it's still in pre-order and has been delayed to be sent expected shipping was Nov, now Dec time. In terms of comparison, it's a 65mm flat burr vs 64mm conical, it's tiled and has a single dose bellow. Grind dial looks similar to the other eurekas which are notorious for being hard to change from espresso to filter or other methods as you don't have a 1-50 scale like the niche does. It'll be alot quicker in dosing 20g as the niche is rated at 1g/1sec whereas the Oro is 2.3-2.8g/1sec. They are both dosing cup supported only, seems they both hold about 45-50g at once. You get a chrome finish with the Oro whereas niche is white or black. Both have wood finishes. Weight wise, 4kg for niche vs 11kg for oro. If it's anything like the atom 65,itll have issues with grinds going into random places of the housing as they both have the same burr set. Honestly it's a hard comparison with no real world reviews on the oro

      Price wise:
      Niche uk: 1k aud
      Oro from Europe: $900-1k aud
      Niche au: 1.3k+
      Oro from au: 1.3-1.5k

      It was hard for me but because I single dose for espresso with the occasional cold brew in summer, the niche will be easier to change brew methods, and is tried and tested over the last few years with minimal issues from many users

      Goodluck in choosing though! Niche pre-order goes up every 1-3 months anyways, so might be worth waiting to see what the Oro turns out to be like

      • must say I'm also tempted by the Oro, the chrome variant looks absolutely gorgeous from the stock photos. Thank god it wasn't available back when I first bought the Niche

    • This is better than Eureka single dose. If you want to go for an Eureka go for the specialita for $600 and tilt mod it.

      • The burr set between spercialita and single dose are different. 55mm vs 65mm I think.

        • yes…you are right. so its basically a Mignon xl.

        • also conical vs flat. you can't really compare size of conical burrs with size of flat burrs as its not apples to apples.

      • Why would you say it is better? They definitrly have their differences, especially conical vs flat, but they are 65mm flat vs 64mm conical. There are minor differences

        • +1

          Flat vs conical is a matter of opinion. Apart from that, Niche is cheaper and lower retention than Eureka. Eureka comes with bellows. I personally dont like bellows as it introduces more fines. Shifting between grind sizes is easy with Niche.

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