Bumped onto this deal by accident! Not sure if it's local to Wollies Coolum Beach QLD or not, but worth checking out as these only come around about twice a year! Not many left of the blue Lavazza left when I went there. Check the expiry date though, saw one of the black Lavazza's had expiry of 2011. The price was for both black, blue and gold Lavazz.
LAVAZZA Half Price $15.57 at Woolworths!

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Cue coffee snob posts re quality of coffee, roasted months ago, may as well brew dirt and drink that, blah blah blah…
hey - if you want to drink old, stale coffee that was roasted months ago, that's fine with me
I'd rather brew dirt and drink that…
I was going to come post here to say super market coffee is sh!t but you guys beat me to it haha!
Coffee Snob ;)
may as well brew dirt and drink that
There should be a blind test for those coffee snob.
Ever heard of a news story couple years ago that many 'professional' wine testers failed on blind tests?
Choice magazine did a blind testing of pre-ground supermarket coffee a few years back.
Lavazza and Vittoria rated poorly, and Woolworths Select Espresso Ground Coffee was the "best buy".http://www.choice.com.au/reviews-and-tests/food-and-health/f…
Yeah coffee snobs should just grow and roast their own beans instead of complaining.
we are not snobs, we just don't want to waste money buying shit coffee
Lavazza is poor quality, roasted months ago… may as well brew dirt and drink that!
Think you'll find the Lavazza brand is regarded by millions of Italians as only 2nd to the 'Illy' brand
Dont think Italians (unlike Americans) are known to make bad coffeedo the Italians get theirs roasted up to a year ago from a supermarket?
Have the Italians actually tried brewing dirt and drinking it? Sounds like it's growing in popularity?
How long have your 'fresh' beans been sitting in hessian sacks at the bottom of a ship's salty hull before being delivered to your ritzy local roaster's coffee emporium!? ;-)
Todger wins!
un-roasted (green) beans are good for 3 years - it's a bs comparison
LOL. I've found Harris Columbian to be a really good middle ground.
a) They obviously use good beans
b) It's roasted and packed in Australia so will be significantly more fresh than stuff packed and shipped in containers from Europe.
c) Supermarket priced and frequently on sale.I've shifted to these beans from Tobys and have not found the degradation to be significant (although the snobs will point out that's probably because I'm doing everything else wrong too)
Lavazza tastes like the strainings of the devils undies.
How do you know? Do you have access to devil's undies? :)
is it wrong to be a little excited at the moment?
Oh no, I'm in that part of ozbargain again.
So you like it?
No accounting for personal 'taste'
Some peeps will pay an high premium for beans gleaned from a Civet cat's POOP! O.o
when I first read the title, I thought it said 'lollies' lol
didn't know coffee 'expired'
might go stale (actually is already stale) with a best before date…..but not expire
just saying
It would be a best or use before date, not an expiry date, so you are right.
"these only come around about twice a year"
Yep… twice a year, just before a bulk shipment of fresh [1] stock is due to land. They drop the price to clear out the old stock before the new arrives.
Current stocks are about as stale as you're ever going to find Lavazza in a supermarket.
There are worse coffees out there than freshly ground stale Lavazza beans. Especially if you're dripping or pressing it - freshness isn't as critical as when pouring espresso. But fresher is always going to be better.
[1] at least, as fresh as you're going to get coffee that was roasted on the other side of the world and sea-freighted in bulk…I can confirm this special is available in the ACT aswell :)
The best thing you can do if you're going to buy this is check the 'best before' date.
Yep… twice a year, just before a bulk shipment of fresh [1] stock is due to land. They drop the price to clear out the old stock before the new arrives.
It would not surprise me if there was at least a grain of truth in that. We buy vittoria (prefer it over lavazza by a long shot) ….. so shoot me! lol Anyway, back to the point - I have noticed that when it's on special at Woolies in particular, the stock on the shelves tends to be not too far off the best date ….usually with 2 or 3 months or less. On one occasion the best before date had already passed. Vittoria informed me that their coffee has a shelf life of a couple of years, so this stuff had obviously been in a warehouse somewhere for a loooong time.
when it's on special at Woolies in particular, the stock on the shelves tends to be not too far off the best date ….usually with 2 or 3 months or less.
I just bought some. "Best before 30/09/2013". I think I might let mine cellar a few more years though, to bring out the subtler aromas, with a hint of vanilla and aroma and of lost childhood at the seaside.
Call me crazy but for $16 a kilo I don't mind the mild roast. I keep the beans in the freezer and grind just before making a coffee. I use it when I run out of the good stuff which happens more than it should because of my (lack) of organisational skills in keeping the good stuff stocked up!
to add insult to injury, woolies are going the coles way - genuine specials are nowadays running out far too early . which means they are more to increase the foot traffic than anything else.
genuine specials are nowadays running out far too early
If the shelves are stripped bare in the normal place, look around or ask staff where the aisle-end display is. It might be at the other end of the shop.
I'd rather brew my own dirt months ago and drink that. Oh wait
yuck rather drink nescafe instant
yuck rather drink nescafe instant
I have my Blend 43 flown in from Switzerland, so I know it is fresh.
Hungry Jack's coffee is clearly superior.
Not sure about HJ but Maccas coffee is toilet water. Back on topic.
Maccas coffee is toilet water.
I though their coffee was the best thing about Maccas.
Even if it was toilet water, the coffee would still be the best thing (least worst thing) about Maccas.
Maccas coffee isn't all that bad. Sure, it's not that good either, but acceptable.
The one thing Maccas have going for them - across the board - is consistency. The food is consistently awful (and awful in the same way, every time, everywhere), the coffee is consistently acceptable.
When you're passing through a country town that you don't know, at least you know the Maccas coffee will be drinkable. An independent cafe could go either way… in my experience, unfortunately, you're more likely to get bad than good coffee at a small town cafe.
Always good to support independents who do the right thing, but sometimes it's not worth the time or the likelihood of disappointment.
is this the same as already posted in the weekly specials? i can't see the photo well and the title and description here does not say what is the size for $15.57?
http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/65525I just cracked open a bag of Lavazza and pulled a shot.
It lacked taste, was slightly acidic and had no depth in flavour. Pretty disappointing actually. Won't be trying this again.
Is this better than Harris Columbian? That is the nicest I have found so far.