This was posted 3 years 8 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Free - Space Jam NFTs @


Introducing special edition digital collectibles from Space Jam: A New Legacy

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Only 91,980 NFTs minted

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  • +12

    Collectable cards, without the cards.

    Hooray :/

    • Welcome to the future!

      • You say that, but STEAM is arguably the most popular online trading system, and the card scene has been around YEARS and has extremely LOW interest.
        Yet systems that got introduced to western countries within 2 years of that system (a good example is yugioh) are still super popular.

        Considering things as small as playing cards could easily be printed on quick renewables like bamboo fiber or hemp fiber, I don't see them as really being the future.

        • -1

          You sound like a traditional bank going against crypto lol

            • @MasterScythe: Bamboo/hemp fibre card vs. digital card.

              Paper fiat currency vs. digital currency.

              • @ilovefullprice: A close personal friend is a bank manager;
                Most of the major banks also accept and sell crypto, also, they've been pushing online banking, ATM cards, and 'paperless' transactions for a long time.
                I don't think they've ever suggested hoarding physical cash over just enjoying your theoretical 'digital number' their database shows you on a screen, have they?

                Sorry, I still don't see the simile; can you explain any further?
                Was there an argument about the renewable ability of our paper money before we switched to biaxially oriented polypropylene or some such?

                • @MasterScythe: Most of the major banks don't accept cryptocurrencies. They don't have the facility to buy, store and sell these types of digital assets. Those that provide this service use a 3rd party like NYDIG as a custodian.

                  • -1

                    @rektrading: Nab and commonwealth do.
                    I believe they're our two largest banks.

                    • +1

                      @MasterScythe: You may want to check with your bank manager friend. It sounds like they're giving you misleading information.

                      NAB was the most Bitcoin-friendly bank in Australia with their team working with Bitcoin businesses to build relationships and help them understand digital currencies and how to prevent digital fraud. This took a turn when NAB decided to close all bitcoin accounts in May 2014.

                      NAB stated they made a review on cryptocurrency trading businesses and decided the trade posed a lot of risks to NAB and its reputation. It decided to stop giving banking services to any digital currency business. Bitcoin-related businesses also got out of NAB to work with other reliable financial institutions.

                      The National Australia Bank (NAB) has decided to dissociate itself from bitcoin, informing bitcoin-related customers it will be closing their accounts next month.

                      However, when it comes to getting into Bitcoin and other Crypto with CommSec you’re going to be all out of luck. As of writing, CommSec doesn’t currently support crypto and digital asset-buying, and so you’re going to need to consider heading to dedicated currency exchange for this.

                      In short, Australia’s Commonwealth Bank does not yet allow any customers to buy cryptocurrency whether Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum or anything else out there through their specialised CommSec app.

                      • -1

                        @rektrading: He didnt give me any advice on crypto; he advised me that online, phone, and electronic banking are popular, and not just that, they're encouraged.

                        im just trying to figure out how defending renewable resources for trading cards, and pointing out sales of physical (good) vs digital (low) is similar to banks stance on crypto that you commented on, thats all.

                        I still stand by my comment that no bank has ever encouraged hoarding cash, and they much prefer you to use their 'digital' storage, showing you a number on a screen.

                        • @MasterScythe: You clearly have a dodgy bank manager friend mate

                          • @ilovefullprice: How so?

                            You disagree that banks are encouraging online\electronic banking?
                            Because as stated; that's all the advice he gave.

                            He just doesn't understand why as a late 20's fella, I enjoy my cheque book, cash, and why I don't have any form of 'digital banking' setup.
                            His advice was that it was getting to the point where it's 'expected' that you bank digitally.
                            Personally, I agree with him (Not doing it, but I agree in theory)

  • +2

    Only ninety two thousand of them?

  • +3

    I feel like Abe Simpson with the emergence of NFTs. Genuinely don't get it.

  • 57K + claimed be fast :)

  • +4

    Site is so buggy… Apparently I've claimed but can't see anything anywhere.

    • +1

      Cant even.. it keeps looping over and asking for my name on Brave browser

  • +2

    Website is trash

  • +1

    Not OP's fault but that was a waste of time. Tried with 2 accounts and neither worked. I think the site is broken.N

  • +3

    Site very broken

  • +5

    So you spend time to get nothing, with a total value of nothing, and with no actual use. How is this not just datamining?

  • +10

    Crypto has really made Ponzi schemes more and more complex.

    I miss the simpler days where I could get scammed just by buying some items to sell on to others rather than trying to figure out all this digital stuff.

    • +9

      I'd rather buy a bag of chips and get a tazo

      • +3

        Tazos were the shit. Still remember a kerbside rubbish bag full of the Tazo Slammers and regular ones. Those were the days.

        • +7

          I had something unbelievable happen to me when I was a kid. When DBZ tarzos were out, I bought a packet of chips and shit you not half the pack was filled with tazos. Outside of GTA3 that was the highlight of my childhood.

  • +2

    Destroy the environment…for free!

  • Site is broken, already said reached claim limit.

  • Trash website. Keeps asking me to onboard. Doesn't bode well for the non-fungible aspect 🤪

  • Nifty's is backed by Mark Cuban, but I'm passing as this is on the ethereum blockchain. Gas fees…

  • What a joke this site is!

  • Page is seriously broken…Tried to sign up but page keeps refreshing itself while you type. Finally managed to sign up, claimed and nothing shows in my account. Tried claiming again and stated claim limit reached. BS

    • +1

      Had the same with Chrome, but logging back in with Edge rather than just looping it updated to say Pending in the NFT collection bit.

      • I also tried with edge (after Chrome played up), that is when I had the issue of the NFT to showing in my account while saying that I reached claim limit.

  • +4

    I missed ground floor Bitcoin, maybe Space Jam NFTs are my future ?!?!?

  • +1

    Try incognito tab it worked for me.

  • +1

    That was fast 65K claimed now .
    Full on social media attack :)

  • the site has been OZB'd, super slow now

  • +2

    I like how people are getting mad that they can’t get a free virtual card lmfao.

  • It’s crap. Said all claimed but shows only 70000 out of 90000 claimed. Is this legit or just another marketing scam?

  • +6

    Getting a status which says “Pending”. Anyone too?

    • +1

      Mine did too then eventually shows up in 'My Profile' under 'Collected'

      • Thanks. Mine still says pending after 30+ mins

  • -1

    Nice datamining

  • +2

    NFT will be the future of personalised digital assets. Things like driver licence, birth certificates, diplomas, awards, passports, medical records, work permits, etc, can all be tokenized.

    They can also be used for stonk certificates, Treasury bonds, fractionalised real estate, legal wills, etc.

    The tokens are counterfeit-proof and can be verified instantly by anyone or by multisig.

  • -2

    Limit reached. Op please mark as such.

    • Still says 74,294 / 91,980 NFTs

  • website doesn't work for me, tried to login with twitter and got the 403 Forbidden error

  • -1

    Reached claim limit whilst still showing 75,281/91,980.

    No deal!

  • 403 Forbidden

  • +2

    I just checked my account again, got a Daffy Duck and Lebron James. I feel so fulfilled, like my life is now complete. What did everyone else get?

    • +1

      Rare Speedy Gonzales and Common Tweety here

  • 502 Bad Gateway

  • +1

    Received a Common Lebron James and a Rare Tweety.

    • Rare Speedy Gonzales and Common Tweety here

  • +1

    How are these actually NFT? You can't even transfer them, do they even exist on a blockchain?

    • The page says 'coming soon' with a timer, 14 days to go..

  • +1

    Common 2D Lola Bunny and Uncommon 3D Lebron James

    • -2

      Rare 3D Lola Bunny, Uncommon 2D Road Runner + Wile E. Coyote, Uncommon 2D Lebron James, Common 2D Road Runner + Wile E. Coyote

  • -3

    if anyones not wanting their cards, im happy to take them for the cost of $0 when trading is available

  • +1

    alright while that was a shit show earlier, I just logged back on and ended up having 2 cards on my profile lol.
    I couldn't see that at the time coz the servers were dying.

  • How do you tell what rarity the card is?

    • if you have it, it isnt rare

      • I'm selling mine for $49.99 USD lol .
        But I'm patience and will wait a week to get triple :)

  • +1

    Part 2: Space Jam NFTs

    Share below before the deadline to receive a randomly selected Tune Squad group NFT

    Share this page below to receive a randomly selected Tune Squad group NFT.

    11:59 PM ET
    Be sure to share before midnight ET to earn your free Tune Squad group NFT.

    CHECK BACK 7/30
    Thanks for sharing. Come back to see which Tune Squad group NFT rarity you've scored.

  • +1

    Marketplace is now open for these to be sold

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