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SONOFF Motion Sensor (Zigbee) US$9.99 (~A$13.47) Delivered (CN Stock) @ Banggood

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I'm just about to start playing with Home Assistant, so I'm collecting bits and pieces such as these sensors. I dont have any direct experience with these sensors but seemed to be a good price compared to other Zigbee montion sensors.


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  • +2

    FWIW I bought one these motion sensors and after much pain threw it in the bin. I had it connected to Home Assistant using Z2M and a CC2531 and it would intermittently work, tried numerous things but no luck. Basically have an expensive CR2450 from that experience. search the web… there were lots of people with similar experience. YMMV

    • +2

      That's a shame, Sonoff's switches are great. For what it's worth I've had great success with Aqara motion sensors using a Conbee II and ZHA.

      • Yes agree, I was trying to edit my post that the Xiaomi sensors are the way to go.. slightly more expensive though. Unless you pick them up during the sales.

      • I have a bunch of Aqara gear which is relatively inexpensive and works great. I had previously tried the Philips Hue motion sensors which aren’t as good and are more expensive.

    • +2

      Have you tried a better zigbee hub like conbee or something. I used whole lots of different zigbee stuff on different brands and smartthings and hue bulbs are probably the best in terms of reliability followed by xiaomi aqara. You do get a few bad seeds out of the xiaomi one but battery life is excellent and cheap. The only gripe with smartthings are the expensive and atrocious performance on battery so I ended up soldering a couple aa and aaa together to get rid those lithium cells, not very pretty looking.
      Zigbee can be very pedantic to get it to work properly so expected to be peculiar on some nonsense like a proper usb extension cord for the hub or avoiding moving sensors around after set up.

      • Would you know if the zigbee hub built into the new echo device is good? I got the echo during the prime sale but dunno if thats worth using. I dont have any other zigbee devices

      • Using SmartThings and Hue too, works great. Yet, never had much success with Aqara sensors paired with SmartThings. What sensors and approach works for you reliably?

        • I run hue and smartthings. Tried using aqara and Xiaomi sensors as well as IKEA sensors and always had drop outs. Didn't have the IKEA powered units for extension though.

          Gave up on IKEA and Xiaomi/aqara and ended up using hue vision sensors and smartthings sensors. They've been the most reliable for me and works best and instant with long battery life

          • @EnergicAU: Thanks! And: same attempts and identical experiences. It’s not great, but good to hear. Cheers.

  • +1

    have both the xiaomi and these sensors working with deconz in HA. haven't had any issues with these yet.

    am using the motion sensors, door contact sensors and the buttons.

    • Thats good to hear. deconz seems to have pretty good compatibility with a wide range of zigbee devices.

      • +2

        i was using a HUSBZB-1 before deconz but bit the bullet and upgraded when ZHA was still a work in progress a while back. the HUSBZB-1 still works fine (my brother uses it now for his HA) but deconz seems to be a lot more stable and easier to add devices than with ZHA. Having said that I can see that ZHA has come a long way since I've used it, so YMMV

  • Stay away from sonoff!
    They are cheap and economic but not reliable.
    Have multiple of their wall switches, minis, door sensors and motion sensors. Minis are ok but the others are crap.

    • I've had a house full of Sonoff wall switches for 8 months now, and my mate's had his for years. Zero issues so far.

    • What are you using for gateway ?

      • Sonoff ZigBee bridge.
        The sensors go offline constantly. Re-pairing solves the problem for a while but it's never ending…

    • That doesnt sound good if they are unreliable, agreed they are cheap and most likely bad batches go through QA without being picked up. What items can you recommend?

      I've had sonoff wifi light switches and relays without issues. Looking at controlling these locally too off Home Assistant….need to flash, havent looked into it yet hopefully over wifi, with no soldering.

      • I am using them with home assistant.
        They constantly go offline, lose internet connection and worst of all ghost switching.

        • +1

          Which ZigBee dongle are you using ? I am thinking this could be a coverage issue as well.

          • @DonaldJTrump: I have mesh wifi in the house and all the wifi switches are within 2m of routers.
            For ZB I have Sonoff ZigBee bridge and some sensors close to the bridge go offline constantly. Don't think it's a coverage issue.

            • @KB57: Could it be competition for bandwidth between your 2.4wifi mesh and the zigbee network operating on the same frequency band?

        • +1

          Have you checked battery yet to rule it out. I have no experience with sonoff but the smartthings behaved like that when batteries run low. A couples of xiaomi did that too with certain batteries.

  • I'm looking at building my own home security alarm with HA. Please spare me with the get a purpose built security system yaddy ya ya, this is purely to see if it triggers while I'm away from home. A crook will rob the place if they want to regardless or alarm.

    Any who, can anyone suggest some sensors, etc. I was originally going to get the Eufy security, but it looks like it's APIs to HA can be a bit crappy.

    • +1

      I am also looking into a DIY home security system using HA. My HA is already in place (Hassio installed on UnRaid server) with a couple of 2652R Zigbee dongles. I also have a few smart plugs scattered around the house, with time driven lights on/off automations.

      As per Home Security, I am planning to add some ZigBee Motion Sensors (possibly from Sonoff or Aqara) as well as door sensors (for front door, garage shutter etc). I have a Google Home currently, and depending on how much noise needs to be created, I may have to add a few more sound "devices", still undecided on that.

      I also plan to have a simple arm/disarm system in the final run, which could be simply be a tablet or something, again undecided.

      Hope this gives you a starting point.

      • Thanks, yeah so what you are doing/going do to do is what I plan to do. At the moment it's looking like Aqara sensors, but holding out to see if there is anything better. I'm running my HA in Docker on my OMV system so I can through resources at it, I have a Conbee 2 here just sitting unused.

        I have about 10 Google Homes here, but I do have a screamer from my old alarm system which I guess I would just need to wire a relay into it and it would be 1000x louder than triggering the Googles.

        There is a bunch of stuff I want to do, but don't know if it will be easier/more reliable to buy something off the shelf that has it's APIs open to HA.

    • +1

      ive added a HA alarm to my shed with these sensors. i've also added a zigbee siren and smoke alarm that sits in the shed. it's extremely easy with the built in alarm manual integration (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/manual/). you can use the keypad within HA or like I did and use a sonoff zigbee smart switch to enable/disable it. it took me about 15 minutes to get it setup.



      • Cool.

        So you have a ZigBee based smoke sensor as well as siren/strobe light integrated.
        Is that siren loud enough for a single floor house, or do we require 2 (front and back), or may be (inside and outside) ?

        • it is pretty loud, would probably recommend getting one for inside and outside if the house is big enough. like I said, it's in my shed

          • @koom: The Aliexpress listing is slight confusing, is it mains or USB powered ?

            Just wondering, how would I attached this to wall/ceiling etc ….
            Also, is it IP rated for outdoor installation ?

            • +1

              @DonaldJTrump: mains powered (powerpoint) probably not ip rated. not sure of any other options (in zigbee format anyway). might be better off with a siren hooked up to a sonoff mains thing to control it.

              • @koom: And I take it, it can be wall or ceiling mounted ?

                • @DonaldJTrump: plus straight into a powerpoint (as in the unit itself, no cords). probably no good for your purpose

      • +1

        Nice one, thanks for that. Do you guys have anything for arming/disarming easily? I would love something I could tap the NFC of my phone with, if that was even possible.

        • would be easy with the HA android app (it supports nfc)

  • +1
    • +1

      Interesting Blitzwolf have generally always been good quality when it comes to mobile phone accessories and what not.

    • They both have nice mounting brackets for wall/ceiling mounting.

    • Wow rechargeable is awesome! My Smartthings ones chew through batteries but my Xiaomi one lasts ages

  • I got one of these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000751317465.html?spm=a2g0s…
    Is there is way to connect to HA without going through with their third party app?

  • ..

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