Was looking for some headphones, did some research and these seem to be a really decent pair. I've not received mine yet.
Australian outlets wanted 330+. Amazon wanted $273.
Buying direct, make an account for $10 off, then log in and found there was an offer for the 'SAVE21' on any purchase over $150USD.
Coupon Code: SAVE21
Worked for me, cannot confirm it will work for anyone else, but worth a shot! Make an account if it doesn't work for guest accounts.
rtings review comparison: https://www.rtings.com/headphones/tools/compare/sennheiser-h…
Code will work for everyone, but for audio quality, some better options are the Sennheiser HD 560S ($249 local, including Amazon), the HIFIMAN HE400SE stealth magnet edition ($219 @ Amazon AU), and the HIFIMAN HE-X4 ($185ish @ Drop).