Hi all,
Techfast has updated their GPU stock. Prices becoming increasing uncompetitive though…
Hi all,
Techfast has updated their GPU stock. Prices becoming increasing uncompetitive though…
you linked prebuilts not GPU's
You have to click the Components tab, as the URL isn't working correctly.
Indeed prices are increasing!
good for minecraft?
No, you need to spend over 2k for minecraft…
waiting for 999 6700xt
Just got one 2nd had with warranty under 950
I always assumed 2nd hand CPU's were silicon lottery losers..
Temped to cancel the RX 6800 XT Red Devil that I placed with PCCG n get the rtx 3080 instead
I wouldn't personally, 3080 doesn't have enough vram and it's already starting to show with far cry 6 HD texture pack that require 11gb vram, There is also rumors of a 12gb vram 3080 too.
watch the start of this far cry 6 video showing how it runs with HD texures on the 3080 haha
Thanks. After seeing this video https://youtu.be/QwfAbGo9OJw from der8auer, I think I'll keep my order.
careful - plenty of nvidia fanboys here that will tell you far cry can run no prob with 3070 but yeah 8-10 gigs or vram is a joke , a good joke nvidia played on its customers to milk the $$ - as per their 3080 ti correction that was double the cash with minimal fps boost
this video is so suspicious. Drop to 4fps for few seconds when memory is full? unless the game is poorly written.
idk if thats an one off issue or not but the first part that's in 1440p where things are low quality can be seen in other videos from other people.
Go to exactly 21:07 the map texture is extremely low quality.
@Axelstrife: In the first video, when the 3080 was running at 4FPS, the GPU temperature was abnormally low. You can see the GPU temp was much higher in the rest of the video.
anyway, I always think HD texture is just a gimmick. Just like the ultra vs high settings, you usually can't tell the difference unless you stop and look really close.
the GPU has been advancing much faster than software. My conspiracy theory is Nvidia/AMD is pushing developer to create some fancy videos settings (e.g. HD pack and RTX) to shorten the upgrade cycle so that they can sell more cards. Otherwise, everyone is still happy with their 1060/2070
Does RTX look better? yes. Is it a must have? I don't think so. Traditional light map is very good 90% of time and doesn't halve the FPS
@spad: yep. got RTX card primarily to try ray tracing out, turned it on, played maybe 2 minutes, turned it off and left it that way (Control)
yeah it kinda looks cool, but almost distracting from what's going on. do I really appreciate the accuracy of reflection when there are 7 NPC shooting at me
@shabaka: What monitor do you have because RTX turned on while playing Control on my OLED looked great
@shabaka: RTX simply turns all windows and puddles to be highly reflective which is very unrealistic.
Windows used by shops and car windscreens are low reflective glass which come with coatings. You won't see such a sharp clear reflection like Watch Dog.
DLSS + better ray tracing perf. > 16GB VRAM.
10GB is cutting it a little fine on the high end, but you'll be paying much more than this to get more from NVIDIA.
DLSS is only in select games and ray tracing barely noticeable in modern titles. Call of duty, far cry 6 and battlefield 2042 - ray tracing is meh.
The 6800 xt beats the 3080 in performance and has more vram. It’s also the same architecture that is in the next gen consoles - so game developers are working with that hardware day in, day out - so performance will only improve.
DLSS and ray tracing is not a reason to sell a video card. Does the 6800 xt beat the 3080 in fps in the vast majority of games? Yes.
'It’s also the same architecture that is in the next gen consoles - so game developers are working with that hardware day in, day out - so performance will only improve.'
That's what they said about last gen too, just before AMD got buried for almost 4 years. The 3080 will run out of performance long before it does VRAM
DLSS and ray tracing is not a reason to sell a video card.
Buying a high end video card without decent ray tracing performance is like buying a GPU without proper transform and lighting performance last decade.
Do amd drivers still suck?
@[Deactivated]: I’ve had a 3080 and now a 6900 xt. Amd drivers smash nvidia now - so many better features
6800xt is the poor man 3080
I hope Intel GPU is going to be good, I will be supporting them, bloody AMD and Nvidia has been milking as for far too long.
Nvidia said to their AIB that they will be shipping less GPU in Q4 2021 to keep the price high.
Just go streaming service ;-)
Intel GPU needs to be bad for crypto mining and will Intel price it properly? Tech toys are getting more and more expensive.
With Raja on the team, no way will they be compute light.
Not surprising. If miners ended up buy Intel GPUs like crazy, I wonder what will happen to Intel share price….
They already said they won't limit mining on their cards.. why are people expecting a massive corporation to be a saviour for consumers. It's gonna be priced the same as current GPUs
Because they need to enter an established market and it's one way to make a dent
@Grafos18: I agree, it would be a pretty smart move if they have enough fab time. It would certainly earn them no small amount of consumer goodwill even if they only moderately undercut current prices. Time for Intel to swoop in and establish themselves the saviour of the oppressed gamers
We know nVidia is shrewd, but expecting Intel to be the new white knight? Really? PC CPUs are getting beat down by Apple M1, M1 Pro, M1 Max and those are laptop CPUs. All the 14nm++++++…. over the years, intel just keep milking customers.
@netsurfer: I'm pretty sure Intel want to get lower fabrication processes but are failing at it. I don't think Intel executives are all high fiving at losing market share.
Nah you still have the scalpers to contend with.
Sadly not just miners causing this issue. We now have bots buying up stock to reseller who pump up the price too. Its like a perfect supply chain issue to keep prices alarming high 😒
6600 price is good!
It's not an XT, so technically it's bad
Do you have a link to a cheaper one that is in stock?
still better than $699 most shops charging now.
My estimation for stablized price:
6600 : $800
3060 : $900
6600xt $1000
3060ti $1100
6700xt $1200
3070 $1600
6800 $1600
6800xt $1800
After delivery costs, the price of the 3060 comes to
Total: $954.99 each (there's a $45.48 fee for order handling and processing ontop of the delivery fee).
Don't use zip and the processing fee will go away =)
Ah ok, I'll pay by debit card then. Didn't know they charged on that.
Any 6900XT ?
No the 1070 doesn't trade blows with a 3060. The 3060 is a league ahead.
It's more like a 35% performance increase.
Even if it was only a 20% performance increase - that is still the difference between a 1060 and a 1070, or a 1070 and 1080. That is not exactly 'trading blows'.
I have a 1080 that is pretty much on par with 3060, perhaps even slightly better (not considering DLSS/ray tracing). Paid 899 in 2016, haha.
huge cope
Need some advice. Should i go for 6900xt or 3080, dont use raytracing or dlss. Mainly for 1440p gaming.
Would like 3080ti but no deals popping up for that
If both are the same price then 6900XT every day. Especially if you're lucky enough to snag something like the Gaming Z Trio for ~ $2k.
Was about to buy one of these used for 1950 but got snatched up by someone else. Would a merc be ok as well?
yep merc is great
I don't understand this "don't use dlss" comment.
Why would you NOT use it if it was available?
It's literally a free 20+ fps boost on most games, without any noticeable visual difference.
He probably does not play dlss titles
6900xt is definitely the 1440p raster card to get
6900xt for sure. The 6800xt is a more powerful card than the 3080 at 1440p and 4K, let alone the 6900xt.
Still too high for me
waiting for 3050 for $1000
Seeing these eye-watering prices makes me glad that I scored my 6700xt for $1049 a couple months ago.
I also got 6700xt for around 850 in an eBay sale a few months ago.
I wish cryptocurrencies were optimised for being mined on soundcards…
LOL, how awesome would that be.
Especially if you had to run audio at the same time, All of a sudden you would have warehouses full of opera and youtube videos "35mhs @ Beethoven Symphony no.8 175watts"
good prices but bad resale value
Double what I'd pay but still good given current market conditions
very bad vendor with bad reputation and bad customer service. i don't think you should buy but buy it at your own risk.
Says who? Your mum?
Hi Luke
I haven't had a bad experience with them and I've bought 2 prebuilts and have had a warranty claim go through easily, also people on ozbargain have been recommending these guys for years, I think your just spreading misinformation.
They were fine for mates pc…
upvote from me.. my nephew's PC motherboard died and GPU had to be returned twice under warranty.
3060 performs about the same as the 2060s, right?
It's a bit faster; you probably wouldn't bother upgrading from 2060 to 3060, particularly in this market.
You may well be aware of this, but a 'rule of thumb" is that the cards in any generation perform around the same as their higher model counterpart in the previous generation. So 3060 performance is more on par with 2070 performance than with 2060 performance.
The rule is less accurate when looking across two generations—e.g., comparing a 3060 to a 1080, where the 3060 actually performs better.
you mean 2060 or 2060 super?
Apologies; I thought you mean 2060 plural… Yes, I think that's about right then re 2060 Super.
@s1Lence: Likewise. I regret not buying a 3080 soon after release. Let's just hope this all settles down sometime soon and I can replace my ageing 1080.
Sad, no love for 3070
When I google "MSI Mech 2X RX 6600 8GB Graphics Card" and compare prices for the top hits, they are all heaps more expensive at the moment. So I got to give +1 for lukefasttech at least being the only one of the mob to try to keep the price low considering the environment we're in. Respect.
oh my goodness. they have removed all the bad reviews but you definitely can't remove the productreview.com.au.
Terrible company to deal with
Ooo 3080 is still in stock…. a good sign. Remember guys, each weak hodler who gives in buys one at this price is one less demand. can't wait for intel to come in to play, nvidia can manipulate the market for now :P
Yes Intel the company known for it's pro consumer practices will save you from the evil AMD and NVIDIA. You people mang, honestly.
need evil to combat evil…..when they drop the bombs on each other, then consumer wins on the other side. I dun root for intel or Nvidia or AMD, more competition means less arrogance from nvidia = win for us. i welcome even apple with their M1 chip next :P
I got a Vega 56 at release for $560, 4 years ago. Now to get the equivalent card of this generation I have to spend 2 to 3x the price. It's now seemed to be nornalised and people seem okay with it, yet it still seems crazy to me.
Old man shakes fist at clouds
Price in title please.
Edit: OP updated, thanks!