• expired

Belong Premium nbn (95Mbps) $85/Month for The First 12 Months (Save $5/Month) for New/Upgrading FTTP/C & HFC Customers @ Belong


Received this offer from Belong today :- Get our fastest internet plan today
Unlimited data with Premium speeds only for $85/mth for your first 12 mths.
Use the promo code PREMFIVE at checkout online.
Offer ends 10.11.21.
This plan is only available at addresses connected with HFC, FTTP/C.

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (290)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • What's their up speed?

    • +2

      20Mbps up.

      • +3

        Thanks. Unequal speeds is crap…

    • +10

      Those familiar with NBN wholesale pricing know this will be 20Mbps but it's really annoying how they do everything possible to hide the upload speed

      You can check everything and it's nowhere:

      Critical Information Summary (PDF)
      Key Facts Sheet (PDF)
      Read about nbn speeds (PDF)
      More Info on Pricing and Speed

      I'd like to see the ACCC force them to at least mention it in the fine print

      • Ta. So this is an industry-wide limit now…? Anyway to get faster up without totally breaking the bank?.. Does it mean business plans?

        • +1

          Many providers are no longer offering 100/40, but it's still an option for residential with some. Aussie still have it in their "build you own" plans but they don't exactly market it. Costs an extra $10 so $109 instead of $99.

        • +3

          nbn wholesale the 100/20 and 100/40 AVC. An ISP can offer both if they want but most don't. Mate, Future BB, Aussie BB, Launtel and Superloop sell 100/20 and 100/40.

  • How do I go about securing this for an existing customer?

  • +8

    Can't see any bargains here. Lol 😆

  • am i missing something here - I'm on Belong on their weird 50/20 plan that's soft capped at 36 down, for $55 a month. been happy with it but wouldnt mind going up to 100. but their offer is more expensive than mate ($79 per month) and probably not much better?

    if only it was a price matching mate communicate i'd switch over to it!

    EDIT - ah looks like their $55 plan isn't even available anymore…

    • +1

      Yeah, it's hard capped at 25/5 now.
      I was eyeing off their soft cap plan as my shitty FttN max line speed is only 30/8. Not worth paying extra for 50/20.
      Once my Telstra COVID plan expires, I will likely go to a provider doing 25/10 plans, Future broadband is top of my list at the moment.

  • Existing customers need to log-in to their Belong account , & apply for the upgrade . New customers get onto the Belong website , check your address & go through new Belong application . Personally I am happy with mid-tear 50/20 option (always 53/19) which meets my meagre streaming (non-gaming) needs , & pay only $65per/mth on a 12 month contract .

  • +1

    Belong… what a nightmare! They used to offer phone support and it was like talking to a wall..very infuriating. Then they removed phone support… i switched.

  • FYI - Have just chatted to Belong . At the end of my 12 month contract , my agreement will change to pay by the month , & rise by $5 , to $65 per month . Not an unhappy Belong customer , but their time might be at an end , depending on deals of the day .

  • PS - Should read - rise to $70 per month

    • That's a lot of pennies!

  • +1

    Non existent customer service. Mate only $79 and if I want sim with 10gb only $10 extra a month.

  • +1

    Although owned by Telstra, their peak evening speeds are absolutely shocking, would never use them again.
    Pointless having a good NBN connection if your Internet Provider can't fill the pipe.

  • Meh…Next!

  • Not even a bargain.

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