This was posted 3 years 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] Free Entry for Double Vaccinated or Medically Exempt for a Limited Time @ Australian Museum


This is not really a deal for getting Vaccinated, in line with NSW Public Health Orders, and for the safety of everyone, please do not enter the Australian Museum (AM) if you or someone in your party:
does not have proof of double-dose vaccination or medical exemption ready to show AM staff on arrival

General admission is free!
Experience the revamped Australian Museum for free. Enjoy expanded galleries, more of our collection on display, transformed gathering spaces, a new shop, a second café, a renovated Members Lounge and updated amenities.

General admission to the Australian Museum is free for adults and children, for a limited time.

General admission includes entry to all permanent exhibitions as well as the UNSETTLED special exhibition. Please note Prehistoric Playground is currently closed during our initial reopening period.

We are open 10am - 5pm Monday to Sunday, except Christmas Day.

View our visitor map for locations of exhibitions, amenities and information about low, medium and high sensory areas across our galleries. The AM Visual Story has also been created for visitors on the autism spectrum and those with sensory sensitivities to prepare for their visit.

Visitor information
In line with NSW Public Health Orders, and for the safety of everyone, please do not enter the Australian Museum (AM) if you or someone in your party:
does not have proof of double-dose vaccination or medical exemption ready to show AM staff on arrival
is feeling unwell in any way
is experiencing flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, a sore throat or fatigue
has been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
has visited a known COVID-19 case location during the relevant time and have been instructed to get tested and self-isolate
is awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test or has returned a positive result
have come from overseas and is required by law to quarantine themselves.

Credit to Best Aussie Markdowns:…

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The Australian Museum
The Australian Museum

closed Comments

  • +7

    I'm confused. The last time I went it was free. That was only just before the lockdown.

    It shows as permanently free on the website.

    • +51

      Now it is free with conditions…

      Bargain !!!

      • +3

        End of thread

    • +11

      It was free for a short time after refurbishment after reopening in 2021 but prompty shut down again due to lockdown. I think they will return to $15 an adult in a few months.

      In 2020 before being closed for refurbishment:
      Australian Museum entry fee for adults is $15, for children of age group 0-4 and 5-15 it is free.

      • +24

        for children of age group 0-4 and 5-15 it is free.

        Bummer for kids aged 4.5….

    • +2

      Please read this line: "General admission to the Australian Museum is free for adults and children, for a limited time."

    • +2

      They are charging the unvaccinated.

    • Same, i've been twice in the past year

  • +1

    or Medically Exempt

    So they can catch covid ?

    • +14

      From the vaccinated…

      • -2

        From anyone carrying the virus…

        Yes, it could be a vaccinated person, but that is less likely.

          • +6

            @ldq: Sorry I only know good Pokemon Catching spots

          • +5


            I would go to catch it and become properly immune.

            Sounds to me you have no clue about how the immune system works…

            • -6

              @jv: Yeah I've heard they cancelled natural immunity, these days you can only become immune by consuming a government provisionally approved product of a multinational corporation.

              • +1

                @ldq: Truth. Neggers are sycophants.

                • +4

                  @Cirrus123: I believe the correct name is African Americans in present day.

                • @Cirrus123: What are your qualifications exactly? Disregarding everything you think you've learned on Facebook of course.

              • +15

                @ldq: The problem with natural immunity is, it is free.

                • @howdydoodee: And you might kill yourself and otherwise when trying to achieve it.

                • -2


                  The problem with natural immunity is

                  Is that is has a significantly higher chance of illness and death than the alternatives.

                  And the alternatives give your immunity system a heads-up on the virus.

                  You'd think natural immunity fans (as opposed to unnatural immunity???) would understand immunity 101 considering they are so educated.

                  • +3


                    Is that is has a significantly higher chance of illness and death than the alternatives.

                    Chances of dying is already close to zero for most people, worth the risk imo.

          • +25

            @ldq: "catch it and become properly immune"

            Yeah catch the virus so you don't catch the virus. Freakin genius move there.

            Go get vaccinated. And if you're unlucky enough to get covid despite being vaccinated, you can generate your "proper immunity" with a substantially lower risk of being hospitalised.

            • +3

              @DogGunn: Wrong. Catch it to gain a proper certifiable immunity instead of getting jabbed to claim a piss weak waning joke of immunity, risk all sorts of adverse effects, then still catch it, then be mandated to have a booster, then another.

              • +2

                @ldq: Wrong what? You haven't pointed out what part was wrong.

                P.S. you're more likely to get serious issues from COVID-19 than a serious adverse reaction from the virus.

              • +2

                @ldq: You have no idea of the effects of catching covid if you think it's that easy to get over it.
                Please do yourself a favour if you get covid don't get treated in a hospital.
                People with that mindset are not worth our time and effort.
                People like you just put burden on our healthcare system, and for what… my wife and I both work in health. My wife directly looking after covid patients specifically in hospital. She has seen so many patients die to covid. Some are parents to young children. And guess what they also didn't get vaccinated. The chance of someone dying while vaccinated was dramatically reduced and generally the comorbidities of the patient contributed to the overall outcome.
                The medical/nursing staff are being comprimised by wearing their full PPE affecting their oxygenation and health trying to look out for stubborn people like you.
                Like I said do yourself and all of us a favour if you get covid please don't seek help in a hospital.

                • +4

                  @maverickjohn: That is their reasoning as well for vaccinating children.
                  Because it stops them spreading it to the community.
                  Not because it is good for them . Or has benifits but for selfish adults who don't want to catch cooties.
                  People who are dying have 3 comorbidities.
                  Not 1 not 2 but 3. On average. And elderly and obese.
                  Meaning they have to be elderly, with cancer and heart disease and respiratory problems.
                  3 comorbidities means (to put it nicely) you're not going to survive the next winter anyway

                  • +5


                    That is their reasoning as well for vaccinating children.

                    Lol, like they would tell you anything else.

                    Because it stops them spreading it to the community.

                    Except that it doesn't

          • -2

            @ldq: The only logical statement here.

        • Or more likely with the amount of vaccinated people around.

          • +3


            Or more likely with the amount of vaccinated people around.

            Nope less likely.

            • @jv: More likely, lol.

              • +1

                @ozhunter: Duck season…..

                • +1

                  @SBOB: Rabbit season…..

                  • +4

                    @DJSmelly: Sheep season rather sheep following blindly to get a jab😆😆😆

              • +1


                More likely, lol.

                Maybe go to your local hospital tomorrow and wake up….

    • +1

      There were a lot of people whinging about COVID vaccination only deals, just wanted to show that this will accommodate the medically exempt too

      • -1

        So they need to bring along a doctor's certificate?

        • +1

          Yes they need to show the medical exemption to staff upon entry

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Does it include exemptions from this doctor?

            • +1


              There are people on the phone to me all the time crying, upset, overwhelmingly mums concerned about sons being sent home from work because they’re not vaccinated.

              Not really a surprise.

            • +1

              @jv: I do hope they take Away his licence to practice over this.

          • @[Deactivated]: Do they accept fake ones too?

        • doctor's certificate?

          Does the certificate of PhD in Arts degree count?

      • -1

        Having an opinion is not considered whinging, now I’d say you are whinging that people ain’t getting vaxxed? 😆

  • +9

    Looking forward to seeing the Spanish Flu exhibit

    • +2

      What about the live COVID exhibit with antivaxxer live shows?

      • -7

        So when are you getting your booster lol 😆 enjoy getting one every 4 months

        • +7


          What's wrong with getting a booster?

          • +3

            @DogGunn: Nothing go get it lol. Why don’t you get boosters for yearly flu vaccines ? Yeah you never wonder why do you?

            • @sammyla:

              Why don’t you get boosters for yearly flu vaccines ?

              Why not?

              Yeah you never wonder why do you?


        • +4

          I upvoted this (mistakenly) because yes, I would enjoy getting a booster every 6 or even 4 months rather than getting COVID-19

  • +15

    This whole circus is getting more and more ridiculous by day. What's the difference between unvaccinated person entering and roaming around the museum and a person with exemption, Aren't they absolutely identical? Difference between going to woollies, Coles and the museum is? None.

    Difference between 10th October going to a coffee shop ordering a coffee and same thing on the 11th? Or from doing the same thing on the 1st December. So overnight you become a leper and then overnight you again become a citizen?

    • +10

      You know the funny thing about dates are.. there's always a date before and after. NSW could literally pick any date to reopen and you would throw out that line ..

      • +5

        Im not throwing anything, leave the dates aside and don't beat the bush, im just applying logic and common sense which have been literally thrown out of the window due to marketing and fear mongering. dates ,rules are literally changing on the go whenever someone farts or feels like it, 24/7 mind 👉👌

    • +9

      How dare you to exercise common sense, sir! We live in the era of emergencies and can't afford rational thinking! It will kill us all.

      • Are you questioning my patriotism, are you saying that i don't want to participate in this collective exercise of doing the right thing?
        That i don't want to protect Australian way of life and what we stand for?

        Right thing, right thing, how did i come up with the thought that that's the right thing to do 🤔

    • +9

      Difference is there are far few people with a legitimate medical exemption. On the other hand, there are plenty of idiots who refuse to vaccinate. By encouraging vaccination, we protect the community and the health system. No vaccine program covers 100% of the population, but you need maximum uptake. It’s risk minimisation not removing all risk.

      • +1

        We also increase our personal 5G reception and help the Soros Gates Tyranny to take away our freedoms

    • +5

      Amen to you sir. This has never been about safety. If it was, they would be fair dinkum and test everyone (vaccinated or unvaccinated) using say a rapid antigen test (less sensitive than PCR but does not throw false positives) before entry. Vaccinated people still get infected and still transmit the virus- sorry to say it but they can still pass it on to the terminally ill, immunocompromised, or little old grandma

    • +4

      It's about reducing the movement of unvaccinated people to stagger their hospitalisations so hospitals are not overrun. Medically exempt people are small enough in number to not cause any major issues and it's not their fault they're not vaccinated. As the percentage not vaccinated reduces, the hospitalisations go down and the few unvaccinated by choice can be given the same opportunities. It's not the museum's choice, it's the government.

      They have to pick some date, the dates are based on the expected vaccination rates. This is all pretty simple stuff. If everyone was unvaccinated by choice the lockdowns would just continue or there'd be tens of thousands of deaths, not just from covid, but from the hospitals being overrun and not being able to treat other patients. If people choose not to get vaccinated that's fine, but I don't have any sympathy that they need to wait a bit longer for privileges that they're not contributing to being available.

      • Bingo.
        At least someone here gets it.

      • +2

        so basically just another 2 weeks to flatten the curve

    • I don't think they really wanted them to attend.
      I think they felt they had to include them.

  • +3

    Encouraging the spread of covid. tsk tsk

    • +7

      If this means more people will get vaccinated so they can enter its discouraging the spread of COVID.

      • +8

        Except that getting vaccinated doesn't stop you from spreading covid.

        • +9

          It’s possible that vaccines won’t stop or significantly lessen the chances of infection. But jabs might make infected people less able to pass the virus on, or make them less infectious, and so reduce transmission.

          Several research groups in Israel are measuring ‘viral load’ — the concentration of viral particles in vaccinated people who later test positive for SARS-CoV-2. Researchers have found that viral load is a good proxy for infectiousness1.

          In preliminary work, one team observed a significant drop in viral load in a small number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the two to four weeks after receiving their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, compared with those who caught the virus in the first two weeks after the injection2. “The data is certainly intriguing and suggestive that vaccination may reduce the infectiousness of COVID-19 cases, even if it does not prevent infection altogether,” says Virginia Pitzer, an infectious-diseases modeller at Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Connecticut. The Oxford–AstraZeneca trial also observed a larger reduction in viral load in a small group of vaccinated participants than in the unvaccinated group.

          But whether these observed reductions in viral load are sufficient to make someone less infectious in real life is not yet clear, say researchers.

          • -6

            @[Deactivated]: Hmm so tell me why there is more cases in vic while vaccination rate is going up by the day🤣🤣🤣🤣

            • +11

              @sammyla: It is currently mostly unvaccinated getting covid in Victoria. So not sure why you think your post means anything?

              • -5

                @DogGunn: Ohh it’s so easy to manipulate you and make you believe things isn’t it, all you do is read some news story or listen to it and you fully believe it. Now it’s Mostly unvaccinated….wonder where the unvaccinated get it from? Let me guess . From the vaccinated? Hahaha Sheep.

                • +6

                  @sammyla: Your post is incredibly incoherent.

                  Meanwhile, you've demonstrated that you're already manipulated, repeating nonsensical talking points that you often hear on American anti-vaxx content.

                  • -3

                    @DogGunn: Your post incredibly stupid, stop quoting media, use your brain and think. I’m not a sheep lol and I’m definitely not manipulated I don’t even get flu vaccine yearly like you sheep. Sheep like you make drug companies rich.I’m not anti vaccine either,I say yes to necessary vaccination for myself and kids, but people like you never even wonder why the COVID drugs especially molnupirvir was deliberately delayed so vaccines can be sold, vaccine doesn’t even protect vulnerable people fully sheep.

                • @sammyla:

                  all you do is read some news story or listen to it and you fully believe it.

                  Where do you get your info from? Are you actively monitoring each person, running scientific test in a lab, or do you also read some news story and listen to it and fully believe it, then proceed to tell others off?

            • +2

              @sammyla: Because idiots keep meeting up.

          • -1

            @[Deactivated]: It’s disheartening to see my fellow citizens wilfully destroy the last remaining vestige of medical autonomy to make ups all maybe possibly 50% less likely to transmit COVID for maybe 2 - 5 months.

            More so when the vaccine works fine for personal protection and demographic risk factors are the significant drivers of severity and well known.

            • +4

              @CommuterPolluter: American style individualism is gross.

              It's not just about your personal protection.

              • @DogGunn:

                American style individualism is gross.

                It's not.

                It's not just about your personal protection.

                It really is…

                • @ozhunter: Go live in America if you think it isn't.

                  Australia has always been much more community / collectivist oriented compared to America.

                  And no, it's not just about your personal protection. It's about not wasting resources and funds on people who wouldn't need hospitalisation if they were simply vaccinated.

                  • +1


                    Australia has always been much more community / collectivist oriented compared to America.

                    Maybe we are, maybe we aren't. I'd guess the latter.

                    It's about not wasting resources and funds on people who wouldn't need hospitalisation if they were simply vaccinated

                    Most people wouldn't need it. What about overweight people, and those that drink too much, take drugs, etc.


                    • +1

                      @ozhunter: Of course most won't need it. But those that are unvaccinated are substantially more likely to need hospitalisation.

                      P.S. If you think we aren't more collectivist than America, maybe you should see our social security programs, our previous vaccination, our anti-discrimination laws etc. All substantially stronger in our society than America.

                      • +1


                        Of course most won't need it.

                        Lol, at least we agree on that. So they are needlessly giving millions of people the vaccine for the very tiny minority that would help them the most.

                        • +1

                          @ozhunter: There is zero evidence of your claim, but do go on.

                          • +1

                            @DogGunn: Well you just agreed that most won't need it…

                            Look at the death rate of any country.

                            • @ozhunter: No idea what your point is here.

                              Most people don't need the polio or MMR vaccine as by far most survive those viruses and diseases. But we still vaccinate against them, for good reason.

                              • @DogGunn: Yet we don't do it with a more similar virus like the flu

                                Those vaccines are seem effective and weren't provisionally approved…

              • +4

                @DogGunn: That facile argument is tired.

                Firstly, I expressed in MY comment that the stated reason for mandates is to reduce transmission. However, the efficacy of this vaccine in doing so is suspect. If you took Pfizer it’s maybe 50% for maybe 6 months, with booster shots maybe longer. I could reduce transmission more by not coughing or sneezing in public. It’s SAD that we’re destroying the last vestige of what once was a LIBERAL democracy for so little gain.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: This article is pre delta. Pretty sure the viral load in vacced and unvacced is the same with delta. So you are no less likely to spread it if you're vacced.

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