This was posted 3 years 9 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[eBay Plus] Dell 27" Monitor $359, Sodastream Spirit $29, Galaxy S21 5G $959, P'mon Snap $45, Golf G80 $0.99, FIFA21 $15 @ eBay


Some nice deals coming up for the ebay plus weekend.

I believe the Dell monitor on sale for $359 will be the S2721DGF.

Full Credit to Press Start -

Thursday 27th Of May

Friday 28th Of May

Saturday 29th of May



Sunday 30th of May



Monday 31st of May

Additional information 1
Additional information 2

Expired deals -

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eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • +23

    ahhhh-hhaaaaaa…. Back to bed

    • Sleep tight

      • Don't let the FOMO bite

    • +8


  • +1

    I believe the Dell monitor on sale for $359 will be the S2721DGF

    That would be amazing but the price says $259 at the top, then $359 at the bottom (both at Sunday 5pm apparently 🤔)… Much confuse, but I guess it can't to hurt to be alert.

    • Its not like $359 is a bad price…

    • Lol $359 is a steal it won't be $259 lol

      • What I was saying was, that if it's going to be $259 it's probably not going to be the DGF.

        Press Start changed the price that was on the top of the article from $259 to $359, so now we have a little bit more certainty that it is gonna be the DGF!

        That being said I'm no expert on the Dell monitor lineup, and there might be other monitors that match the description.

        • AHH i get ya sorry sometimes not the best at following.. If I didnt already have one id defs be buying it at either price though

          • @bargone: All good man, my wording wasn't the best either!

            And it's as you say, managed to grab one for $359 (with 3 eBay gift cards with those $5 cashbacks) and am a very happy man!

  • Is Pokemon snap on Friday or Saturday?

    • New Pokemon Snap – $45 – Saturday May 28th – 12:00pm

      • +1

        Wrong date. Should be 29th May (Saturday).

  • Been wanting to try out an air fryer, deal seems ok?

    • I havent heard anything good about that air fryer (not that I've heard anything particularly bad either), but for that price, worth trying it out!

      • I have one. It gets hot really fast (dissipates heat on its enclosure) compared with my old Eurochef. Not great.

  • +1

    Soda Stream looking a bit expensive, last time it was $19 should of brought it than.

    • +25

      Are you trolling with your grammar lol

      • +15

        Are there any good items to bry in this weekend event?

        • +26

          Use Afterpray to bry now, pray later

          • +2

            @Pecan: make sure you cancel your ebray prus after signing up so you don't get charged next year

        • haha i got a good chuckle out of that!

      • +9

        @izzyq19 *bought

      • Wow, his correction is still wrong.
        Much shameful

        • Many shamefuls.

      • Shoulda*

    • $0.99 in 2019's weekend deal

  • +1

    so is Dell monitor 259 or 359 ffs

  • Damn, from the title I had hoped the golf G80 was this fella:…

    • Well its not, sad :(

  • Hope its not this monitor already close to that price :…

    Subtotal (1 item) AU $336.25
    Postage Free
    Vouchers/coupons -AU $67.25
    Order total AU $269.0

    • +1

      That's not a "gaming monitor"

      • I h8 mornings missed the model number :…

        Currently $429 after discount .

        • +1

          i bought this one. hoping it's not the same monitor. knowing my luck though, suspect that it is and would potentially come with 3 yrs warranty which means it's a different "product" so not even sure if Dell would do a refund on price difference! ahhhh

          • @Grale: contacted dell and they said they can't do refund on price difference. + they said its most likely it will be the 3 yrs warranty one.

            • @Egganar: i did as well and they basically said ebay dell and dell are operating under different policies.

      • honestly, it's so weird that every other product is clearly titled which specific model it is. Except for the Dell one :\

  • +6

    Why no more $99 Airpods 😞

  • any comments about the shoes?

    • +2

      Platypus has them on sale for around $50 which is quite a discount already

      It would be good to know about the quality but I’ll probably pull the trigger anyway at that price

    • +2

      for $29 can you really go wrong???

  • +1

    Wth. I just bought the dell monitor for 428 with 5 year warranty and they have not even shipped it yet and now it's gonna be even cheaper?

  • Looking for airpod pros. I misplaced or lost mine.

    • Expensive loss!

      • Not too bad. My dog destroyed 3 pairs of Bose earphones in a month at least $800

  • the one thing that sucks about having a 32" 1440p is its hard to get deals on this size. thinking of grabbing the 27" 1440p if its for 259 and selling my current monitor (LG 32GK650F-B)

  • Only. Friday deal is good with the power bank of 99c and the soda stream spirit for $30

  • is the Adidas Mens Running X9000L3 any good?

  • +1

    Is the shoe sizing in UK or US ?

    • +1

      US… there is a chart in the description

      • dude where ???
        i c the chart but nothing about what the shoe sizing in.

        • It does say : "*For AU Footwear, Refer to US sizing"

          • @beebul:

            "*For AU Footwear, Refer to US sizing"

            no thats a men's running shoes, AU sizing = US sizing + 0.5 .
            meaning if u ar wearing AU sizing 9 you should choose 9.5 if those numbers representing US size.

      • I've also assumed it's US but they dont state it correctly

        • I went by the CMs then across to their chart sizing.
          My 28CM NB say 10 US, but these Adidas 28cm say US 11 so I went with that.
          Like clothing it seems different brands=different sizing, I hope I've guessed right
          EDIT: under "features" they quoted "Weight: 333 g (size UK 8.5)" - the only mentioning of sizing standard, so maybe they are in UK? Ah well, seems I've left myself room for thick socks

          • @Cheapkiwi: I wear NB, Nike, everything US 10, but only US 9.5 for Adidas UB.
            US 11 would be way large for Adidas.

            • @Unacceptable: Oh, well free returns, Shane my other Adudas has NO info inside ;(

          • @Cheapkiwi: It is weird. The one I bought from Adidas outlet. Us10 is JP280 assume it is 28cm
            US10, Uk9.5, FR 44, JP280, CHN 270

            • @findcaiyzh: Here's hoping, thanks :)

            • @findcaiyzh: So, shoes arrived (lucky it seems, if going by the thread just for these shoes), and the label isn't just one country size, it's listed like the chart - whatever country dropdown you choose, you get the same shoe of that cm length. Mine fit great! :)

  • Just when my ebay Plus subscription ends too ;(

    • -6

      just change the date on your device and you'll be fine.

      • +3

        for real? sounds like a hack from 2004

        • jokes

        • wooooooooow

    • Just join $4.99/ monthly plan.
      Also You will be in for $1million gift card draw

  • +4

    It is cheaper to buy the Airpods Max today than it is to buy it on Saturday

    $733.59 @ Sydney Mobiles, 14 units in stock at the time of comment (but actually a lot more in other colorways)

    update: posted at

  • +1

    You can never have enough air fryers for Lockdown 4.0

    • +1

      plus the way I'm collecting these G80 powerbanks, I reckon I can run an air fryer from them soon

  • +11

    Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer – $449 - PLUSHAIRDRY
    Adidas Mens Running X9000L3 Shoes – $29 - PLUSSHOE
    Health Choice 5L Digital Air Fryer – $39 - PLUSAIRFRY

    What's the bet that tomorrow's codes are PLUSPOWER, PLUSWINE and PLUSSODA

  • nice, got the shoes, all black better than orange highlights, cya tomorrow for the powerbank deal

    • sodastream tomorrow for me

  • +2

    Got the shoes, forgot to use my gift cards ;(

  • Got the shoes. Happy for that price.

  • +4

    Meant to get the air fryer but accidently bought the hair dryer… for $450 it would have to be able to cook a steak anyway yeah?

    • 🤣

    • Yeah, perfect for steak tartare.

    • Same same but different

  • anyone know if the adidas sizes on are UK or US standard on ebay?

    • US… there is a chart in the description

      • -3

        no ! its just a "size chart" it doesn't say the number u could select ar in UK or US.
        also the description is wrong about "For AU footware, refer to US sizing",
        US sizing is not the same as AU sizing, AU sizing = UK sizing = US sizing + 0.5 to 1.5.

        • well that sucks lol hopefully they will fit alright

        • Whoops my bad. Well hope the size is okay.. took a punt for 29

          • @beebul: I’m pretty sure it means, for AU footwear it’s in US sizing so pick the right one for you

            • @NotBritishorUK: Yeah - It does say : "*For AU Footwear, Refer to US sizing"

              • @beebul: as i said above
                thats a men's running shoes, AU sizing = US sizing + 0.5 .
                meaning if u ar wearing AU sizing 9 you should buy 9.5 fromt his seller, assumed those numbers representing US size.
                you could google and conform what i have said,
                if the shoes ar 1 size bigger then it may still be fine, but if u buying according to that chart u will end up 1 size smaller.

                • @samelight: Okay thanks - hope everyone's fit!

                • +1

                  @samelight: You’re just saying what he already said in the first place but telling him he’s wrong
                  He said it’s US sizing

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