First time posting here.
Amazon seems to be price matching BIG W deal
First time posting here.
Amazon seems to be price matching BIG W deal
arent all those games still being made for old gen models
64 players max for old gen
PS4 can run planetside 2 with like 500+ right? Bf is also coming out on them.
Im pretty sure I had a 133mhz pentium that could run tribes 2 with 64 players.
Don't think the player count is really the only benchmark for this stuff.
yeah serisously if you want to run that game I would wait for a xbox series X, the amount of people I knwo that have the series S that have returned it because of all the issues with some games they have, after getting the series X suddenly disappeared. I would say its not a console you should play AAA titles on at max settings. Unless ofcourse your running it on a 1440p monitor or 1080p monitor. Then there is also the lack of storage and no disc drive, (obvioulsy not an issue if you have gamepass) Then shouldn't be an issue I would think.
just so you know unless all 128 players spawn infront of you, it is the cpu that handles that, which the x and s share.
But it’s gpu is lacking
This has the same CPU as the Series X - essentially a Ryzen 7 3700X. It is a beast.
The GPU sucks in the Series S, but its the CPU which counts for 128 player online.
At 1080p it shouldn't have a problem with 128 player online.
No drive no buy
Same with my PS5, I save so much money buying PS4 games on ebay. Bluray has a special protective coating so literally 99% of discs you buy used, look flawless.
No Mans Sky, $35 digital purchase, or $11 on ebay AND you get to trade it in and re-sell it?
The series S is essentially a Game Pass machine. So think of it as more of a $15/month for all the games you get.
PSN prices are whack
No one is going to buy games on XBOX, game pass is going to have it all
No drive no UHD player.
Not everyone wants or needs a Blu-ray player.
again there is netflix and prime
@Sukh: In terms of image and sound quality, netflix and prime are not a substitute for blu-rays, unless you're watching on a laptop or something.
I wish it wasn't true, but it is.
@ItsMeAgro: Netflix on 1080p on my TV is actually quite good but I still have some UHD disc movie or game never play before.
You could always try connecting an hd-dvd player to it. Should work, I mean it's made for Xbox.
For a second I thought you meant because you couldn't drive to the store to pick it up that you wouldn't buy it… The weekend wasn't long enough.
Tempted….I have a PS5 and Switch. Don't know if I need an X…
Pretty good value with the gamepass.
XBOX Series X is good, a true "next-gen" console. This is the Series S though, it lacks a disc drive and is comparable in power to the old XBOX One X. This is suitable if you want to use as a Games Pass machine.
Biggest issue is also the 367GB storage, hopefully Noone is getting this to play CoD.
if u have more time in your life for another console and pay $15/mo for gamepass perhaps 😀
Tempted but then you always need gamepass and so little storage.. this or rather still a series s 1tb for half the price second hand?
Do you mean a One S? Definitely this.
I reckon it wouldn't be too bad if you attach a relatively cheap USB SSD and archive games on there. Obviously they need to be transferred back to internal before they can be played, but depending on how many you frequently play, it may not be too much of a hassle.
Yea the old one s.. seems you can get it for around 200 to 250 with 2 controllers and 1tb. I know the series s is nicer but i mainly want it for plex and some nights of gaming with the 9y old. We have very good pc setups for gaming, this is just going to be an alternative for some days. When you install a game from pass and it expires, so does the game correct?
You can get the old Xbox One X for around $300 on Facebook marketplace. Someone near me is selling one for $250 even.
@Agret: Most consoles seem to be with 1 remote so adding another $90 for a remote comes to almost 400.. Then I'm thinking well perhaps just get the Series S and renew the gamepass each year lol…
I'm not sure if you have an nvidia shield. I substitute an Xbox for that, and sync my controllers to the shield using VirtualHere.
Total cost is much less and it does 4k 60fps no problem and no noticeable latency <10ms.
You do need an ethernet from your PC to the Shield though. I just run mine under my house.
Also cool to play some PC games from the living room using the Xbox one X controllers :-)
@turna: Everything I have is on 5ghz wifi and would prefer to not use wires unless its a must which so far seems ok even for streaming 4k movies to my TV. But I'll look into the Shield
Also $20 back on Amazon with Amex $100 spend. Just got email.
Been holding off on a new xbox until MS Flight Sim was released. Now have a date of 27 July need to decide if want series s or x
flight sim is very demanding, you should try and get an X for the best experience
I was thinking that, do you think it will lag on the series s?
no lag, but maybe i will run at 30fps instead of 60? but it will not stutter regardless and will be optimised far better than pcs
@fitzy87: yea so the quality will be a little shot on the s but there should be no lag, should be stable 30
I had a series X and a PS5 from launch. Game Pass was great value, but not worth having the X just for it. Sold it for just under retail price, and got my Game Pass fix on my PC. However the discounts on the Series S made a really appealing GP-only machine. I've got RDR2, GTA V, Jurassic World Evolution, The Outer Worlds, Call of the Sea, and I think a few more installed on the internal storage. I could easily store and play most of these on an external SSD as well.
Sure, it's only 500GB (380 something useable) but if you're one of those people that HAS to have multiple games stored and accessible to play at any given time, this is not a console for you. Honestly, it's more than enough if you can get past the mental block of such a small SSD, I think you'll find it's fine.
I feel like if I get the series s for Flight Simulator the 380gb will be consumed lol!
They've done some good optimisation recently and dropped the game size from around 150 to 80ish GB or something like that. I presume it was done as part of trying to port it to the consoles. I find that a lot of the size increase on PC comes from mods, which I don't think will be as accessible on the series consoles.
In saying all that, if I didn't have a good PC, I would definitely want the X if I was getting a console to play MSFS for the performance.
Like someone posted in another deal, can trade in original Xbox one (the one with connect) for $230ish to Microsoft Exchange, towards the price of a series S, bringing it down to $270 from MS.
Thanks for reminding me, I actually looked at this a while ago and thought my Xbox One S 1TB came up at like $100 trade in value or something. But I just did it again and you are right, $225.84! More than I would get on Facebook or Gumtree.
My one X shows 314 for me. I brought second hand for 250. But I won't get s, X is the way to go if I am getting one.
Yeh seriously I’m on an OG Xbox one and trade in value for it at $230 is unreal.
I mean I’d prefer an X or a pc but for $270 for a series S I’ll take it. Not gaming much atm and pretty much exclusively warzone
Just went back to rdr2 to finally complete it, put it off for over a year after learning what happens lol but after that, I won’t be wedded to any games on disc
i don't game much as well, but i need a dvd drive to play 4K blueray movies. otherwise i don't mind take the S
Eb told me their base trade-in value for one X is 190 as of today. I don't know what to say compare to MS. Even with the"member bonus" I wonder why you can't trade-in for the X. I know the stock is a problem but at least should offer this option.
@ce5himm: It is because the series S stock is barely moving, they don't need to encourage people to buy the SeriesX as that is selling out as soon as stock is available - everywhere.
Right now, I can walk into any retailer in my area (Harvies, JB, Goodguys, EB Games) and walk out with a Series S within 5 minutes.
Got a link to that? I have 2 OGs and would do the swap for a cheaper Series S
That's an amazing trade in price, but I think it shows how desperate MS are getting to move these now.
I need the drive too though, as I have about 100 games from both 360 and Xbox1 that I do not wish to throw in the bin. I mainly want it for my kids to use, but the Series X is just too much for a kids machine. If the Series S had a drive bay, it would have literally been perfect for my needs :-(
Game Pass sounds so appealing, but like I need to spend more time playing games 😂
I still think a PS5 holds more value in the console long term.
how did Sony go with introducing new games at E3?
Odd comment cause they haven’t been part of E3 for years
yeah, imagine that - a gaming company not showing up to one and only event where games are being announced….fair play
@botchie: Their Feb state of play wasn't just one game. That was Horizon you're thinking of, and that was just recently.
@botchie: They don't need to anymore. E3 was a necessity a while back, with with live streaming and high production value for internally produced content, these companies can host their own events and get as big or bigger numbers in views. MS are more in a position of need as they are still far behind Sony from the last generation in sales - that's not an opinion or me being a fan of one or the other, it's just a fact. So MS capitalised on the e3 hype, which was the right move, and delivered a great presentation with a lot of hype for the future.
Right now, Sony doesn't need to do it. They'll have their own presentation in the next few months and it'll get the viewership they want, at a fraction of the cost.
@botchie: If the only thing you can comment on this thread is “Sony didn’t introduce any games at E3” then lord help you
Not much point buying an Xbox if you already have a gaming PC
Unless all games on Xbox game pass available on PC.
Do you need all games though… One might just want certain category of games and might be better off buying game upfront than paying a rental service. Ofcourse ymmv
If you use your gaming Pc to work then it might seem less fun playing at your PC.
Heard it's a great emulation machine. Anyone had good experience emulating PS2 games on it?
PS2 emulation on series X works 100% perfect for me so far
That's freakin crazy. Do you have to transfer the PS2 isos onto the system storage or can it run perfectly off an external hard drive?
I have transferred to system storage, haven’t tried off an external, think I read that some cores don’t work with external, not sure about the ps2 one though..,
It's great, yeah, but not nearly as good as an old laptop with an xbox (or PS4) controller. And it's several times the price, so…
I love the Series X but the Series S appears to be way overpriced for what you're getting. $300 would be more appropriate for this model
The hard drive space and disk drives are the main ones really. For most people, id be suprised it you noticed a huge difference in graphics/gameplay between them. Also, they both will play all the same games. Not sure $300 vs $749 seems fair….
I see anyone buying this thing needing the extremely expensive storage, which is slower than the PCIe 3.0 NVMe I bought last year for half the price and double the additional storage.
I like the idea of this machine as a second room system, Xbox cloud-save is great, but the unit is overpriced for its setbacks, I'd have gotten it at this price at launch, but I will wait for the inevitable $299.
Have the S since launch (couldnt find stock for X) - I can say that on the LG 4k TV, all games optimised for X/S look absolutely fantastic. I started playing forza horizon 4 just because it looks so damn good. Forza looks so much better on XBOX S than my PC with RTX5700 / Ryzen 9 5900x. I may actually sell the PC graphic card since other games like flight sim are also coming to Xbox.
The quick resume is also very cool, games load magnitudes faster than previous gens (Even older games like Fallout 4 look amazing). Very happy with this purchase and with game pass it makes sense. Only con is the storage, it really is ridiculously low. You can have 3 or 4 big games on at a time. I have 100mb NBN so not too fussed and I just uninstall and install games as needed, the saves are all in the cloud anyways.
Gamepass is an amazing value if you have xbox and a PC for gaming.
Are there any good sources for series X restock info?
I still think I'll go there series X as I only have 50mbps and don't think the 380 will be enough with out being a hindrance.
I'd think there would be a restock soon.
X or S , unsure , i can get bigger trade in if decide for S, and also can use Amex on X or S
please share your thoughts
X 749-80(amex)-125(trade in)=544
S 499-80 amex -225 trade in=194
Hi great find OP since Big W AND Target are back to $499 and Amazon still has this deal it's the cheapest non-eBay & non-Gumtree way to get the Series S.
MAY NOT BE THIS CHEAP MUCH LONGER - MAYBE ONE DAY LEFT once Amazon notices I assume their price will go up too.
Cash Converters has some great deals, worried about 90 day warranty (do they consider themselves private sellers so they think a warranty isn't given?). Be aware found a $274 Series S - BUT it's the picture and details of a 2nd hand Xbox One S - so wrong title in search, it's slightly worn too.
Just wait till end of the year. Sales growing after price reduction is the consumer talking, it was never worth $499 in the first place.
$400 should have been the standard price at release.
YEP - just checked and it IS now $499 - they seem to imply it was coming from Microsoft itself, so maybe Big W, Target and Amazon/Aust had a special deal through 'em to sell at that price.
Keen to see some benchmarks of how thing performs in a Battlefield 2042 game with 128 players.