Cooler Master MasterKeys CK550 RGB V2 Brown Switch Gaming Mechanical USB Keyboard - Gunmetal Black
Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months.
Model number: CK-550-GKTM1-US
Cooler Master MasterKeys CK550 RGB V2 Brown Switch Gaming Mechanical USB Keyboard - Gunmetal Black
Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months.
Model number: CK-550-GKTM1-US
Gateron Brown.
I think v1 was Gateron, v2 is TTC
Yeah looks like CM swapped switches.
@BrownAndBeige: Gaterons are much nicer than Cherry. That's my personal experience and seems to be the general enthusiast consensus.
@Diimsim: Gateron Browns are regularly praised over Cherry Browns because the tactile bump is more pronounced. However if they are indeed TTC Browns, data is much harder to find. Some say they are heavier, but with a weaker tactile bump.
@[Deactivated]: I agree, I'm suggesting Cooler Master swapped to TTC because they're cheaper to lower their manufacturing cost thereby increasing their profit margin.
Sneaky. My friend ordered. See what he says.
He will probably say "at least it was cheap" lol.
1-2 Months. Sheeeeeeeeeesh
Same price with stock available at Mwave + Delivery
Would've bought this had I not fix my keyboard haha
I have a CoolerMaster tkl model from years ago, it's great except for a weird issue with the 00 key. I like cherry brown switches.
Regardless, are these browns similar in feel and quality? I'd imagine switches can be well made from several different conpanies, without being equivalent.
There are many companies that make good keyboard switches but TTC is not one of them unfortunately.
dam if only it was a tkl model
Big fan of these guys, they go on sale quite regularly:…
My exact thoughts too.
noobie question. What is good about mechanical keyboard?
The feeling or the noise. Hey maybe both
All I know is whenever I use a membrane keyboard, it gives me the heebie jeebies.
People will give all kind of reasons like feels better etc but mostly it's a hobby item
Can customise the keys with different sets or special individual keys, choose different switches for key feelings (like no normal keyboards click), RGB lights etc or get into soldering and electronics with DIY mechanical keyboards kits in ppl who are rlly invested
It's not like it's particularly good or better TBH it's just a bit fun and cool
Disregard that last sentence, it is particularly good and definitely better.
Feel basically. Its hard to explain.
Once you swtich, typing/gaming on a membrane just feels so…unresponsive? Mushy?
Unlike many rubber dome with membrane, it doesn't feel mushy, the key travel is longer and it does not require you to basically press all the way down for the key to register.
All that combined means that you don't have to hit the switches hard for it to fully press it (which can wear on your finger easily) and it feels nice to type on since you do get that satisfying feeling when you press all the way down because it's not just rubber dome collapsing.
That said, there are lots of good rubber dome keyboards that people swear by as well.
Them feels. It's very satisfying to type on.
I think if you look up comparison videos it doesn't necessarily perform better than Logitech MX Keys or Apple Magic Keyboard (which are both $$$), but it definitely feels and sounds very satisfying. Plus there is a customisation element that allows you to some sick looking keyboards that sound and feel however you like.
Like the other guy said, it's a hobby.
Is this the best mechanical keyboard at this price range?
Might wanna take a look at some keychron boards, they’re pretty decently priced
Keychron will most likely end up being more expensive but definitely worth the extra money in my opinion. Even if you don't go for a hot-swap variant (well worth it) that lets you install any MX style switch you can at least get Gateron switches which are much better than TTC.
Is this the same model on sale at Mwave currently for same price? Also specs say cherry brown on Mwave listing, inaccurate?…
Looks like it, both V2.
Bit shady if it isn’t really cherry though
It's not shady. Keyboards can come with different type of switches. Like a car in red or blue.
Cherry is just one of many companies that makes keyboard switches. Cherry isn't even the best, just the most well known.
@BrownAndBeige: Fair enough. I’m not well versed on the subject. I think I misread the thread at the top of this post. Thanks!
@Edamamme: Well, Cherry did make the switch design. It was under their patent until it wasn't (it's from 1984, so the patent ran out). Chinese manufacturers basically started coming in, competitition made these Chinese manufacturers to innovate. More options from Chinese manufacturers like different spring weighting (linears with spring weighting between a MX Black and a MX Red), different mechanisms (Kailh Click bar), different materials etc etc. Whereas Cherry kinda stayed the same almost?
There were a lot of complaints on how scratchy stock Cherry switches felt, which newer "Hyperglide" ones aren't, apparently.
I think people were pointing the fingers at the degrading of the molding, which explains why things got better with newer molding.
@iridiumstem: Thank you I’ve learned quite a bit just now!
So is this keyboard key caps replaceable? If I wanted to swap them out for something else?
@Edamamme: The Amazon review I have read suggests that it should be. That said, it might not be compatiable with Cherry Profile keycaps, depending on the orientation of the switch, so make sure you check before you get any new keycaps.
Profile refers to the shape and size of the keycaps, there are lots of profiles out there like OEM profile etc etc.
Orientation refers to the orientation of the switch, it can either be north facing or south facing. Because the hole that Cherry switches had for diodes and LEDs are on the bottom of the switch, a lot of the companies flipped it around (made it north facing) to have the LED on where the letters on the keycaps are. The problem being, there are some keycap profile (Like Cherry profile) that needs that clearance on the switch, meaning the keycap touches the switch as you press it down.
To summarise what I've said, I think this one should be compatiable, that said, check what you have.
@ankor: You could ask 50 people and get a different answer every time since it's incredibly subjective. As far as the best switch manufacturer goes I think you'd be hard pressed to make a compelling argument for Cherry to be the best these days with their limited range and lack of innovation.
Why does the site say "Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months."… I mean that is a hella long time to be dispatched
It's basically on back order.
My Coolermaster xt1 keyboard sucked. Terrible spacebar. I wouldn't buy a keyboard from a case company again.
I can vouch for Ducky but its out of this price range
I always get confused by the switches, so haven’t changed keyboard in years!
Is ‘brown’ the quiet one?
You're probably thinking of reds which are linear and have no bump or click. There area also many specialty "silent" switches around these days that are purpose built to be as quiet as possible and use dampeners made from rubber or other anti-vibration materials.
Depending on switch brand. They arnt all the same with their colour codes
for some the appeal of cherry is all ease of getting replacement switches if you need to repair and also other key caps if you want to make some frequently used keys a different color.
i tried to get some keys mechanisms for one of my logitech keyboards, had to get one from someone who was stripping a keyboard …..
Thanks op placed one on order last night.
Just received order cancellation today, they could not source the product.
After more than a month on backorder waiting, that is a disappointing result when the price has now jacked up.
First time this has happened to me on Amazon.
go and have a chat with them.
Thanks spiinl
After a quick 5 minute chat explaining my issue, they gave me $30 courtesy credit which will be automatically applied to items sold by Amazon AU. I can't see the code but it's there permanently and expires after 10 years.
Happy with Amazon's customer service and a good result in the end even though I missed the keyboard.
@Handymancan: They told me to order from amazon US and will refund the difference.
You might have the better deal:)
I am a newbie, I go through the link but the price is $109. What shall I do to get the option of $69 backorder??
Build a time machine and go back 24hrs or 20yrs and make smart investments. Besides that nadda, missed the train man or just buy it from mwave…
What switches does this use? Doesn't look like its cherry :/