Back in stock. Hurry they will go fast. At least 10 available at the time of posting.
As usual use Swap GCs from SB app for another 5% off (up to $1500 value ~$75 saving).
With Sony $300 cash back, that's sub $1700 for an A7 III !
Back in stock. Hurry they will go fast. At least 10 available at the time of posting.
As usual use Swap GCs from SB app for another 5% off (up to $1500 value ~$75 saving).
With Sony $300 cash back, that's sub $1700 for an A7 III !
Wait for Sony A7 IV might be a good idea.
From the promotion's terms and conditions:
"Lay-by and purchases from duty-free, discounted or clearance eBay sales, parallel import stores and second-hand purchases/retailers are excluded from this promotion."
I am sure they refer to private eBay sales. Digidirect issues their store receipt just like buying direct from their store. Digidirect is an authorised seller as per Sony T&Cs. I did a claim buying from their eBay store, with no problem. Ironically the only time I have a CB problem was when buying directly from Sony's own web store!
Yeah they're unfortunately notoriously slow with processing the cashbacks. Was just concerned with the "discounted ebay sales part" seeing as its part of an ebay sale, even though it is processed as a normal in-store sale by Digi. But should be right if it's gone through before!
Bloody unreal it has held value so well. I got one on release for sub $1850. Such a beast of a camera. Just don’t get time to shoot with it. If you’re even mildly considering going Sony full frame , do it!
Good deal! Anyone seen any deals on Sony a7riii ? Looks like that ebay store is doing the a7rii but no iii or iv.
I don’t need a camera I don’t need a camera 😭😭
Fantastic price
Where are you now? A7III broden?
A7IV incoming?
I've been holding out for that, not sure what to do at this price though!
but could the a7iv be this cheap when its out, imsure it has new feature and better…..but you get the point…it all comes down how urgent you need it.
I am using A7M2 now and still happy with it. But yeah, waiting for A7M4 as well.
Nikkon for me! Great price though!
In the description (In the Box) it says it includes the following:
Whereas in some other listing they include the above PLUS below:
AC Adaptor AC-UUE12
Accessory shoe cap
Eyepiece cup
Micro USB cable
Rechargeable Battery NP-FZ100
Shoulder strap
So I am wondering, are they selling second hand items as new? does anyone know?
A7iii doesn't come with battery charger.
You can charge in camera (just like phones), or you can buy the Sony charger, or third party ones.
I thought they do come with the manufacturer's charger at least.
Just like mobile phones, the earlier mobile phones do come with manufacturer's charger, because of the risk of damages cause to the phone when using a non oem charger. Nowadays mobile phone companies don't include oem charger because 1) most people would have a spare oem charger already 2) to lower the cost 3) sell you an accessory (if you need) to make some money.
I have only ever bought Canon cameras before and they all included oem charger, charging cable, shoulder strap…etc.
Look at Ted's, they include everything for the body option.
Just a little suspicious…otherwise price is
I thought they do come with the manufacturer's charger at least.
Definitely no charger as reviewed here:…
Pretty odd takeaway, it's far more likely to be an inconsistency in the description than one of the largest camera stores selling dozens of used A7 IIIs as new. Especially over eBay/Paypal which are very buyer friendly platforms.
I am still a little skeptical about this A7 III listing…if you look at their A9 II listing (body only) :… It includes oem charger and everything…so why does the A7 III listing doesn't include?
Because the a9ii includes a separate charger and the a7iii doesn't.
I bought my a7iii from jbhifi 2 years back and it didn’t come with a charger
afterpay no more?
Over 2k
Great price. I got mine for $1910 6 months ago. Anyone can recommend a cheap-ish wide angle lens for this?
samyang makes good cheapish E mount lens. How wide do you want it to be?
14mm or 16mm something around that. I'm using the Samyang 12mm from my APS-C body (cropped) and she's been solid. Just seeing what other recommendations others had :)
Samyang has been the best bang for buck.
They just released a new AF 24mm 1.8 FE with Astrophotography. I am waiting for wider with Astrophotography, hopefully not too long in the future.
A7c 28-60mm for extra 200 or A7iii?
Depends if you shoot with an EVF I think. EVF on the A7C is in an awkward spot, A7iii more traditional and more natural, which I wanted. I paid $1900 for a lightly used A7iii not long ago - this is an amazing price, even more so if the cash back pays out.
A7c is way superior in terms of auto focus
I cant find the a7c on their ebay?
r98 was talking about the JB Hifi's A7c package deal that went OOS within an hour
Ahh yeah. I missed that one too. Been considering switching to a7c from a7iii because I’m starting a youtube channel and a flip screen is a deal breaker for me
@trantonz: atomos shinobi would be the perfect match for your A7iii with YouTube in mind & getting the image perfect straight out of camera.
@Thayer: Yep. I bought the ninja 5 for this purpose. Reckon it will give me more benefits in the long run. However a7c is still better when it comes to vlogging
@trantonz: Yeah, 100% to both of your points for sure.
I've been eyeing off a ninja 5. Looks the goods for the price!
@Thayer: I bought it off a guy on gumtree. He bought the nikon z7 deal that comes with the ninja 5 + ssd. He sold it for $900 which is pretty good consider it brand new in box
A7c from JB, told they could order in to for me instore, but it has to be today as the offer ends today. Confused between a7c and a7iii. With GC cash back it’ll be $1695. $200 difference.
If you travel a lot, prefer smaller-ish size, film yourself, then get a7c.
They share almost identical technical aspects
@trantonz: This review may help you decide…
Conclusion: At its most simple, there's so much that's similar about the a7 III and a7C, that the main factors to choose between them are compactness and price. If you don't need or appreciate the smaller form-factor of the a7C or you expect to use larger lenses, you may well decide that the less-expensive a7 III is a better choice.
Equally, the larger viewfinder and more DSLR-like dial setup may make the a7 III's ergonomics preferable to some photographers.
However, the a7C's autofocus is meaningfully better than that of the older camera, both in performance and ease-of-use which, combined with its smaller body, compact kit lens and impressive battery life, make it a really powerful option for travel. It all comes down to what you plan to do with your camera.
Wait is it this or the Sony A7 S III people want?
This seems too cheap doesn't it?
Aren't they $5800?
If it’s $1800 for an a7s3, it would go OOS in 2 minutes
Thanks. Bought the camera. Now, what’s the best lens for videography (mainly events videography)?
Tamron 70-180 f2.8 or Sony 70-200 f2.8.
That range is good for portraits and zoom.
F2.8 good for low light.
my god, 2,088.00 for Tamron 70-180 f2.8 ….
can you explain to a noob - Tamron 70-180mm F2.8 vs Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 Di III RXD , what is the main difference / use cases ??
thanks in advance
the next step down is Sony 70-200mm F4, and Sony 24-105mm F4 (I own both). Both go on sale around the $1.2-$1.4k mark.
F2.8 to F4 just means it's less good in low light, and also the background blur/bokeh is less. To a normal person it's fine.
Anything in the 18-70mm range is for wider shots, such as group photos, landscape photography.
Anything in the 70-400mm range is good for single/couple portraits shots, and also zooming into further subjects (eg. you can't get too close to the bride and groom when they're saying their vowels). Also good for wild life (eg. birds, and also not getting too close to tigers)
@Ausdave: Hehehe. That a tiny bit…
"(eg. you can't get too close to the bride and groom when they're saying their vowels)."
Groom: A E I O U….
Bride: I do. a e I O U…
Celebrant: I now pronounce you.. grade 3!
Tamron 70-180 doesn't have stabilisation whereas the Sony 70-200 does, the Sony also zooms internally too. Sony would be the better lens for video though for photos there would be a smaller difference.
Is this a better deal than JB hi-fi one?
If you don't plan to use the A7c kit lens then I think this A7 III is a better deal as it is $200 cheaper and the saving can go toward the lens you like. They are more less equal, with pros and cons for each. See this review to see which fits your use case better:…
Thanks brother I want to use for my YouTube channel, do you know which Lens is best for that?
Something like this Sony SEL50F18F/2…
See this if you have specific use cases:…
Just waiting for that deal on Sony A7S III
OOS, they sold out 24 today.
To 24 lucky ozbargainers
Managed to snag one earlier, thanks for the posting that they were back in stock. Been waiting ages to get a second one, hate shooting with just one body and swapping all the time.
A7III at this price or A6400 with kit lens for $1200 for a first timer?
Go fullframe if you can afford it. Much better lens options
But the lenses are expensive, I could get A6400 plus sigma prime trio and in that price I would only get one lens with A7III 🤔
Better lens option does not mean better price. It's when you go down the path, you will be able to have more choices in focals, brands.
But yes, the a6400 is a very capable camera and I would always buy it again. I found myself using it more than any other cameras when I'm out and doing vlog
This is back on! Just grabbed one, not many left.
Excellent. 2 left now!
Going and gone!
I already have one and want to buy another at that price