ozBFM » user profile

Member Since 22/07/2014
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Badges 1

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Can I include all the free courses I’ve taken on my LinkedIn? I must be a double phd by now.
16/03/2025 - 16:36
That was a really good win given the arrogance on display. Pat is a legend when he let them know.
23/02/2025 - 11:17
I have the unify gateway connected to nbn which gives internet to my tp link decos. This way main traffic and firewall rules etc are all…
29/12/2024 - 08:45
Thank you. Finally bit the bullet and picked up an m3.
20/11/2024 - 04:03
This is a first world take. Most people in underdeveloped economies keep money in USD and those economies ban transfers in and out of USD…
16/11/2024 - 19:02
Lots of comments. May I present my simplistic view. Bitcoin is a digital currency and store of value. It’s like gold but exists online…
16/11/2024 - 02:58
Hi all. I am now an expert on china, trump, patents, Elon, world economy, cost of living and a whole host of other topics. Thanks But does…
02/11/2024 - 02:09
Not the best deal since an import.
03/09/2024 - 23:30
Leverage should be used as a short term instrument if ever used and only by those who understand and can take the loss. Literally every…
30/08/2024 - 19:48
First. All leverage is bad. There is no safe leverage. But if you were to leverage you need to remove funding costs from returns. This…
23/08/2024 - 01:44
A 2x on equity indexes would be safer, cheaper and return more compared to a 5x on property.
22/08/2024 - 21:12
Data consistently shows US equity indexes outperform everything else over a long period. Property in Australia is all leveraged bets and as…
21/08/2024 - 12:49
Thanks OP. Picked up the door bell and routers. Both work great even though our household is mostly iOS devices. The doorbell is near…
11/08/2024 - 12:55
This tbh
18/07/2024 - 03:27
Looks like a good mix of worst ever and meh. I also lie somewhere between worst ever and meh 🫤
18/07/2024 - 03:26
Wondering what the general consensus is. Is this the worst prime day sale ever? In my opinion it is. Nothing seems to be a ozbargain level…
17/07/2024 - 12:17
The scale of this genocide is bigger than anything else in modern history, this is why it’s much more in the news. But I do agree and…
29/06/2024 - 17:08
Have the S since launch (couldnt find stock for X) - I can say that on the LG 4k TV, all games optimised for X/S look absolutely fantastic.…
16/06/2021 - 02:12
Mining is now ridiculously profitable again, so cards shortages and premiums may start popping up very soon. e.g. USD 4.72 /day right now…
03/09/2020 - 05:12
07/07/2020 - 12:08
I bought this exact one a couple weeks back (paid more). Can confirm, comes with a pretty nice and thin heatsink.
11/06/2020 - 03:14
ozBFM was awarded a badge.
11/06/2020 - 03:14
The tomahawk X570 from msi is hands down the best X570 motherboard right now in terms of price/performance. I expect it’s price to…
08/06/2020 - 09:16
MSI Tomahawk X570. Shops getting stocks now. Got mine a couple of days ago. Rivals the $800 boards.
04/06/2020 - 20:46
This looks, feels like an absolute premium board. Here is a good review. This guy initially ripped MSI a new one with the low quality…
03/06/2020 - 23:30
Just received my board this morning from PCCG. What an amazing board for the price. Will hook it all up and fire it up on the weekend.…
03/06/2020 - 11:16
Such a great price. So tempted. Paid more an adata 1TB
03/06/2020 - 01:38
I second this. Have done this before. If you have the printed drawings / designs - you can provide to someone on one of these platforms and…
02/06/2020 - 21:07