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B-Clear Ultra Mask 1hr Rapid Detox Drink, $66 for Limited Time, Perth. PassYourTest.com.au


B-Clear, also branded Ultra Mask, is the leading carbohydrate based rapid detox drink available on the market. Under controlled test conditions the manufacturer acheived a 99.5% success rate. Follow the instructions and you will pass your urine test.

Order online securely at: www.PassYourTest.com.au or purchase over the counter at our convenient, centrally located Belmont store, in Perth, Western Australia. Only minutes from the both the Perth Domestic and Perth International airports.

Shop 4/171-175 Abernethy Road
Belmont, W.A. 6104
(08) 9478 1211

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Do people actually believe this stuff?

    • -2

      Like it says, the manufacturer achieved a 99.5% success rate, we've sold over 8000 bottles in the last 12 years, with an average 95% success rate… why the 4.5% difference… they didn't follow the instructions.

      So to answer your question… Yes!… at least 7600 happy customers believe it works.

      • I still can't believe that you are a 'rep' with that username.

        • Why?…

      • +2

        How do you measure your "success" rate? What you're saying here is that every customer here has reported back on their "success" or otherwise - impressive information-gathering.

        Or are you saying that you've sold 8,000 bottles and 360 of your "customers" have come back and reported to you that they subsequently failed some form of drug test (possibly ending up on death row in a foreign country)? That doesn't measure the number of people who had nothing to hide, the number of people who weren't tested for any drug, the number of people who got busted after using your product but were too busy writing their last will and testament to report back to you…

        Edit: I'm guessing that "under controlled conditions" means using test subjects that haven't taken any of the drugs this allegedly masks.

        • +1

          Because if they pass we generally don't hear from them… if they fail we certainly hear from them!… the current failure rate we are being informed of is actually well under 5%.

          "I'm guessing that "under controlled conditions" means using test subjects that haven't taken any of the drugs this allegedly masks."

          A. It's not a masking agent… it's a urinary flush comprising herbal extracts and carbohydrates.
          B. It wouldn't be "controlled test conditions" if some of the participants had no drugs in their system.

      • +1

        What do you mean by "success rate"? Do you mean only .5% of your users died after taking your concoction? Or are you saying the manufacturer gave each user a "controlled dose" of, say, cocaine, and then was unable to detect this in their urine? What method did they use to test? I'm guessing something unscientific, like taste?

        • -1

          It's not my concoction… The product is FDA approved, has achieved a 99.5% success rate in a university trial, the US manufacturer gives a 500% money back guarantee, and it contains all natural products… So I'm quite sure the nobody has died from using it you spanker… and I'm also quite sure the trials were carried out using accepted methods that the university would use for any other product seeking FDA approval.

          You're all a bunch of losers… get out from under your bridges you trolls and get a life!

          Being a hater for the sake of being a hater… what a life you all have!

        • +1

          "FDA approved" means "probably won't kill you if you follow the instructions". So a fair enough point, considering jong's stupid probably rhetorical question. But it doesn't mean anything else - just a assurance you probably won't die.

          And admit it dude, the instructions include classic dilution tactics, right?

          That said… I'm gonna go get a life thanks to you. Do a bunch of drugs and get a job where doing a bunch of drugs will get me fired. Thanks nwboy! Woooooo!

  • What a load of bollocks.

  • +2

    99.5% success rate. And the 0.5% that had drugs in their urine did not pass the test.

  • +1

    If you have an employer that carries out workplace drug testing, you need a new (decent, ethical) employer, not a detox (placebo) scam.

  • +2

    Alberto Contador swears by this stuff.

  • Rep, Have you ever watched a movie called "GATTACA"?

    Its a much more efficient method of bypassing the test.

    I recommend you to watch that movie.

  • Utter rubbish, or you'd be getting law enforcement agencies kicking down your doors. I'm also not sure that OzBargainers want to see such clearly unethical products peddled here.

    Unethical? Well, if it works as you claim, people are avoiding legal liability for their actions. Regardless of any discussion about workplace drug tests, you advertise that you're just down the road from an international airport.

    If it doesn't work as you claim, then you're lying about your product and encouraging people to take risks they otherwise may not.

    Either way, unethical, immoral, snake oil.

    • -1

      Why would the law enforcement agencies be beating down the door?… it doesn't work on people that are under the influence at the time… and it's legal, it's not a masking agent, it's a urinary flush. All it contains is herbal extracts and carbohydrates, you could make it yourself with ingredients from the supermarket if you knew what you were doing.

      It's not about avoiding legal liabilities for their actions, it's about levelling the playing field!… some crack head can use Meth amphetamine or other hard drugs and still pass their test unassisted a couple of days later, but someone that smokes some weed can lose their job up to 3 months later… this product levels the playing field for them.

      One of the radio shock jocks over here tried to "expose it" live on air, only to be shot down in flames when he found out it's legal… and was inundated with calls from people that had used it and passed their test.

      In America where the product is made, the manufacturer offers a 500% money back guarantee on it working… and they do pay up… if it were snake oil they'd very soon be broke. If it were snake oil I wouldn’t still be selling it after 12 years, word would’ve got around don’t you think.

      • +3

        If it were snake oil I wouldn’t still be selling it after 12 years,

        Homeopathy has been around a lot longer than 12 years; people still dump a lot of money into it, even though there's no solid evidence of it working…

  • +1


  • When you think about it, there must be a lot of people in WA now with a lot of spare cash and not too much discernment. I might set up a snake oil shop close to the mines myself.

    • Beauty or health? As there's lots of money in both if you can get a name for yourself..

  • I'd be willing to place money the instructions for these "Rapid Detox" kits include drinking a lot of water.

    Guess which helps - the "Rapid Detox" or the water?

    If you want to pass a piss test then drink a bunch of water and eat/drink a bunch of creatine. It'll work better than these magic detox's.

  • Not a bargain.

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