• expired

1000 AIA Vitality Points for Fully Vaccinated Members @ AIA Health Insurance


AIA Health & AIA Life Insurance will also give 1000 rewards points in their AIA Vitality Health & Wellness program to fully vaccinated Australians, in the same way they currently reward customers for regular health check-ups and flu vaccinations. AIA Vitality members can access partner discounts of up to 50% based on the number of points they accrue.

Source: One Big Switch

One Big Switch has compiled a current list of freebies and offers when you are vaccinated. You do not have to be a Big Switch member to read the offers, Just scroll down to the list. You do not have to sign up to read it.

Mod: COVID Vaccination Freebies & Deals

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AIA Vitality Australia
AIA Vitality Australia

closed Comments

  • +5

    Was thinking we should get an ozbargain forum post similar to the birthday deal but for the vaxxed. That'll do it for now

  • Getting Ready.

  • +12

    Imagine it was free 4x AA eneloops. Ozbargain would have the first fully vaccinated community forum.

    • But is delivery free? IKEA click & collect kills the deal.

      • IKEA have LADDA, which to my understanding seems to be like an ALDI version of eneloops. Kind of like how Pfizer and AZ are viewed.

    • +18

      Man people like u it’s why we will be (profanity) for longer

      • -5

        You think Gladys is behind Tuffstuff80 nickname??

        • TuffStuff is too tuff to need a vax his gonna take covid head on… Bring it on!!!

            • @[Deactivated]: Well likely hood is, even as a fully vax'd person ill get it eventually… Just prefer my chances of being ok when I get it being vaxd

              • +4

                @scud70: Enjoy your quarterly booster shot.

                • +2

                  @[Deactivated]: So far no evidence it helps… 🙂

                  • +3

                    @scud70: That's not up to you to decide, did not get your quarterly shot and you're antivaxxer now. Enjoy.

                    • @[Deactivated]: Please stop spreading misinformation about the vaccine

                      • -2

                        @p1owz0r: Is everything you don't want to hear is a misinformation?

                        Do you know what's inside injection? No. Check.
                        Do you need boosters every 5 months? Yes. Check.
                        Is past Covid immunity way better that one from injection? Yes. Check.

                        What misinformation am I spreading again?

                        P.S. You forgot to downvote.

                        • +3

                          @[Deactivated]: First of all you said QUARTERLY boosters, now you've changed to 5 months. As far as I am aware there has been no official communication on any form of boosters.

                          This is very clear misinformation. And it's worrying that you don't recognise that.

                          Do we know what's inside the injection - yes, anyone who has read up on the vaccine knows how it works.

                          Secondly it is normal that past <insert disease> immunity is greater than vaccination, but you have to CATCH THE DISEASE to get that.

                          The chances of hospitalisation, serious illness, death are much higher if you catch the disease whilst you are not vaccinated.

                          • @p1owz0r: They said they'll look at boosters but so far studies have not shown any real benefit to them. AstraZaneca have also said at this stage they don't see boosters being necessary… And that's from a pharma company

                            • +2

                              @scud70: My understanding too - hence why I believe the previous poster is spreading misinformation

                            • +1

                              @scud70: @scud70

                              Here you go:

                              Over the last few months, Pfizer and Bourla have argued that an initial booster shot would likely be needed six to 12 months after initial vaccination.



                              The effectiveness of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine steadily declines over time, dropping to about 84% for vaccinated people about four to six months after getting their second dose, according to CEO Albert Bourla.


                              Pfizers expected revenue from the covid vaccine is $46billion this year.
                              It isn't in their interest to make a one shot vaccine.

                          • -3

                            @p1owz0r: 5 months? Two months ago you did not need any at all. Come back in two months and reread.

                            Do we know what's inside the injection - yes, anyone who has read up on the vaccine knows how it works.
                            No one does, it's patented formula. Stop spreading misinformation that mRNA injection is a vaccine, it's not

                            Secondly it is normal that past <insert disease> immunity is greater than vaccination, but you have to CATCH THE DISEASE to get that.
                            You will. Stop spreading misinformation that injection protects you from getting COVID

                            The chances of hospitalisation, serious illness, death are much higher if you catch the disease whilst you are not vaccinated.
                            Check what is going on in Israel

                            • +1

                              @[Deactivated]: I think you're having trouble following my replies. I didn't say that the injection stops you from getting COVID.

                              I find your replies quite troubling and I am just calling it out for other readers that I believe them to be misinformation.

                          • -2

                            @p1owz0r: Boosters are coming, Izrael is already starting to get the 4th jab.

                            Remember one thing, whenever you're listening to glads, scammo and alike, whenever you don't hear a CLEAR answer as most times you don't, like for example reopening dates and benefits if fully vaccinated etc. Know you've been lied to:) it has been proven over and over again.

                            Mark my words, you'll be getting a booster, you'll be giving certain time frame to take it, if you don't your status as fully vaccinated will be revoked, frozen.

                            Mu variant is around the corner,
                            Wonder what poor soul will be blamed/framed this time for releasing it into the society.

                            STOP calling people names, antivax is someone who doesn't want to take ANY vaccines. Don't go slapping people that don't want the Covid-19 jab (won't call it vaccine as technically, medically it's not a vaccine) antivax, it's wrong labelling. Be informed, stay safe.

                            • +1

                              @drazenm: I don't believe that I have called anyone 'antivax' I've just called one person out for sharing misinformation.

                            • +2


                              (won't call it vaccine as technically, medically it's not a vaccine)

                              Okay. I'll bite. How is it not? I don't want conspiracy theories. Actual facts that you can back up with sources as to how it is not a vaccine.

                              I'll wait.

      • -3

        Get over yourself.

    • +4


    • +1

      Unfortunately for us, your healthcare is free when you spend weeks in the ICU fighting to breath. Muppet.

      • -2

        900 million people in India had Covid. 400 thousands died with Covid.

        It's not as scary as your telly wants you to believe mate.

        • +1

          That's potentially 400 thousand people that didn't have to die. Statistics go out the window when it involves someone you love.

        • +4

          Can I ask where you got your numbers from?
          Public sources state the number of cases in India is about 33M. I don't know where you got the other 867M people from…?

          I stand by my statement. Health care is expensive. I don't give a crap if you don't want to get vaccinated. Your choice. I do care that my tax has to pay for your decision if you end up in hospital.

          • +2

            @Lord Fart Bucket:

            Can I ask where you got your numbers from?

            Do you remember Pluck-A-Duck from Hey Hey? That big spinny wheel thing where someone picks something at random?

            I'd imagine it's somewhat similar for these people and their "facts".

        • These numbers are 100% wrong. 33m Indians were diagnosed with COVID. 440k died. India had almost 5m excess deaths over this period, so the real number of deaths is likely much higher, just as the real number of infections could have been much higher as the testing rates were poor, with over 70% of people in some regions that got a test finding out it is positive.

      • It is also free if you smoke, or are overweight. Both of which have killed many more people than COVID ever will.

    • Lots of negs, but I'm not seeing any substantial rebuttals to your statement. I for one live within an LGA of concern and right now am being told no jab, no work. The biggest issue, besides the complete and utter disregard for a person's individual freedom of choice for their own body and health, is the fact that the vaccines are made out to be the "ticket out".

      Does it mitigate illness if you catch COVID? Yes.
      Does it stop you from contracting the virus and possibly transmitting it? No.
      If one is vaccinated, does that person require every other person around them to be vaccinated in order for their own vaccine to work effectively? No.
      Has our government considered other nations whose populations are mostly fully vaccinated and their current situation now of degrading vaccine efficacy? I don't know?
      Have we ever in human history, ever eliminated a respiratory virus via vaccine? No. Will we? Maybe, but certainly doesn't look that way.

      I understand this is a heated topic, but I'm sure it would be greatly beneficial for people on both sides to stick to the up to date scientific findings/reports/papers. What I typically see from those who are pro-COVID vaccines are condescending, rude, impatient and a lack of compassion. On the contrary, there are some people who are anti-COVID vax and anti-vax altogether who are likewise the same.

      • +3

        It is expected that people will carry and transmit when they are vaccinated, of course, which means that those who aren't are at much greater risk of catching it (by sheer volume)

        They are then at risk of serious illness, hospitalisation, death.

        The idea is not to eliminate this virus - it's proven too easy to transmit - but to live with it, in the same way as we do with the flu.

        • Thanks for your response. What's your opinion on early treatment with medicines we have available to us now? There's plenty of doctors around the world who have done so with great success.

          • @m0usju1c3: Can you give me some examples?

            I have heard that monoclonal antibodies - and especially a combination of such - are effective, however they are only just becoming available in Australia at low numbers.

            It's a difficult subject because loads of weird ideas have been thrown around on it.

          • +2

            @m0usju1c3: Please note that it doesn't stop you from transmitting the virus but it does radically reduce transmission. Nothing is 100%.

    • I've done my part in downvoting this misinformation. Everyone please do yours. :)

      • +4

        Unfortunately there were more than 5 comments to downvote …

    • +11

      oh no what are they gonna do without trevor99 using their services

      • +5

        Well if it's a physical deal - the business will actually be safer and their customers will be safer as well.

        So it's a bit of a win/win? Store loses a crazy and everyone is safer.

      • +3

        Probably a positive for health insurance companies if unvaccinated people don't want to use their services!

  • +21

    What's a bet that anyone complaining "I'm not being forced to put dangerous chemicals in my body!" has also taken advantage of every single KFC deal on here…

      • +3

        Nothing shows true love for a pet like toxifying your dog who can't understand the impact it's having on their body.
        As for vaxxing your dog lol I suggest you lay off the shrooms for a bit.

    • +2

      Let's compare a medical procedure with food, well done mate.

  • there was talks that if new people get both jabs before January, they would get $300 from the government.
    I heard it on the news about a month ago, any progress on this? are they actually going to do it or did they shot it down already?

    • +3

      I think Labour wants to do this

    • +2

      Facebook is not exactly a reliable source

    • -2

      Labor wanted to help stimulate the economy while incentivising fence-sitters who will only get vaccinated if it personally benefits them. It's a brilliant scheme idea that will probably happen in about 6 months once the wheels fall off our healthcare system and we're looking at a 70% vacced rate that isn't enough.

      LNP: Always late to the party

      • +2

        Seems like a mostly bad idea because it incentivises people to wait until the government pays them (yer, with your tax dollars) to do something they should do of their own accord. Hence delays some vaccinations and also encourages people to hold out on the next thing that they should do of their own accord for themselves or the community.

        I don't think we want more wasted handouts, even if it's not to corporations this time.

        • Unfortunately, there's plenty of people that will not go out of their way to get vaccinated because 'they should do of their own accord'. That's just the reality. I personally know of at least a handful of people that would leap at it just to net a few hundy. I don't personally care, I'm double vaxxed, but you need carrot not stick.

          • +1

            @OfTheOverflow: The carrot will become clear, it is not dying.

            Look at the US now, thousands of stories of antivaxxers expressing regret on their death beds.

            It is funny, all these antivaxxers had conspiracies about how the government is trying to control us with the vaccine and thin the herd. Well, not getting the vaccine is killing off the stupid, gullible, fat, and/or lazy people. They are the ones causing the thinning of the herd and the ones being thinned are themselves…

  • +2

    The list is missing the free 5G and OTA Microsoft ads.
    Or is it just me hearing Bill Gates sing sweet nothings in my ear every night?

    • +2

      Nah that's just you longing for his tender touch.

  • Shouldn't the title say "Targeted" as these deals are not open to everyone? :)

    • title has already been changed

    • the vaccine is open to everyone

  • I think these deals need to be targeted

    • +4

      They are clearly for the vaccinated, even blind Freddie can see that

      • eh just saying. Is there a requirement for this deal. Yep.

        Although We don't seem to be following the targeted thing to much when comparing to eBay plus deals.

        Shrug I'm not sure what protocol is anymore.

        Standards dropping :P

        • well how about you contribute something useful, instead of complaining about others who spend their time trying to benefit others.

        • Standards are still the same. The same number of negative nellies, and negative nasties. It hasnt changed.

  • Called AIA to talk about Life Insurance. 61 minutes later the phone system hangs up on me. No thanks.

    • +6

      Wow, you live in the future?

      I can attest to the hyper-accelerated aging. Got my double AZ and when I read an anti-vax comment I feel like I age 2 years.

      • To be fair they didn't say that those symptoms would be caused by vaccines. Also apparently we don't exist so it shouldn't matter anyway.

      • -4

        It's what research is observing in the USA, as they have some medium term data coming through from 10 months ago.

        • +4

          650k covid deaths in the US and youre somehow more worried by the cure than the illness

        • +6

          There is no research to suggest this, and all studies so far have shown the vaccine to be wholly beneficial.

          Also, as you so wrongly pointed out, Pfizer has been approved by the FDA, and AZ and Moderna are on the brink of approval. How can one person claim to be so knowledgeable about something whilst simultaneously being so factually wrong.

          • +6

            @Fesnyng: When they already have a certain belief, everything else they research/read inevitably only confirms what they believe.

            ie. they type "vaccines, unapproved, cancers, complications" into Google and whatever wacky stuff pops up obviously means they were right all along.

          • @Fesnyng: Internet…

        • @Trevor99 Oh? Could you link us some peer-reviewed studies for this?

          When you aren't able to because they don't exist - can I interpret that freely as you are wrong?

          • @DingoBilly: It's up to them to prove it is safe, not for me to prove it is not safe.
            Like I said there hasn't been enough time.

            However, anecdotal data is becoming massive and very widespread. Can look up for yourself, despite the censoring going on.
            Adverse reaction databases in Europe, USA and Australia going nuts.

            Doctors conferences with whistleblowers such as this:
            Whistleblowers in general like this:

            • +3

              @trevor99: You can't count on anecdotal evidence, there are too many variable and often relies on confirmation bias.

            • +5

              @trevor99: Wow didn't know these "facts" were coming from that trusted scientific source bitchute.com 🙄

              • +6

                @martyn: Mate it's up there amongst the best of them. I always hear people talking about the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet Journal, bitchute.com.

      • +2

        Must have also affected your brain. Go look up the definition of what "anti-vax" means.

  • +3

    Is the ability to claim points actually live as yet? Tried under vaccinations section on the web page and it just says coming from early September in the email.

    • +2

      I did it.. in app, Get Points > Complete Health Checks > scroll to bottom under vaccinations to COVID Vaccination.

      • Yup did the same last week, already got my points.

  • I am an AIA insurance user, but never looked into the Points thing.

    anyone with experience care to share if the points are useful in any way and/or if 1000 points is a meaningful quantity?

    • I was a member for a short time. I think you can cash them in for eGiftcards. I never chased points as I did not have a mobile phone at the time, which you needed for some of the challenges.

    • +5

      I use it and get to platinum every year. Just above 30000 points. It’s pretty good. Around about $500 in vouchers for woolies or straight into CBA account as well as I have one a few comps with them. 50% of Garmin comes round some times.

      Recently I had 50% of my flight refunded to (before taxes) and I couldn’t even get on the flight. So there is a heap of benefits. Plus $5 bucks a week just for moving.
      If you exercise regularly you cap out within 6 months. But worth the short trip to the doc to jump on the scales, get cholesterol etc checked. And boom. Cash in the bank.

      • thanks appreciate the response! looks like too hard for me right now.

      • Wait so you can actually choose cash or woolies voucher? Since when was that implemented?

    • +2

      1000 points itself isn't meaningful. Reward levels are generally at every 5000 points. But each activity only grants limited points so to get to the next level you need these 1000 point increments. Basically, only useful in combination with other point activities, in which case it may be useful.

      • thanks appreciate the response! looks like too hard for me right now.

  • No way to do it in app yet. Need to update app too to see the new menu option

    • +1

      Check in app, Get Points > Complete Health Checks > scroll to bottom under vaccinations to COVID Vaccination. I didn't have to update the app or anything..

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