• expired

[Prime] Free - League of Legend Prime Gaming Capsule (650 RP and Random 1350 RP Permanent Skin + More) @ Amazon Prime Gaming


Definitely one of the best prime gaming drops for LoL there has ever been

Comes with:

650 RP
1350 RP Skin Permanent
200 Orange Essence
5 Champion Shards
2 Series 1 Eternals shards
30 Day XP Boost

Should be available every month for the next 6 months

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Prime Gaming

closed Comments

  • +1

    Don't play but claimed lol

    Thanks OP!

    • -4

      Is it sellable?

      • +1

        random hackers selling a whole ass game from prime for 0.50cents

        don't bother

        • +1

          Cheers. Any idea why the hate? People do anything for a dollar round here…

          • +1

            @WhyAmICommenting: I don't think its sellable (I would have done that too).

            To redeem this, you need to link the riot account to Twitch, and Twitch to Riot.

            Not sure if I want to do that with a rando.

  • +1

    Haven't played in a long time, here's a reason to pick it back up. Thanks OP.

    • +1

      Try the URF mode.

  • I don't play but I know someone who does. Can I gift this by letting him sign in or something?

    • +3

      You would link his Riot account to your Amazon account. It details the steps in how to do so when claiming the item

  • +1

    can confirm it's a great deal lol

    • +1

      PM me. I dont play LoL so this would be wasted anyway

  • Thanks op

  • +9

    This game is one of the game with the nicest and most friendly community.

    • Can confirm, always been told bot dif and have had many a friendly chat messages pop up along the lines of 'đụ má mày' or similar

      Would someone be able to translate this lovely message for me?

  • +1

    INSANE! Love it!

  • claimed.

  • Anyone know what date they drop in each month?

    • +1

      I've been checking every day for my November one, the month is nearly over and still can't claim it yet.

      • This. Now its ticked over to December and the November tab is gone. Did we get jibbed a month?

  • Merged from [PC, Prime] Free - League of Legend Prime Capsule (650 RP, Random 1350 RP Permanent Skin + More) @ Amazon Prime Gaming

    Similar to their Prime deal last time

    650 RP
    1350 RP Skin Permanent
    200 Orange Essence
    5 Champion Shards
    2 Series 1 Eternals shards
    30 Day XP Boost

    • +1

      Folks at Prime Gaming decided to remove Rise Of The Tomb Raider prematurely last month. Bastards!

      • It's a legitimately good game too, if you get the chance to pick it up I recommend it

    • How's that toxic cesspool looking these days?

      • I haven't noticed it as much as I've heard about it ..

        I don't pvp much since I'm more of a beginner and still learning, but I've met a number of nice people there playing bots.

        They recently took away "all chat" to reduce it, however I don't think it did much.

        • oh, yeah turning All chat on was the road to Toxic Garbage Island. Removing it altogether is a positive step.

          Once you're out of Bots tho … oof.

          • +3

            @Nalar: It is what it is but playing ARAM right now is actually fun.

        • They only took all chat away in Korea, its still very much here. I have noticed a reduction in AFKs though.
          The secret to removing toxicity is just muting people the first time they say anything. Usually the people who complain about it are the ones who try to argue back or let themselves get distracted by the 2 people going at it in team chat. Just no mercy it, one line and theyre muted. Easy.

          • @KatieInAus: I don't know HOW people are chatting and playing.

            I have a hard enough time staring at where to attack, when to dodge and remembering to look at my status to see when spells are up.

            95% of the time I don't see the chats .. when I do, it's usually at base. I end up pausing there for a while to reply (if necessary) so I mostly ignore.

            Pings on the other hand .. get annoying.

    • Was there a November one? It never seemed to appear

      • Yes there was .. it gave the same items

      • No there wasn't. I claimed my Oct one, then checked every day in Nov and nothing. The December one was available first day of the month.

        • I guess I claimed the October one cause my 30 day boost had just ended 2 days ago (and I didn't make enough use of it) .. and then THIS one appeared.

          Looks like I was mistaken after Lostn's explaination.

      • +1

        they renamed them. The one that is called December was previously called November, but since they were being given at the end of the month, they decided to just bump the name forward by a month. You didn't lose any capsules.

        Late october was called october, but got renamed to November.

        Late november (this one) got renamed to December.

        • Ahh .. thank you. I didn't notice that .. my boost just ended 2 days before I saw this one so I assumed it was the "next" one.

    • is there anything for dota? i play both, but playing a lot of dota currently.

    • -1

      Just a question about prime in general. If I have already linked my mobile number to the prime gaming login (I haven't redeemed any prizes) would I still be able to use this number for more free trials? Accidently redeemed my prime membership today so I wont be able to receive next months league deal if I redeem this deal.

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