$50 for the piksters brand water pik / Floss.
I find these better than actual flossing.
This unit is also lithium ion based rather than my $120 waterpik which is only ni-mh based.
$50 for the piksters brand water pik / Floss.
I find these better than actual flossing.
This unit is also lithium ion based rather than my $120 waterpik which is only ni-mh based.
Thanks Champ! Takes one to know one
Great thanks, ordered for pickup tomorrow. Never tried one before so will be interesting.
No worries! Gets a few goes to get used to, to not aim it at your gums and use without a mirror haha but it'll be the best thing. So quick and easy. And portable!
why no gum shot?
It’ll hurt and can cause bleeding.
Just wondering if the nozzle tip can be easily purchased?
I've not bought a replacement for any of mine due to them breaking or so, so couldn't comment but found some online (2pk for $11.95). Might not be available in brick and mortar so might have some shipping costs
Neat! I got a Waterpik one recently for $60, and that uses AA. This one being Lithium Ion is nice.
This is a bloody bargain, good find, fella
Thanks Champ!
Do they work? As in, actually remove plaque…
Dental professor at Melbourne Uni says no, that it's just a gimmick.
Yes. Flossing and brushing twice daily is a preventative measure to stop the build up of plaque and tartar. Everyone should also regularly go to the dentist (if you want to maximise teeth your condition).
I use my mine after using oralb 500, normally still spit out a lot of random junk that was between teeth.
Floss is better of course, but this takes 15secs to go over all the teeth twice.
Advice is to water floss before you brush, to leave toothpaste on your teeth and not rinse it out. Otherwise fluoride is wasted.
They stop plaque from building up - but if you already have plaque, you'll need to get your dentist to scrape it off.
no, plaque is the stuff we clean off at home. Calculus/tartar is fossilised plaque that the dentist/hygienist/oral health therapist scrapes off.
Thanks for the clarification 👍
Absolutely. I have a hard time flossing as have a small mouth. Since using a waterpik my dentist and hygienist constantly comment how much my teeth and gums health have improved. They still recommend to use in conjunction with flossing. Used to dread going to my dental cleans. I no longer have that fear. Regular gum bleeding I had before is now completely gone
I tried a Waterpik the other day to see how well it works and I found the pressure to be pretty weak, even on the highest setting. I think it would be good for people with braces who literally cannot floss, but for everybody else I think normal flossing is much more effective.
I got the Anjou branded flosser from this deal
Being waterproof they’re handy having in the shower, not only for flossing, but for firing precise jets of water at the pink mould in the grouting and hard to reach corners.
Hahah great idea!!
I have pink mould which is like grout in between my teeth.
Would a hydropik work or do I need to step up and get a karcher?
Thanks :D
Pink Mould!
I struggled for a while with this, and then did some research - it's not mould. it's actually bacteria. Most shower cleaners won't kill it completely, so it just grows back pretty quick. You need to get some bleach, and then clean the wet areas of the entire room, as it can get airborne from one surface to another (e.g. sink to shower, or vice versa).
Kill it all, and then it'll be gone for months.
Thanks OP, is this water-proof? It claimed to have 'water-proof design' but I can't find IPX rating?
They're an appliance that is built to be used with water so definitely good for that use case! Though water proof these days people naturally expect (under water for 30mins at 1.5m depth type thing). I wouldn't expect it to be 'that' kind of water proof but splash and water flossing proof yes completely!
Thanks mate, I'll give it a try!
No problems! I actually dred brushing (mostly the flossing part) as I'm so lazy but using one of these before brushing is so much more convenient :)
@FrozenFred: I have bleeding gums and my terrible flossing practice just makes it worse. Can't let anyone see me when I'm brushing and flossing, it's a bloody disturbing scene. Hope that waterpik will be a solution!
@Newgod: I'm not a dentist, but I suspect you have gingivitis caused by plaque build-up, which separates the gums from the teeth. You won't be able to remove the plaque with a water pick, or flossing, or brushing.
I had the same problem, had my dentist removed the plaques, and the bleeding reduced the next time I brushed, and was gone within a week. I flossed for months and no bleeding. Stopped flossing and the bleeding started again, first just a bit then getting worse. So have to go back to the dentist again and have the plaques removed.
Flossing, brushing and water picking get rid of the food and bacteria. If the bacteria and food are allowed to stay there for more than a few hours, the bacteria take calcium (I guess from your teeth) and form it into plaques stuck on your teeth. You can't just leave it a week and expect brushing/flossing/waterpicking to reset your mouth.
It is supposed to be shower proof but they don't provide any info on anything. No tank capacity or psi. Looks like the tank is very small, so needs multiple refills per use and can't compare jet strength to other products as no pressure rating.
Shaver shop have this for like $70 too, so maybe it’s regularly less than $100
It's generally around $75 in most other outlets.
Thanks op ordered one.
how do these compare to the Anjou brand water flossers.
I've not used one of those units personally but looks like same specs (lithium battery) so power wise I'd say same. I also usually try get things locally or in stores for easy warranty etc but that's just me!
fair enough!! ill stick with this and see how I go. thanks
Spent $100 on a new electric toothbrush vs my old one.
Worth every cent.
Spent $100 on the waterpik ultra plus.
Not a huge fan
Doesn't seem to work as well as Piksters imo
Am I missing something? This is an ozbargain hyped item I'm not a fan of.
Do you mean you don't like waterpik brand Flosser or water Flosser in general? I've got varying gap sizes in teeth so have to use a few different sized piks and need to use the thick kinds of floss which most brands don't make. Always food stuck in teeth etc so a water Flosser is just perfect one for all
What toothbrush did you get?
These are spot on for a sinus clean out. If you’ve been doing a nose rinse with one of those squeeze bottle things this will change your world. Just google it and it will show you all you need to know!!
Haha nasty! But glad to find there's more than one use for a water Flosser. Reuse, recycle, repurpose!
Is it not too violent for your nose? I used one to floss once and it made my gums bleed.
Once you're done with the nose rinse you can use it for a colonic!
Don't forget the eyeball rinse…
And your ear canal
Hmm I gotta admit I don't really floss that often. Probably once every couple months. Yeah, I know.
I've been wondering if a water flosser might be a good means to do it more frequently but always thought they were too expensive to try. I just hate flossing manually, not really sure why.
$50 seems like a pretty good deal to give it a go. Thanks OP!
Yeah man this really takes the hassle out! I learnt the hard way with a massive gap that normal flossing doesn't work on. so after a $2k root canal, I wish i knew about effectiveness/had got a water Flosser sooner. Enjoy!
Funny you say that as I'm going to the dentist on Monday for what I'm pretty sure will be a root canal :(
Picked one of these up in Melbourne this morning. 2 on the shelf at 10am.
“Temporarily unavailable”
Was this at the add to cart stage or final checkout? I could add to cart at least and locally when i found and bought one there was 6 in store :)
Wonder if amazon will price match this soon
They seem to have a couple of similar options for about the same price:
I have one of those from last ozbargain deal. It is convenient, however cannot replace dental floss
For those in the Newmarket / Moonee Ponds area, it's out of stock even though the website says it's in stock.
I went to both stores this morning at 7:00AM lmao.
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
"my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined" devo
OP, do you find the water spray is stronger on this vs your waterpik? There's no pressure rating on this so it's hard to tell from product info. How big is the water tank?
pressure rating is important I believe
This is more powerful than the waterpik I have. Not sure if there's any water pik on lithium but mine is nimh battery so loses power sooner
Just got one and gotta say it's not bad.
Tried it in front of the mirror and BOOM massive kickback spray, water everywhere, so will stick to using it in the shower from now on.
The water tank is kinda small - have to refill it a few times to do a proper clean.
Did a normal floss after and didn't get much out so looks like it did it's job….but it is very messy with water going everywhere.
And remember - Only floss the teeth you want to keep !
Yeah definitely after a few goes you won't need the mirror anymore or get that spray haha as i now just them with my mouth closed and through muscle memory /feel. Like I did with flossing
Thank you OP
Has anyone put mouthwash into the reservoir instead of water?
Not tried that personally. Maybe diluted wouldn't be a bad idea but just mouth wash would be very wasteful and I think unnecessary. I do use mouthwash at the end of the routine every week or so though!
I do all the time. Works great
Also, which is better - this one or the Anjou model on Amazon? https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/aw/d/B07G758K4H/ref=cm_cr_othr_…
Piksters has an induction charging base, whereas Anjou uses a charging port (with rubber bung). So an extra $7.50 for the charging base if you have space on the sink.
I have the Anjou one and happy with not having the charging base. I live with 2 females and bathroom sink real estate is a premium.
Cheers OP. Also try the code DMY20 to see if it works ($20 off $100 spend - credit to @MBix). Ordered a couple for $80 C&C this arvo.
Wow that's impressive prices!
Mayo clinic says it's not a replacement for flossing.
Not a replacement but good alternative if you're lazy
Just an FYI, the exact same model is $10-20 on aliexpress. This just has a brand slapped on to it and sold at woolies as a deluxe product.
Any link?
There does appear to be at least one very similar looking model.
Ah well for $30 extra I've actually received the item instead of waiting X weeks or worse, and have a warranty.
Name of the model?
Link to AliExpress?
None at box hill brickworks. There were two left at hawthorn east after I bought ours at lunchtime
The unit is quite big compared to the philips airfloss I’ve been using…😬
I’d probably recommend this instead $39.95 - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/202465312661
You can only purchase unit with this price. No nozzle, no charger.
You can get a charger for $30 and nozzle for $10 which would bring it to about $30 more expensive. Total $80.
My point is the philips would be a better unit to use. After trying both.
Just tried it today and felt like chewing dynamite! Bloody awesome literally, my gum bled more but it seemed to be much cleaner. It’s said that things will get better so I’ll stick with this waterpik for a while for a final verdict.
It has IPX7 rating on the handle but no specs of psi or tank capacity. Unlike the vibration in sonic toothbrush, imo the higher the psi doesn’t mean more benefits as too fierce force might injure your gum. This one also has FDA registration label on the manual so at least it was tested if the label is legitimate.
is this still available? cant see this on their website anymore…
It’s still available in store, check for stock online before you go.
Looks like we've all killed the online ordering of these water Flosser haha!
i recommend the ones from ebay with a big container for water, (any Chinese ones which ill guarantee you are made the same place this one was minus the warranty from woollies) this is just not enough for one round of flossing, its annoying to fill it up 3 times per session.
Went to "Temporarily unavailable" 2 minutes ago.
back now!
Was just about to order, got a phone call, went back… "Temporarily unavailable"
This is heavy.
Get in quick showing available now!
@McFly: Haha! Working for me at least adding to cart but anyway showing in store at my local woollies. You should check local stock for I store pick up
We got it, tried it and bloody hell almost blows holes in ya gums at normal setting!
Sure cleans your teeth and gums. But boy does it use a lot of water at a very quick rate!
Prob have to fill it 5 times to do do all the teeth!
At least you can use it in the shower as water goes every where.
Yeah haha that was me too. You'll get used to it and be done with 1 to 2 tanks without the need for the mirror and a half closed mouth. All just over the sink :)
Return to thank OP again. My gingivitis really improved with much less bleeding gum now. Would be great to have bigger water tank but this is still my best $50 investment so far!
That's great news mate! Glad it helped you :). I had gingivitis when i was younger so know exactly how you feel. Keep it up and you be good in no time!
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