[Switch] Selected Mario Switch Games $54 ($48.60 with Everyday Rewards) + $4 Delivery ($0 C&C/ In-Store/ $65 Order) @ BIG W

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Hi all, some selected Mario-themed Switch games for $54 (or $48.60 with Everyday Rewards)1 at BIG W. Bit better than the $69-$79 RRP.

Believe this is today only for Mario day.

Games include:

On my phone with minimal battery so sorry for not providing links for each game. Will update later.

  1. To access the Everyday Rewards price at BIG W online, an Everyday Rewards account must be linked to the BIG W account, then input the coupon code at checkout. The coupon code can only be redeemed once. The Everyday Rewards account does not need to have an active Everyday Extra subscription.
    To access the Everyday Rewards price in-store at BIG W, you must scan an Everyday Rewards account with an active Everyday Extra subscription, then opt to redeem the monthly 10% discount when prompted at checkout. 

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  • +13

    March 10 = Mario

    • I didn't even realize it was Mar10 day!

    • +2

      So July 10 = Julio I guess

      • Get the stretch!

  • +2

    Officeworks stock a few of these titles, they havent dropped their prices yet so try there for a 5% price beat.

    Here's a link to the specials…

    • does ow pb everyday rewards?

      • -1

        You dishonour your username

      • No, they won't, I added this comment before the details of everyday rewards deal was added to the deal.

    • Since when did Officeworks start selling switch consoles and games?
      I never knew…

      • Roughly 1 year ago IIRC, seemed surprising for them to get into Switch games etc so close the to end of the consoles life cycle.
        Anyway, that's why I flagged it, lots of people don't know and it might help someone get a deal.

        • Thanks for the heads up. I would've no idea that Officeworks sells Switch games and consoles.
          Bummer that the majority of the Mario games they have available are the ones I've already bought >:(

          Not sure if you have experience buying games from them? Were there any problems like opened/used games?

          • @FrugalNotStingy: Yeah, they only have a limited/core range of games, haven't bought from them before, no. I've been seeing some info online that Nintendo are not shrink wrapping all their games anymore (some third party games are srill being wrapped). If this info is accurate, it makes it hard to know if you're getting a brand new game or a returned copy. Some games Ive bought from Amazon, EB Games and Big W have not been wrapped, but then some retailers remove the cartriges from the packs as well.

  • +2

    grabbed a copy of mario odyssey, cheers

    • Noting Nintendo pretty much always releases cracker first party titles, what’s the must play in this list? Odyssey?

      • +8

        For me it’s definitely Odyssey

      • +1

        Mario wonder and Mario 3D world also

      • +8

        Vs donkey Kong missed the mark, should have focused on puzzle play not platforming. Both platforming and puzzles were so incredibly easy it was unrewarding.

        Peach is probably a good game if you're 8. More style than substance.

        I'm about 5 hours into super Mario RPG and it's so bland I've stopped playing, which is rare for me. Brothership is almost universally panned as worse.

        Luigi's mansion could be incredible if only they'd put more enemies in and swap to twin stick style so you're fighting ghosts and not the controls (being forced to walk backwards on a straight line that was set by the direction you were first pointing when you pressed the suck button is just bad design). Everything but the controls is great.

        3d world once you realise that 80% of enemies you can just walk past, they truly don't matter.. it becomes unrewarding. And something about the 3d perspective and/or camera is off in terms of precision although that only matters on the last screen of the secret level where you get unfairly robbed every time. I really enjoyed Bowser's fury though.

        Paper Mario for some reason works so much better than Mario RPG, that's a good pickup.

        Mario kart 8 is great but soiled by not having options and transparency. Transparency means telling me up front what my car stats will be, not leaving me guessing. Options means beyond able to turn off weapons and catch up (I just love speed, I just want to race without having the game tamper with me) or being able to choose to bring the karts back to light/normal/heavy so you can look however you want without it impacting the game.

        Honestly Nintendo is far from faultless. Just people don't think critically because of nostalgia talking. The only Nintendo game in recent years that has blown me away as if it had no faults at all was actually Kirby.

        Odyssey didn't really have any faults, but I didn't love it like Kirby for some reason.

        I know I'm going to get negged despite having a valid opinion. That's fine.

        • I agree with everything you said.

        • Thanks for review. Need to get my hands on Kirby then :)

        • Re: Car stats in Mario Kart…

          You know you can press +/- to view the detailed stats of the karts, tyres and aerofoils on the vehicle select screen, yeah? (If that's what you're talking about).

          In terms of being able to turn off catchup, the catch up mechanic of Mario Kart has been present since the very first version, and in every version since. If you accept the premise of the game as being a fun Kart racer, where unexpected things can happen and players of various skill levels can be competitive with each other, then you should have a good time. It allows a much wider range of players to have fun racing together. If you want a more serious, purely skills based racer, Mario Kart is not going to be it. IMO

          • @A 1: I didn't know about the +. Cheers

            The catch up makes sense, I am just want to be and to turn it off. I want to fang it around the track and be miles ahead without being unfairly sabotaged by blue shells. Either solo play or super competitive online

            • @justtoreply: Yeah, thats fair.

              At least in MK8 tyere are a couple of counters against the blue shell e.g. the star and the super horn ;-)

  • Mario vs DK, Brothership, Peach or Luigi's Mansion 2?

    I have played or at least, own the rest.

    • +2

      Haven't tried Mario vs DK demo. Peach demo was garbage IMO.

      I'd go for Brothership, just to switch it up a bit.

    • Read up. Only LM2 and only if you can tolerate the controls. Brothership has been panned by all and Peach is really just too simple. DK is not rewarding.

      However I can recommend buying from EB and using the return policy for DK and Peach because they are short. That's what I did because I was wary of their faults. I still felt ripped off (of my time) which isn't a good sign

    • Brothership was extremely average

    • Peach is 100% for ages 7-10. It's still cool but its short.

  • Waiting for Aces to drop to $39.95 again

    • +1

      Love Aces!

      Not enough people play online unfortunately, so hard to get a game.

    • Anyone got a current list of games that can be traded in for this?

    • *trade 3, get 2 for free.

      • Ah crap, my bad

  • Just keep getting "unable to add to cart"

  • V1 switch entered the chat.

  • +1

    Any Mario game is there 3~4 people can play together?

    • +4

      Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
      Super Mario Bros. Wonder

    • +4

      Mario 3D World is a great coop option, as is Mario Kart and Wonder. All support at up to 4 player coop.

  • +1

    Just picked up Mario Kart

  • +1

    Thanks OP, finally decided to pick up a copy of Wonder now.

  • +1

    Thanks, picked up the rest of the Mario Games that was missing from my library.

  • thanks op. 5 games purchased today.

  • +1

    Amazon is price matching Mario & Luigi: Brothership, the rest don't seem available. The Big W deal is better simply due to the fact i get rewards points and can use AMEX to get even more points. Make sure you boost for x7 Big W Everyday rewards points using the Rewards app.

  • Games!

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