TheGiantTomato » user profile

Member Since | 07/10/2019 |
Last Seen | 21/08/2021 |
Location | NSW |
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Clearly the market disagrees with your opinion. Why hasn't Plumber B come along and undercut Plumber A's $230 quote if they, by your maths,…

There is **more** to **school** than just **teaching**. Kids go to **school** to **socialise**, they **have fun** with **friends**; the…

Option A) kids get given ~3 hours of work per day, no socialising Option B) kids get given ~2.5 hours of work per day, and 0.5 hours to do…

I don't play myself, but I think this is a bit harsh. Some people buy a ticket to escape reality for a few hours - it allows them to…

After almost 7 years my iPhone 6 died yesterday; I was hoping to hold out for the iPhone 13/12S in September but reports sound like it will…

> Unhealthy food *takes less time to prepare* than healthy food. Chopping up some veggies and hummus and chucking them into a container is…

TheGiantTomato replied to
Hithere on Upstairs Apartment Plays Music at 6.30am on a Weekend - What to Do?

Thank you. I'm aware that he's outside the curfew, but I just don't think the police would respond in time. I've only ever called the…

TheGiantTomato replied to
FocusRider on Upstairs Apartment Plays Music at 6.30am on a Weekend - What to Do?

Everything from rap/hip-hop to Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On. He's got a wide taste in music.

TheGiantTomato posted a forum topic Upstairs Apartment Plays Music at 6.30am on a Weekend - What to Do?
Good morning fellow OzBargainers, About two months ago, a new upstairs neighbour moved into the apartment directly above me. He loves to…

TheGiantTomato replied to
dasher86 on Do You Think School Parents Should Have The Final Say on Whether Their Child Sees a Doctor for Autistic-Like Behaviour?

Yes sorry I didn't go into that level of detail in my post but that's correct, the severity/type of diagnosis will determine…

TheGiantTomato posted a forum topic Do You Think School Parents Should Have The Final Say on Whether Their Child Sees a Doctor for Autistic-Like Behaviour?
A close relative of mine is a primary school teacher. She has been teaching her own class for about 8 years' now across multiple grades at…

TheGiantTomato posted a forum topic What Are Your Thoughts on an Employer Expecting You to Work from Home When Sick?
Hi all, I was talking to a friend the other day about working from home when sick. I was recalling when I used to work as an employee in an…

What about the 40% of people who voted that they also didn't know the rule?

My bad, I did find it, marked here (might need to squint a little): Ahh yes I did end up finding it, slightly faded on this one.

Yeah I got booked at around 3pm so they must do an afternoon pickup. Lesson learned!

Behind it, within the three metres but the postie still would have had clear access to it. But yes, I was in the wrong being within the 3…

I checked all over and not this one.

Agreed. Thanks for a non-snarky remark.

I’ve seen these signs too. This one however, no such luck.

I checked all over and this one doesn’t.

Of course, sorry if it wasn’t clear in my post but I wasn’t trying to say “because everyone else does it I shouldn’t be fined”, I…

TheGiantTomato posted a forum topic $114 Fine for Parking near a Post Box
Hello fellow bargain hunters, Let’s get the pleasantries out the way; long-time lurker, first time poster. Hope everyone is having a…

Investing in property is a risk. It's an INVESTMENT. Why should taxpayer dollars subsidise risky investing? If we start providing…

This is what infuriates me so much. As someone who has a diet that is predominantly canned vegetables like chickpeas, I've had to change…

This thread is hilarious. So many people scared of a product that they don't eat. Never change, OzBargain.

TheGiantTomato commented on McDonald's Introduce The McVeggie
ITT: a bunch of people who will never buy this burger complaining about this burger.

I can't speak for all vegetarians/vegans but the majority I know don't care about cross-contamination. The goal is to reduce demand for…

TheGiantTomato replied to
harthagan on 2 for 1 Vegan/Veggie Burgers (BOGOF) @ Oporto on Mondays in January (Flame Rewards Membership Required)

It must be hard being on a diet so restrictive that you can’t go a single meal without eating meat.

Who would have guessed eating a Streets ice cream is so unhealthy?