Coming off this deal -
Same brand has their head torch for $9.99
Dubious Lumens: 20000
Coming off this deal -
Same brand has their head torch for $9.99
Dubious Lumens: 20000
Don't worry, those 20000mah Chinese battery will be half the weight ordinary 18650 cell from Japan anyway, half the weight quadruple capacity we go.
And if those Chinese batteries have a huge fault, they'll be wrapped to your head so you'll know about it really quickly
And that my friends why we don't drive Made In China cars… Sure you can argue that the Japanese cars were notorious back in the days - but that was from technological issues - not QA.
1200mAh 18650's ? they must be high quality, lol, I think I'd prefer to use a single NCR18650GA = 3000+mAh
Probably stock clearance.
That 4 PCs of 18650 batteries is worth more that $12.
$12? I couldn't imagine anyone wanting 1200mAh 18650's, that's less than half the capacity of your average 18650…
They're actually about 800mah. Lol
I am not so sure I would want 4 of these batteries strapped to my head. The quality of these can't be very good, and low quality lithium batteries are dangerous enough without being attached to your body.
I have had a solar light with one of these batteries in it, and the battery exploded. Different circumstances, but still.
Totally agree
Maybe the lumens comes from the light of a burn lithium battery.
That's enough lumens to become cyclops.
Come to see how people call it junk again.
Can't wait to see if they are also chucking out these cheap?…
430g is ludicrously heavy for a headlamp. Unless you seriously need the 20,000* lumens this is way over the top.
*doubt it.
I could happily use 20,000 lumen for searches but this thing will be a lot closer to 2,000 than 20,000.
If that really was 20K lumens, the amount of heat it would put out would be terrifying.
Thanks good present for the ex
What do you hope they will find?
IPX4 != waterproof. It's safe against occasional splashes. It's not protected against a low pressure stream of water or any level of submersion in water.
You don't expect much for ten bucks, but if you don't want a serious light then just use your phone, if you want a serious light then get something better.
Won't it hurt your head ? That big black box ? I mean not straight away, but after few minutes?
20,000 lumens LOL. BTW Ridge Ryder 21" LED Driving Light Bar 84Woutputs 7,000 lumens and is 53 cm long,
so strapping 3 Ridge Ryders to your head would be similar to this headlamp, impressive!!
Yoy forgot the car battery to power the 3 light bar
Cant help but think this is getting quite heavy for a head torch with 4 x 18650 batteries…