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BankWest TeleNet Saver 6.05% p.a.


For a limited time only, the Bankwest Telenet Saver includes a bonus 0.25% p.a. for accounts opened between 28 February and 5 March 2012. That's a 6 month variable intro Bonus Booster rate of 6.05% p.a! Plus, you'll get our high ongoing variable rate after 6 months, now 4.75% p.a.

This high interest online savings account is ideal for people who enjoy meaningful benefits, like no monthly fees, no minimum balance, 24/7 phone and online access to your savings and an awesome rate.

New TeleNet Saver Customers Only

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closed Comments

  • Their site seems to say 6.05 + 0.25% for the 6 mths (then back to the crappy rate)

    -> So its really 6.3%pa for 6 months (or 0.25% above whatever the variable rate changes to during those 6 months)

    • I think 6.05% is inclusive of the bonus 0.25%

      • +1

        true, the line
        " The special variable intro rate of 6.05% p.a. includes our current variable intro rate of 6.05% p.a. plus a guaranteed bonus rate of 0.25% p.a."

        Talk about an unclear explanation…

    • I agree the website is a little confusing.

      If you look at this

      You will see the regular "intro" rate for Bankwest was 5.80%, it is now 6.05% (or 0.25% above whatever the intro rate becomes over the next 6 months).

    • +3

      and is ongoing- not just for a few months.

      • Costs me more than 0.04% to move my money in and then out again. Around 4 days lost interest.

        • Um.. true

        • First transfer $1, it will take two days, then subsequent transactions only take one day.

  • time to move my money from ubank to telnet (transfer no need 4days - mention by rifter) . one instant day will do once telnet account setup.

    6.05 is equivalent to 6.22 term deposit 6months rate if no rate change

    A=P(1+r/100)^n forumula

    shame i put most my money in ubank term deposit with 6.11.

    • If rate goes down…

    • As mentioned above only the first transfer takes two days, so move only $1 to start with.

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