This was posted 13 years 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nikon AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED Lenses AU $1,589 + Free Economic Shipping


Pretty good price for this high end lense, I owned this one and it does produce fabulous pictures.

It is a bargain as it come with free shipping and you can pay by Amex card with no surcharge.

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eGlobal Digital Cameras
eGlobal Digital Cameras

closed Comments

  • $1,579 + shipping at shoppingsquare. DWI has it at about the same price delivered if you use one of their coupons.


    • -2

      DWI has it at about the same price delivered if you use one of their coupons.

      IF they choose to send you the correct item. Depends how lucky you're feeling on the day I guess.

      • overstating is pointless

    • I love it when people neg vote one of my comments providing alternative and concluding the deal isn't special… when they don't vote positive on the deal. They agree with me… but hate that I went to the trouble of finding alternate prices so they don't have to.

  • +1

    Nice piece of glass. Drool

  • Newbie here, why does this cost so much?
    I have a 18-105mm AF-S Nikkor ED VR lens and it costed only a few hundred.

    • Difference is like chocolate and shit….. :P

      • not as per
        they certainly can be wrong.

      • I mean…. 18-105mm is really bad lens for the price. Even the old 18-70mm do much better.

    • -2

      Professionals use this lens.
      Think Hyundai and Lamborghini. Both get you where you want to go, but one of them is a shit box.

      • Sooo…never buy Lamborghini?

    • Same reason why you didn't buy a point and shoot with that few hundred bucks.

    • +5

      Better/more glass in this lense. And bigger aperture.

      Compare the f stop on your lense aswell. This lense has an f.2.8 from 24 to 70mm. Your kit lense goes from 3.5 to 5 I believe

      • +2

        It's actually 3.5-5.6

        And yup like krisspy said, better/more glass and bigger aperture.
        Put in a nut shell, this lens takes better photos with less distortion.

        • thanks for the effort, guys. but i am afraid if he thinks a little harder, the guy who compares 18-105 to 2470 will be more confused and have more questions like "why 50/1.8D is so cheap with a BIGGER aperture?" etcetcetcetc……..

  • -1

    Noob question: What's this lens good for? Portrait?

    • To me it seems like a general zoom lens, used for basically "everyday" shots, general use (but for the pros).

      For portraits I'd say go with a prime lens? If you're poor then a 50mm f1.8 is a great and cheap start, especially for beginners.

    • +1

      This lens on a Full frame camera is equivalent to a 17-50 type lens on a DX based camera (crop-sensor) - i.e. most of the entry level (D3100, D7000 and D300s).

      Given that focal range, its good for general walkabout photography and at the 70mm end, will allow you to take "portraits" (portraits generally start at 85mm to 105mm).

      THe constant 2.8 aperture will allow for better low light photography (i.e. fast shutter speed) and more bokeh (blurry background effect - focus on something close and make sure there is enough distance in the background for maximum effect).

      downside? big, heavy and expensive.

      edit: if you are after this type of range on a dx, i would suggest cheaper third party options such as tamron and sigma 17-50/2.8 variants. around 300-400 from DWI. Obviously if you got the coin go for the nikon 17-55 2.8 DX, but its a stunted investment in that it wont go 24-70 on a ff sensor.

      • -1

        Mate.. 24-70mm full frame (FX) = 36-105mm Cropped (DX). So it is fine on a DX as a portrait lens. However, at this price, the lens is more for a full frame camera I reckon (or people who will be upgrading to full frame).

        • thats why i put "equivalent to a 17-50 type lens on a DX based camera)."

          17-50 on DX equivalent focal length to 24-70 on FF.

          or rather - 17 * 1.6 to 50 * 1.6 = 27.2mm to 80mm

      • D7000 and D300s are seriously NOT entry level bodies.
        24-70 is a great lens but not a practical one on a DX body.

        • Agreed, i guess in my mind:

          High-end = D3S, D3x
          Mid-range = D700
          Entry-level = D300s and below

          Perhaps the D300s could be considered midrange for DX sensor.

    • 24-70mm is your standard go to professional zoom lens. It covers wide to tight. I bought the equivalent Canon lens and I've never been more satisfied after spending $1500.
      I shot Soundwave on the weekend and can tell you that 9/10 photographers there had a 24-70mm.

      • -1

        Little exaggerated much? 9/10 photographers had a 24-70? I'm surprised that so many people have professional lenses.

        I personally would have used my 16-35 2.8 and 70-200 f2.8 on 2x 5Ds rather than the 24-70.

        • +5

          Photographers have press passes and hang around in an exclusive area near the front of the stage. Everyone else is busy snapping photos of ant sized performers on their mobile phones and uploading them to Facebook.

        • Quite a few pro's also rent their lenses depending on the job. The Canon 24-70 is one of the kit options for the 5DMII

        • If you had said professionals, then it would have made more sense, but still not to the point of 9/10.

          With passes (dependent on what category/level/access pass you get and event specific as well) you get access to the front (low level typically), or if you're "special" enough you get access to the back and the sides onstage. You have no time to swap lenses thus the need for 2 bodies. 70-200 is a given for closeups, the other selection is either a 16-35 or 24-70. Depending on venue setup, 24 can be not wide enough backstage to get a full feel of the happenings. A few of the other pros i know that do cover events prefer the 16-35 over the 24-70. I guess it's down to personal preference.

          Lastly, 24-70 is not a offical kit option for the 5d2, the 24-105 IS is.

  • -1 cheaper if you could claim GST back, it has JB hifi warranty, and you could pick this up at the shop.

    • +1

      Claiming GST requires going overseas and not bringing the lens back (or bringing it back, not declaring it, and hoping Customs doesn't notice).

      • +1

        Customs never notice. I claimed GST for my laptop and I'm still using it after coming back from holidays.

  • Is there a possibility you would have to pay import duty & GST on this when it goes through customs?

    • Yes if eglobal claims the price correctly. In most cases they put it as "gift" or at lower value. It's against the law though.

  • +4

    May sound harsh, but if you have never heard it or not sure what this lens is for, high likely you don't need it.

    • it is not harsh, it is TRUE.

  • yep i'm about to get this lens, but i'm also hanging out for the VR II if there is one coming. 14-20,24-70,70-200,85 1.4 and chuck in a wide angle and fisheye and thats your pro lens range all covered.

    • +1

      This lens isn't VR at all, and unlikely to be in the future.

    • you mean 14-24?

      i am waiting for 24-70II too. i am quite confident it will be VR.check cannon's equivalent and nikon's 16-35 which is VR equipped on a wide-angle.

  • for 1.5 crop i found 24-70 just not wide enough… and huge 77mm filters and 750g of glass is a killer

    for most people you'd probably be better off with 17-50 f2.8

    for a full frame, fair enough

    • Nikon 17-50 weight as much. I recommand Nikon 18-70mm.

  • Great gonna match it with the next d800!..

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