The $80,000,000 went off tonight to one winner in Victoria.
I played a cheeky 12 game ticket but we all know how that went.
Do you play the lottery? I only play if it goes over 40 Million.
The $80,000,000 went off tonight to one winner in Victoria.
I played a cheeky 12 game ticket but we all know how that went.
Do you play the lottery? I only play if it goes over 40 Million.
Got to be in it to win it.
Except 20 other million people are in it.
Doesn't matter how many people are in it though as it doesn't affect your chances of winning, just how much you can win.
Yep. Gotta be in it so other people can win it.
More like you got to be in it to lose it 😏
Exactly right, you're much better off investing it in crypto if you want to try your luck with fast gains. At least if that goes badly for you, just wait 3 years and you should have tripled your money again rather than losing it all on a whim.
a bloke was telling me how much he made on crypto so he ordered a new phone… turns out its just the money he lost and made back !
I wanna be a billionare so freakin bad.
Buy all of the things I never had
I wanna be on the homepage of clickbait website
You've got me feeling like a child now
you realies most of these lotteries are only for winning millions…
I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Next to Oprah and the Queen?
I think he wants to win a thousand times!
I'll love you for a thousand more
Don't believe everything you hear: Real eyes, Realize, Real lies
I've been awake for a while now
I dont play the lottery.. I do play Lotto
Updated. Thanks haha
what's the difference
Only when there's a big jackpot, temptation gets the better of me but you've got to be in it to win it I guess
I will only buy one after I'm struck by lightning a few times…only then will the odds be in my favour.
I guess I'm rarely in a thunderstorm and as they say…you got to be in it to win it!
I won lotto tonight…
Sadly it wasn’t more than I paid for the ticket
This happens a lot.
Frankly, I'm thinking of using the lotto to gamble as a social thing. For instance, buying a ticket with friends or with family but on rare occasions. Which means my chances of winning the jackpot are pretty much equal to those regular buyers. BUT! Every time I play I get a rush of Endorphins etc etc. To be fair, I've only ever played twice.
Paying say $50 a year for x20 years nets a loss of $1,000 which I find "acceptable" fee to buy that rush of brain drugs and social activity. What do you guys think? Should I hand-in my OzBargain card?
If it's good value to you, then it's a bargain no matter what others say!
The odds of winning the $80m jackpot tonight was pretty similar regardless of whether you bought a ticket or not.
I got more chance of DOGE Going to $1
Yeah I mean you'd only get pathetic returns like 2.5x
everytime I saw the 20mil+ banner I told to myself "I'm gonna buy the ticket today" and always ended up saying "Damn, I forgot" at 7pm
Haha that's me.
set up an online account and "subscribe" to draws when they hit 20mil or higher automatically
No, I do not pay the stupidity tax, thanks for asking.
I don't play myself, but I think this is a bit harsh. Some people buy a ticket to escape reality for a few hours - it allows them to genuinely imagine what life would be like if they won. I don't see how it's any different than going to the movies.
Of course if you have an addiction and need help, that's a different story. But for casual players who chuck down $10 a couple of times a year, I don't see the harm at all.
How else would you redistribute all those pension and benefits dollars into society? If it makes them happy.
Actually is often assumed only lower and middle class buy lotto. I's it true? You never hear about a well-to-do living on a small 20mil mansion overlooking the Sydney Harbour won a million dollars and is having a small party for 100 guests on celebration.
I know some 50M+ net worth families who play a lot, and have won a few hundred thousand more than once.
I'm sure you spend your money on other dumb shit anyway, we all do it.
Gambling is another level of dumb shit
Dumb shit you get to keep or use at least.
An $80m jackpot means millions of accumulated losses in the weeks prior to the jackpot going off.
People on low-income would be better off investing in education, getting a better paying job, and DCA in assets that will create wealth.
Despite a return of only $.53 on the dollar, state lotteries are extremely popular, especially among the poor, who play the most but can least afford to play. In two experiments conducted with low-income participants, we examine how implicit comparisons with other income classes increase low-income individuals' desire to play the lottery.
Stop wasting money on random numbers. The only winner in this game is the operators and state governments.
I call it expanding my portfolio :/ plan to drop $X on red once a month
Used to a while ago, then stopped for good, have not even bothered to login to my account online, because of it being like an addiction.
Trust me you'd be better of putting your money in stocks/crypto/shares/ETFs than gambling with your money at Lotto. All the Lotto companies advertise it clearly the Chances of winning are ……. in 1 million. Essentially speaking one person is more likely to be struck by lightening, than to win a 1st div lottery
You may end up winning like the bottom division worth like $10-$40 sometimes, only to cover some of your gambling addiction.
I don't personally know anyone that was struck by lightning but I do know 1 lottery and 2 lotto winners. (One of them was ultimately destroyed by their winnings).
And those 1, 2 people won what 4 div of lotto??
So perhaps you would know about those who have been one of those people who are knowing someone won lottery would start to act super nicely to them ? To capture money from them ?
Those who ever win Div 1 are mostly destroyed by their emotions and the people around them mostly, a lot of dead threats as well btw. (They can afford fancy lawyers and bodyguards that's a different scenario)
Their winning doesn't destroy them but rather often make them super greedy or super gambly or super criminal all due to their emotions not due to winning
Lotto winners one a million, the other two million, each about 20 years ago. The lottery winner $200k about 50 years ago - relatively more than millions today
I have met one person struck by lightning (not in good shape, brain and spinal cord injury as a result) and know of others who have died. Haven’t met any jackpot winners, know someone that won like $10k - but I’m not sure everyone advertises it if they win.
In all of these types of threads, the majority of people will inevitably comment about how low the odds are. But, at the end of the day, someone wins. So, what do you say to someone who has witnessed a direct family member win division one, first hand? (Yes, I am that "someone").
Experiencing that in my 20s has definitely altered how I perceive odds and gambling in a major way. I always gamble only what I can afford to lose, but, I will ALWAYS bet on the dark horse with lower chances and a higher pay out. Anything less is just boring and not worth the gamble IMO. Lotto happens to fit the bill perfectly and I still play regularly.
I occasionally play lotto as well. However the reality is for the vast majority of people (greater than 99.99%) you are going to be massively better off putting that $5 or $10 a week into a savings account. If you can afford to lose the money then great, it is a fun gamble, sadly though a large amount of people that play weekly can'/t afford it.
250 a year is hardly going to build a massive amount of savings.
Its $5000 over 20 years that is without interest or investment opportunity. Someone struggling to survive that is a huge windfall yet you will see people living on welfare that spend way more than $5 a week on lotto gambling.
Unless you bought btc with it not too long ago
Sounds like you have a really interesting insight!
Can you tell us how the div 1 in the family effected you all. Was there animosity? Did they splurge on any family? Did they manage to reach the other side of the rollercoaster with their riches in tact?
I have been n every prize home draw for over a year. I am now using the Law Of Attraction to try and draw in a win. This involves playing prosperity affirmation videos daily. Only been doing this a couple of weeks so far
Law Of Attraction
Hi Hello Pam!
Is it Pan? Or Pamm with two M's. Paaaannnmmm?
Pam has to be a troll account…
Good luck Pam.
What would you do with your winnings?
Is your name really Pam? How do people know this
User name used to be HelloPam2019 (or similar).
Play more videos please
Even playing Syndicates the odds still are against you. Just got the winning results back and I spent $27 for a Syndicate Powerhit 1 share and got back $6.03. And another Syndicate Standard $5 1 share and got back $1.62
Oh well. You gotta be in it to win it. I’ve seen first hand my family member get one number off a Powerhit Syndicate. He could’ve won $1million but instead got $400 if I recall. But has spent 4 digits in a year playing.
Was it one of 420 shares of Powerhit games on ozlottories? I also bought that one.
Yep. Good luck on the next major draws. I’ll join it again next time.
if you play the lottery are you more likely to be an anti-vaxxer? because the chance of a vaccine injury is multiple times higher than the chance of winning the lottery
Play lottery, fully vaccinated
Whenever it gets over $30m I'll buy a mini ticket, although I may need to revise that upwards because it is happening too often. I figure at that point it is a big enough event to justify a small loss to be part of it a bit like a bet on the melbourne cup.
Same Here, if I win, I want to win big. Don't want to use my luck up on fee hundred k. Powerball is the best for big wins that have very few winners
Honestly don't understand the hate towards lotto. Even if you put in $10/week the opportunity cost of that is around $35,000 over 30 years if you were to put it in an ETF. That's nothing, what life changing thing is $35,000 going to get in 30 years as opposed to the weekly hope and day dreaming you get to do and having a talking point with friends/family/colleagues while still having a chance to net millions.
Wouldn't be surprised if the people who complain about lotto are the same people who have no issues spending $50 on a pack of smokes or dropping a few hundred at the cas.
Even if you put in $10/week the opportunity cost of that is around $35,000 over 30 years if you were to put it in an ETF. That's nothing, what life changing thing is $35,000 going to get in 30 years as opposed to the weekly hope and day dreaming you get to do
Just because you asked so nicely.
Of course, for every Uber, there are many more failed companies. And for every investor who turns $5,000 into nearly $25 million, there are many more who decided to pass on the opportunity.
Wouldn't be surprised if the people who complain about lotto are the same people who have no issues spending $50 on a pack of smokes or dropping a few hundred at the cas.
People that have a low income are more prone to using gambling as a "way out" of whatever situation they're in.
Those unable to find employment and/or on social assistance and living in poverty seemed to not only be at higher risk of becoming gamblers but have more serious gambling problems, including addiction. Being financially disadvantaged seems to cause people to risk what little money they have available to them in hopes of turning it into a larger sum, thinking that that in turn would improve their financial situation. Sadly, as so often happens, their hopes are not realized and they become worse off than before they gambled. Forms of gambling that were popular with such individuals included sports betting, bingo, dog or horse racing, casinos, lotteries, gambling online, office pools, raffles, as well as many others.
They're also more likely to be smokers.
In the U.S., people living below the poverty level and people having lower levels of educational attainment have higher rates of cigarette smoking than the general population.3,4
There are 56m millionaires in the world and but only 0.00031% (approximately) are lottery millionaires. Betting on numbers is a shortcut that only benefits the operators and state governments.
RL and sustainable wealth are created by education, seed money from income, accumulating assets that have utility and/or will change the world.
BTW you're right that gamblers are daydreamers.
to the weekly hope and day dreaming you get to do and having a talking point with friends/family/colleagues
You pay for that privilege to day dream?
still having a chance to net millions.
Do you have a chance? It's so small you almost don't.
opportunity cost of that is around $35,000 over 30 years
Well you're now further away from a millionaire than when you started.
It's not a bargain.
I had this great revelation that lottery is a stupid tax. So instead of acquiring goods and services like a nice meal and smoothie or buy some electronics, people go and buy a piece of paper with numbers on it that they will throw out.
If you want to get rich, better to pool all your lottery money in to highly leveraged stocks or other securities and you'll have a higher chance of success.
Why don't you just buy a smoothie maker and a cook a nice meal at home? You're just going to 'throw' it out of your body anyway when you go to the toilet. Why do people go to the movies instead of just waiting until they come out on TV or download them?
All these things provide you with an experience - a nicer meal, a nicer smoothie. The lottery ticket provides someone (who might hate their shitty job, and hate going home to a shitty wife with some shitty kids for the remainder of their working life, then retiring in a shitty suburban home listening to the neighbours have domestics and watching out the clock until it's time to finally die and wondering what they could have done if they just used protection) a week of daydreaming and fantasizing about what life could still be, instead of what life is.
Yeah, they'd probably be better putting their money in stocks, but the capital to return rate and ratio with lottery is more appealing.
All these things provide you with an experience - a nicer meal, a nicer smoothie.
In other words, other goods+services have a tangible benefit. Lottery does not.
a week of daydreaming and fantasizing about what life could still be, instead of what life is.
Daydreaming is free though? And wouldn't that money be better spent trying to alleviate their worries? Like a divorce, in the scenario you've created? Or for many low income people, the best investment they could make is using that money to pay for further training and qualifications or a much needed holiday.
And wouldn't that money be better spent trying to alleviate their worries?
Also noteworthy is that some people are just highly stupid.
Watch this:
At the end, you will see that this couple who are struggling with difficult credit card debt for years are entitled enough to go and buy lottery tickets instead of paying down their debt.
"Manfred is one of almost 2 million Australians who are struggling with credit card debt.
To try to save every dollar they can, he and his partner have cold showers, don't turn their heater on, and go to bed at 6pm so they don't have to turn the lights on."
They don't have enough money to turn on lights (which take very very little electricity) but they have enough money to gamble.
invest in penny stocks or high risk stuff,
lottery is about hope,
i get that fix, entering competitions which i never win,
I look at it that the money is up for grabs so I am having a go. But the odds are stacked against you. But I would never play the pokies. or bet on horses.
But you've got a better chance of winning the pokies or on horses
I wonder who the person is that won the 80mill, (if true) that’s crazy. What are they doing right now lol, crazyyy
Well done on the guy who won the 80m.
Anyone know whats the odds of not even winning anything on 130 sets of numbers? I mean you got to be very unlucky, right?
Ticket was shared among 10 people so each one of us has putting in 13 sets of numbers each.
Yet not a single winning entry, what are the odds???
Yeah I bet he's spewing he had to share some winnings with me also ($20!)
(43/44)^130= 5.035600664%
did you fact in the powerball which is drawing on a different colume?
This is an extension to the comment below. The chances of winning any prize is roughly 1/44.38.
The chances of not winning any prize is 43.38/44.38.
Having 130 entries gets you (43.38/44.38)^130 = 5.167642623% of not winning a single prize from 130 entries.
@simeonpanda: Thanks heaps. So we are really unlucky then, to think there is 19/20 chance of at least 1 winning line, and we missed is really sux!
As a starter, the chances of not winning a single Division 9 prize from 130 individual games are (65/66)^130 = ~13.74%.
Someone with greater knowledge of probabilities than me could extend on that. The overall probability of not winning a single prize will be a bit less than that, but not hugely.
In other words, for 130 games, you'd expect to win something, but not winning anything is still a substantial chance.
Interesting! I thought will be a lot lower than that…..
Each ticket has the same odds
Well done OP you scored a long shot hehe lol :)
I'm gonna go with 42.
Always the correct answer.
42 is the answer - but what, really is the question?
Deep Thought
We don't play the lottery - the lottery plays us!