I remember not too long ago when Spam was half off almost every other week. Times have changed that even 40% off is considered a deal now. You never really know what you have until you lose it.
Spam Ham $3.30 (Save $2.20) @ Woolworths
Last edited 22/09/2021 - 13:55 by 1 other user
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Same with english, spam is not ham its spam. Spam ham isnt a thing.
There have been many ideas about what the word "Spam" means. The Hormel Foods Corporation once said that it means "Shoulder of Pork and Ham"[source?], but in some dictionaries "Spam" means "spiced ham". Members of staff at the SPAM museum say it stands for Specially Produced American Meat. In 2019, Spam began making advertisements containing the definition “Sizzle Pork And Mmmm”.
I think at this point the company doesn't even know what SPAM stands for. To me it's just a made-up word like Oreo
Ummm, 40% off is not half-off. And $3.30 is not less than $2.20.
Maybe "Spam 40% off, now $3.30 (save $2.20) at Woolworths"
and it's only 68% to 91% pork depending on variety so yeah i'd leave the "Ham" part out completely.
Name me one Spam product with les than 88% meat.
i didn't say meat i said pork, and the ones with chicken in them. here's 2.
Reported as spam to the mods
Beat me to it by that much.
how much?
This much: 🐝🍆
Hi OP, do you use this to make Sushi?
Hawaiians have made an art of it. Spam… -.-
Or kimbap.
As a kid my parents used to make spam fritters with the same batter they used on potato cakes/fritters/scallops. Delicious
Or Budae Jjigae (Army Stew).
Or spiu up
I remember not too long ago when Spam was half off almost every other week
i hear it has become a luxury food for some
Sorry edited the title, was too excited for Spam.
Don't forget to add salt
And flour, and a little red wine. A dollop of tomato sauce for that sweetness and extra tang
Good earthquake ready food for those in Melbourne
This if food for men of culture
Only if fried in egg before eating.
what if not food?
Ah, the lost Disney+ episode…
Men who eat this without rice are men who I fear till the day I die.
Maybe because I am an asian but since the dawn of time I have only eaten this glorious food with egg and rice.
Also $2.50 or it is just not the same.
you shouldn't throw food
Yeah, wait till when you are in an apocalypse or famine, then you will appreciate this. Like OP said, you never really know what you have until you lose it.
Now children, remember to smile and thank Daddy for the apocalypse SPAM.
Sounds like you have a weak stomach, you should get that looked at by a doctor.
Brilliant when cooked, especially in an air fryer. I also use it as my meat in fried rice. Ty op, I've been missing the 50 precent off sales.
Yeah Spam goes very well as the meat in fried rice. Try using the Hot and Spicy version of Spam next time, that is better than the regular Spam imo.
Absolutely tried that, works brilliantly. Also amazing in instant ramen, especially if you air fry it and dry it out a bit so that it soaks up the broth.
I recommend trying out "Plumrose" brand:
https://shop.coles.com.au/a/national/product/plumrose-canned…Tastes like a more premium version of spam with a real meat texture
It also goes on sale/half price on occasion.
Personally didn't notice any difference between the OG Spam and Plumrose Spam, both are pretty good. The Korean Spam is better than both imo.
I prefer Spam.
Plumrose tasted much saltier. I prefer Spam. Maybe because I grew up with it.
Spam is good.
Anyone tried Spam Lite?
Spam Lite also taste good if you like it less salty.
Nah thats SPAM salt reduced - SPAM lite has less fat 13% vs 1/4 fat. I found it was good - much the same.
Half the saturated fat, so it's actually decent. Tastes fine.
Yeah normal Spam is pretty flavourful so Spam Lite is actually really good for health and flavours.
Really good for health….hmmm compared to KFC - yes!
@hoxygt: Anything is better than KFC these days.
When I was younger I couldn't even do KFC every day.. and now it is like once a year if that.
This reminded me that I bought a tin of this last year when covid was starting just in case the world was gonna end. I thought I better check if it was going out of date now, nah, still good for a few more years.
Feeling like centuries ago…..
Crazy world and craziness goes on…..
Please don't call spam ham
Can I spam Spam as ham?
Spam is ham
Spam is ham
Spam is ham
Spam is ham
Spam is ham
I blocked that shit years ago
Yeah, it will do that to you.
Time to stock up on the spicy one.
Was looking for it, Thanks for share
Oooh Crispy Spam Stick time yummo
I wonder how bad this is for you, but i cant resist getting a spam when its on sale for those super lazy days when I want to pan fry some SPAM with a bit of rice and chinese veg…. so good.
Not that bad I think, people seem to like to over exaggerate about spam
Can't imagine its any worse than polony/ devon, except its in a tin and thus more convenient!
prefer the korean version…
Can you describe the difference?
it tastes less salty, and has a more meaty flavour to it.
there are heaps of brands, the link is for one of them as an example… need to really try different ones to find the one you like.
in south east asia, they call it luncheon meat
I see it at my local Asian grocery. It's $$$. Is it worth paying full price?
I'll pick one up on my next visit.
The question should be, what part of the pork is in it?
'mate, what are we doing with the heads, rejected meat and organs?
' just blend it 'More like, what part isn't in it
So you're saying it's a sustainable and responsible way to consume meat? Using the parts that are often wasted? Better double my order!
Exactly this. People have so little idea about food it's frightening.
and don't forget the solid bits that fall through the grates and sluices, hmmmm floor scrapings….
I eat this mostly everyday with rice. A common chinese dish is Fried egg and Ham with Rice or Ramen
These are also a $3.30 special at Supa IGA.
Preservative (INS 250) is quite harmful as may lead to Acute methemoglobinemia (condition where haemoglobin loses its ability to carry oxygen) with symptoms like lack of energy, difficulty in breathing, headache, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhoea and sometimes a blue or pale purple colouration in areas near the eyes, mouth, lips, hands and feet (blue baby syndrome)
3.5mg of sodium
88grams of fat in 1 tinGood bargain if u wana ruin your health faster oh yeah and spend more money on medications so you pay pharmas, The meat is prolly leftovers. disgusting
how true is this??
I think the blurb was cut and pasted from https://www.justgotochef.com/ingredients/preservative-ins-25…
the page references http://www.ukfoodguide.net/e250.htm as the source.
If you click on the link, you land on a domain parking page instead of the UK food guide. So I'd say the source is not verifiable/ questionable
Processed meat is also a probable carcinogen type 2A as well probably not much real meat in it Just arseholes lips and crap off the floor.
….plus ears and pigs blood. A delicacy in some cultures. Yum. /s
yeah so are dogs, bats and pangolins
Nothing wrong with fat, we all need sodium, and not everyone is susceptible to "Acute methemoglobinemia".
I can hear the cans opening in the distance
Keep ya pants on! Sodium nitrite (INS 250) is in heaps of cured and preserved meats and poses no health hazard - https://www.choice.com.au/food-and-drink/nutrition/nutrition…
If your eating SPAM to be healthy you're on the wrong path. If its an occassional treat or something for a quick grab meal or when your refrigerated sandwhich meat has run out - no big deal.
So true.
In fact now a day, we can only dream about buying a GPU card at MSRP, much less the chance of any discount at all.
I'd lived my near 50yrs without trying this - so a deal or two ago a bought a few cans so I could see what it was all about. Now I wasn't expecting it'd be a culinary epifany but rather vaguely reasonable. Ugh….fried or whatever it tasted like absolute flotsam to me - ended up giving the cans of it to our chickens, which even they weren't too happy with. Much respect to those to eat it voluntarily as it's not like it's overly cheap etc.
5 years into apocalypse, if you were a survivor, you'd gorge yourself on this
I grew up with the butcher giving me a slice or two of polony as a kid. I still eat polony/ devon (floor scrapings) so SPAM seems just like a cannified version to me!
Can I ask if anyone tried Primrose Ham and how does this compare to SPAM? Saw the Primrose canned ham on half price last week in Coles….
look up
Honestly, both are decent, I didn't notice any difference in flavour or texture between the two. Whichever one is cheaper or is on sale is the one I will buy.
I mcuh prefer primrose, especially the leg ham
With incoming international crises it's time to invest in spam!
The second word in the title is unnecessary as SPAM is Spiced Ham. It's like saying ATM machine cringe
they make turkey spam
Does this make it halal or kosher?
How is this still made but I can't find braised steak and onion in a can for jaffles :(
Oh mate - that stuff on toast, heaven especially when hungover! We are both on the search, may it soon be over!
Nah it was a different brand but I might give those a shot - thanks :)
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hmmm. maths may be a little off