[PC,GOG] Wing Commander 1+2, 3: Heart of The Tiger, 4: The Price of Freedom, 5: Prophecy Gold Edition $2.29 Each (DRM Free)@ GOG


If there's one game franchise that needs a remake, I reckon it's Wing Commander. Bring Mark Hamill, Malcolm McDowell,Tom Wilson and the others back!

Wooh! More kitty litter, I'm hot today

Thanks to GOG for keeping these game alive for many years to come. And EA for letting GOG do their work on their game. Yes I know it is cool to hate on the big company but got to give them credit for allowing GOG to continue to do their preservation work unlike a certain other company and what happened with Warcraft 1 and 2.

Wing Commander 1+2: https://www.gog.com/en/game/wing_commander_1_2
Wing Commander 3 Heart of the Tiger: https://www.gog.com/en/game/wing_commander_3_heart_of_the_ti…
Wing Commander 4 The Price of Freedom: https://www.gog.com/en/game/wing_commander_4_the_price_of_fr…
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition: https://www.gog.com/en/game/wing_commander_5_prophecy

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  • +3

    I loved these games. I'd also really like a remake.

  • +1

    Definitely the most played games of my childhood. Remake would be epic.

  • -5


  • Anyone want to donate their time to make it happen?

  • +11

    Never played this game but man this review wants me to:

    The game that saved my life as a teenager.

    September 16, 2011 Verified owner

    I know that headline is ridiculously, overly, absurdly, stupidly, obnoxiously melodramatic (like this run on sentence), but it is true.

    Maybe this "REVIEW" is more about the nostalgia of being 14 locked away in my dimly lit star base (ppl would call it a messy bedroom), spending an entire weekend and into the early hours of the morning, saving the galaxy, hooking up with a girl, making friends and following my own little video game version of "Star Wars".

    Dad was down stairs drinking as usual, mom didn't care, I was a nerd, a geek and all I cared about was that my 486/DX 2 66mhz processor that I saved up for could handle this masterpiece of a game.

    I'd run upstairs after school looking at that big beautiful box, I'd tear it open and start the install process that took a VERY looooong time! I was impatient, I paced and I skipped dinner, and when those opening credits began those super blurry pixelated fmv gfx looked like 1080p HD graphics of the future. Dad would stumble up the stairs drunk yelling at the world, mom would be crying, I had no one to call..to save me except THAT HEART OF THE TIGER..>>>>ME!!!

    I'd hush the speakers so no one knew I was up and I wouldn't get yelled at by the drunk old man….he's asleep YES! Back to the fight!

    It was my escapism, it was a truly epic story that I really felt a part of, I MADE CHOICES!!! My choices had an effect on the outcome of certain situations, it's an RPG, ADVENTURE , flight sim all wrapped up in one(u can even see how mass effect took ideas from wing commanders 3/4).

    I'm going to download this tonight and put it back in after 17 year (wow), and I know it won't be the same, nothing old ever is and nostalgia does cloud the mind. But I think this weekend an old friend is gonna say to me "kid get in that cockpit and lets have an adventure!" and for a brief moment my ADULT problems will disappear just as those teenage ones did so many years ago.

    Thank you wing commander!

    • +1

      Nice write up. This was the original deus ex for me. Back when i could live off 3 hours of sleep and stayed up till 4am gaming everyday.

  • Prophecy is my favourite game of all. Haven’t played it in a couple of decades but I reckon I could still recite the dialogue in each scene.

  • As a 90s Blizzard fan who hasn’t kept up, what’s the issue with Warcraft 1 and 2 - thought both were on GOG ?

  • +1

    Prophecy is so good, I still have the discs and box at my parents house after all these years.

    Miss that era of cinematic space opera style games. Wing commander, free space, freelancer, X-Wing all had compelling stories, a variety of ships and weapons, and felt like you really were a combat pilot in a sci-fi movie. I think the closest we've had recently to that time was star wars squadrons.

  • +2

    One of the most memorable games I played in my teens, after the family computer got an upgrade to a 386 with a VGA monitor and Sound blaster.

    • Origin Systems at the time really lived up to their motto "We Create Worlds". The amount of effort they took in crafting the backstory, characters, artwork, books for each game universe: Wing Comm, Strike Commander, Crusader …. unreal! In WC3+4 each wingman even had their own voice responses and photos.

      Friendly fire in a COD game: a lame text message 'FF will not be tolerated!', game ends.
      Friendly fire in Wing Commander 2: your teammates and nearby capital ships all started turning on you and blasting your craft to atoms, rofl.

  • +1

    I loved these games. I still remember firing up Wing Commander on my 386. Thinking of firing it up on AO486

  • +1

    "isn't that the guy from star wars?"
    Never played a Wing Commander game but always remember the blooper reel for WC3

  • I still have the original schematics of the ships from WC1. Could never get past the third mission as a 6 yo kid. Not sure how this game will look on a 4k screen lol. It was super pixelated back then..

  • Wait no I'm wrong, they're all still alive. Nice.

  • So good

  • btw if you want a the closest modern version i could find check out Everspace 2.

  • +2

    WIng commander 4, one of the top 5 games ever made IMHO. Was an immersive experience.
    Time to go back and dust off my joystick.

  • +1

    Help him out …

    Straighten him out …

    Help him out …

    Straighten him out …

  • +2

    Finally my Ozbargain userid is relevant! :D

    Obviously I loved this series, it's been a while since I've done a playthrough, maybe it's time…

    I still remember trying to play WC3 on my old PC and having to make all these changes to the autoexec.bat and config.sys just to get it to load, and each mission would take up to 20-30min to launch (not exaggerating!)… but the game was so good I didn't care. I played through WC3 heaps of times to try and see what making different decisions would do… where I'd be taken if I failed certailn missions… it was really a revolutionary franchise.

    • I remember those load times! I can't remember if I still had my 486 at that point or if we had upgraded to a Pentium, but yeah, 30 minute load times for missions. I can't believe the stuff we put up with as kids.

  • +3

    Bought WC2 + speech pack and an obscenely priced Sound Blaster Pro. The intro alone made it all worth it.

    • same lol. I remember putting my sound blaster on lay buy at myers for 6 weeks so I could afford it.

  • I could never play WCP because my computer didn't have a graphics card =\

  • I loved these back in the day. A proper remake with modern tech and VR support would be pretty cool.

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