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Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream Tub Varieties 420mL- 457mL $6.75 (Was $13.50) @ Coles


1/2 price at Coles this week 12-18 Feb.

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    Thank you for your report for ½ Price Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream 457ml Tubs $6.75 @ Coles (Deal Post)

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    New catalogue special can be posted as new deal

    • +1

      Still too expensive for < 0.5L. Yep, No action will be taken.

      • +7

        Worth it for actual real ice cream

  • +8

    thanks OP, this tastes better than connoisseur ones.

    • How does it compare to Ben and Jerry?

      • +9

        Personally I think it’s significantly better, but some (Americans) are big on the mix-ins that Ben and Jerry does

        • -1

          Ben and J caramel one is epic

        • Secret formula heh?

        • +1

          Americans preferring the biggus diabetus version ..that's a first

      • +1

        I honestly feel like I don't get the hype behind B&J. Maybe it's a US thing to want ten different flavours shoved into an icecream to the point where it's not even icecream anymore but other things.

  • is there matcha flavour?

    • Not at Coles or Woolworths.

  • -7

    Guys.. I think this is the most overrated ice cream ever. I'll give it 1 more shot this week to change my mind, so what are you recommendations?
    I've already tried the Dulce De Leche and the Macaron ones.

    • +14

      Strawberries and cream.

      Just compare the ingredients list and see the other ice creams are filled with all kinds of crap. I don't think their overrated as they are using premium ingredients which will cost more.

      • +4

        Definitely. Actual cream makes a huge difference, and not filled with air. Best ice cream on the market.

      • +2

        I agree, it's probably the best alternative to homemade icecream and is comparable in price. I do llove a couple of Connoisseur flavours, but I hate their ingredients list.

    • +3

      Strawberries & Cream is my fav, so much better than other brands' strawberry flavours.

      It doesnt make sense that the good one like Matcha Green Tea and Mango & Raspberry aren't available in Coles/Woolies

      • Where do you buy the Matcha Green Tea flavour?

        • It's readily available in many Asian groceries but very expensive as it's parallel imported.

          • +2

            @sb9: I haven't seen the Häagen-Dazs Matcha ice cream but have bought this brand in the Asian stores. I like the green tea and black sesame flavours.

    • +2

      No its not, Ben And Jerrys is. Slamming a whole bunch of different flavours together does not magically make your ice cream premium.

    • +4

      I tend to make sure my freezer has Belgian Chocolate, Strawberries and Cream stocked up now they got rid off Mango and Raspberries and other good ones.

      You should give Caramel Biscuit & Cream a try. I am not really into caramel but the biscoff biscuits in it give a crunchy texture and go very well with the caramel.

      As for the other flavours:

      Cookie Dough Chip - Too heavy on vanilla ice cream, too little cookies. Connoisseur or even Aldi's Cookies and Cream taste better.

      Macadamia Nut Brittle - Again, too heavy on vanilla ice cream, the crunch is not really from the macadamia but from the sugar crystals. The crystals are too jagged.

      Salted Caramel - Not as good as people rave about.

      Vanilla - vanilla flavour is OK but too bland for my taste.

      Dulce De Leche - So so, caramel ice cream with caramel ribbons.

      • Thanks! Will grab the ones you recommended!

      • the biscoff biscuits in it give a crunchy texture and go very well with the caramel. my mouth is watering just reading this…… am I the only one here to sit down and ate the whole tub in one go?

        • +1

          It’s more on the sweet side but I reckon it’s the best recent flavour they’ve come up with.
          I’m gonna get more tubs this afternoon :)

    • Dulce de Leche is a shit flavour in any ice-cream brand.

      • +1

        Opinions are like arseholes—everybody has one, and everyone thinks theirs smells like roses. Speaking of personal preferences, I really like Dulce de Leche flavour.

        • Good luck, Shoving it up ur arse then.

          • @Hunk:

            Dulce de Leche is a shit flavour in any ice-cream brand.

            I understand why you feel that way now.
            You should try eating the ice cream lol.

  • +1

    I’ve only ever had the Belgian and it’s definitely the best chocolate flavoured ice-cream I’ve had from Colesworth besides when they used to sell Movenpick which I haven’t seen in nearly two years.

    • Got absolutely in love with movenpick when I had it in Hongkong. What a shame couldnt find it anywhere in australia

      • Used to sell in Coles and Woolies, but I think it was just not a great seller given pricing. Tubs were always covered in ice but they still tasted great.

        I do believe some Foodworks and IGAs stock them but none in my local :(

  • -1

    I tried the macadamia one, but the Japanese version is so much nicer. It should be ultra creamy without the brittle.

    • +1

      We always get the crappy version

      • Absolutely true!

  • -1

    Messina or Anita Gelato are a lot better.

    • For sure. I think it's about $25 for a litre take away. Love their macadamia flavour.

    • +2

      Messina has to be the most over-rated icecream there is. It's not even about the ice-cream, they've created a "brand" like starbucks. Good on them, but yeah, massively overhyped.

      • idk bro. That super dulce dulce and coneception hits different. Also, their specials slap.

  • Only good, higher price range ice-cream in Australia.
    All others like Connoisseur and Ben and Jerry are just milking ignorant customers. Much prefer the Coles or Woolies home brand ice-cream tubs.

    Recently tried the Chocolate Lava Brownie ice-cream by Cape Byron whilst on 1/2 price. Was Yummy.

  • +3

    [WA] Spudshed has 2 for $5. Also same for similar sizes of Ben & Jerry's

    • +1

      This, @trixieb if you have Spuddy near u, i love the macaron ones (yuzu Lemon one and Strawberry one) their normal price is around $3.99 i think, but sometimes even cheaper. Some other flavours also may be available but may vary dependent on location. If u havent tried those 2 i mentioned above, u missing out 🤣 demolish half tub without realising 😬🫢

      • +1

        Thanks. Will check it out. I don't usually shop at Spudshed. Those eyebrows scare me 🤣

        To be fair, the sizes are small. I could probably do the same 😂

      • Any matcha ice cream at Spudshed?

        • +1

          Srry cant rmbr the other flavs, i think limited range unlike in the big shops, and also may vary from store to store

  • +1

    Probably the only decent supermarket ice-cream. Belgian chocolate is the best in range. Others pretty forgettable. They deleted the duo chocolate raspberry which was also excellent.

  • Guys I discovered a hack. Buy a pack of biscoff biscuits and crush 3/4 them into the biscoff ice cream. Makes it even better. I’m a bit of a genius for thinking of this TBH.

    • just blend plain old ordinary ice-cream with biscoff and plain old ordinary biscuits.

      • Nup not as good.

  • They used to have a Bailey's flavour years ago, that was awesome.

  • Nice icecream, too expensive.

  • The Bulla varieties can go half price $5 for 2L those are the ones to look out for, since Coles stopped selling cookies and cream had to go for Bulla ones which are next best

    • +9

      The Häagen-Dazs ice cream is more expensive but its ingredient list is better. For e.g. it does not contain carrageenan and maltodextrin. Unfortunately Bulla ice cream has carrageenan and maltodextrin.

      Some studies suggest that carrageenan and maltodextrin may cause or worsen intestinal inflammation. People with inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis may wish to avoid these ingredients and may prefer the Häagen-Dazs ice cream. Maltodextrin also has a higher glycaemic index (GI) than sugar. It may cause a larger blood sugar spike in people with diabetes or insulin resistance and they may wish to avoid maltodextrin.

      • +3

        Emulsifiers are also bad for gut / microbiome health and cause inflammation. Most Häagen-Dazs flavours do not contain emulsifiers, unlike every other brand of ice cream.

      • +1

        Appreciate the reply, I do try to avoid the crazy chemicals in foods nowadays definitely has gotten worse compared to 20-30 years ago when ingredients were simpler heck I dare say about 5% of what's in Coles is actually organic or natural

    • +1

      All Bulla flavours have a strange gummy flavour in them. Not good.

  • -2

    *Was $completeRipoff

  • Interesting back story. Haagen-Dazs was a brand name given by two Jewish immigrants to America in honour of Danes helping the Jews in World War 2. So if you are an anti-semite, enjoy!

    • +3

      Most people are anti-zionist but easier to gag if they're labelled anti-semite

      • Gotta love it when someone's speaking for "most people"

        • +1

          Gotta love it when MSM labels anyone calling out zionist crime as an anti-semite

  • +1

    Wish they sold the coffee flavour

    • +2

      Username checks out!

    • U want best coffee i/c? Go Ben Jerry’s Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz (available in scoopshops only)

    • Yeah it was the BEST coffee ice cream I tasted.

  • These half price sales keep Rising and rising!! Ouch

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