This was posted 3 years 11 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[eBay Plus] eBay Tuesday - GoPro HERO8 Black $299, [PS5] Spiderman Miles Morales $39 Delivered @ eBay


Upcoming eBay Tuesday sale. You all know the drill by now.

Pay with discounted ebay gift cards for further savings.

Mod Note: 10am Drop has sold out. Next drop at 4pm.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Is spiderman the ultimate edition?
    Edit: doesn't seem like it. Dang

  • +2

    Is GoPro 8 any good?

    • +1

      Probably 😆

    • -1

      Overall, DJI Osmo Action is much better.

    • +9

      I've been a bit of a Gopro fan since they first came on the market, I've had a few and I've recorded a crazy amount of footage on them, the 8 gives me the shits though, I doubt I'll buy another gopro after this…

      The 8 gives great footage but the battery life is fairly poor and at times it will flatten batteries for no apparent reason, throw a fresh battery in and with no use a couple of hours later it's as flat as a tack.. . Also, using Quick-Capture (one button recording), it often locks up and wont turn on, you have to remove and reinsert the battery before it will turn on.. It also loses the time quite often and you dont know until you turn it on with the 'on' button rather than the one button record button, so you get home from a trip and find every file has the same date and time on it (I use the file time to find footage fast by comparing that time to time on my recorded GPS tracks)… Silly little bugs that are a pain at times…

      I may have got a random dud but gopro seem to have more than their fair share of issues, the amount they cost they should be fairly bug free… I purchased it when they first came out in Oct 2019 for a big 2020 trip that was cancelled, it was out of warranty by time I realized it had these bugs so I'm kinda stuck with it now… If I had purchased it from a Aussie company I would have pushed for ACL warranty but I bought it direct from Gopro and they just blew me off when I contacted them about the issues…

      Some random Hero8 clips, I tend to record at 2.7k 50fps, and none of these clips have had any post-processing, straight off the camera and uploaded, or joined and uploaded::
      It does fairly well in low light & shitty conditions:

      Edit: and $299 is a nice price…

      • Motorcycle footage definitely looks well stabilised. I'm torn whether to upgrade from the good old hero 4 silver. The stabilisation seems to be the biggest upgrade but your gripes make it less enticing.

        • I only run the Hypersmooth stabilization, I dont use the higher "boost" stabilization… With the boost stabilization head movement tends to look a bit robotic and the ground tends to get a corrugated look to it, you lose a lot of detail in the foreground I feel..

          This is with Boost stabilization on, (only 30fps though)

          My gripes may be isolated, or faults in the first batch… If you buy one test it out well ASAP, if you have any issues just send it back…

  • +2

    Purchased Spidey last Monday. 500 are welcome for my sacrifice

  • +2

    Will grab the Spider-Man,

    Think this is the link :

  • +15

    Thought spider man was an interactive movie before noticing it's for ps5

    Going to buy one so I can sell on scum tree and make $9 profit after rejecting 100 different low ball offers and explaining things I already posted in the ad to 100 more people….. easy money.

  • Are there still discounted eBay gift cards available ?

    • +2

      Yea 5% swap gift card on ShopBack

  • If only Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart $39.

  • Got my hero 5 for $199, is it time to bump it up hmmm

    • Unless you're Amish, I'd say yes.

  • I'm happy to spend the $500+ on the Hero 9. But is the 8 a better option To that price?

    • -1


      if money is not an issue and you love a buggy action camera, Hero 9 is the best.

    • -2

      have you watched a comparison video on youtube?
      and after that you can decide if the $200+ extra is justifiable by you.

      But for the money, and for most people's use case. Go pro 8 is a much much better deal.

  • Add: Sodastream sparkling water maker for $19

    • Would make it a duplicate listing if its added here, so cannot really do that

  • I wonder if Amazon will match the $39 price too for Spiderman Miles Morales..?

  • +1

    What is "The Drill" ? I am new to this ebay - Tuesday event?

    • +3

      In that case, it will take one or two attempts to know 'The Drill'.

    • +4

      First drop for most sort after items is about adding to cart and praying. Second drop is about already having it in your cart and praying.

      • +1

        Certainly that was the case for the airpods.

        In recent weeks things have been more sedate, even the post popular items have lasted over a minute.

        The other items, such as that 32 inch 720p Tv, you had up to a week to made the decision!

        • Yep it’s always good to be prepared though. Spider-Man may be a little quicker but probably still not too bad.

          I suspect the TV lasted a lot long due to the $40 delivery fee

          • @MBix:

            I suspect the TV lasted a lot long due to the $40 delivery fee

            And not many wanting 32".

            I think spider-man will be an easy get. The game often sells for $60ish on eBay new, which means there's no market for people trying to flip them for a quick buck.

            That said, no harm going in fast and hard to secure a copy.

  • +1

    When do we get the link for grpro?

  • Can you use eBay gift cards for payment?

    T&Cs indicate: "10. Not to be used in conjunction with any other eBay coupon/voucher."

    • +1

      sure you can

    • +1

      Bit late, but yes.

      You are allowed to use 1 coupon/voucher and up to 7 gift cards.

  • +1

    Got one GoPro

  • Got me some spidy… (will just purchase the ultimate upgrade for $30, will still be a great price for ultimate edition)

    • What does the ultimate upgrade give you?

      • +1

        Spider-man Remastered

  • +1

    Got the GoPro!

  • Got the soda steam in the 10 am drop. Thanks OP.

  • +4

    Go Pro delivery date is in May. WTF?

    • +1

      Yeah I didn't see that until I'd purchased.

      • +1

        Same, going to be pretty disappointing if that’s the case.

        • +1

          Same. Shame.

    • From past eBay Plus deals (Apple Watch 3), items were Grey Stock.

      So I'm assuming they are waiting for delivery from overseas.

      • Can we cancel?

      • +1

        Oh no! Is this true? Their eBay profile says:

        "Welcome to one of Ebay’s leading Megastores in Australia. We distribute genuine AU stock and commit to your satisfaction with local warranty and prompt support. One stop shop for all you need!"

        • +1

          Where did you find this?

          I went to check and it reads like this below. The difference is "genuine stock IN AU"

          "Welcome to one of Ebay’s leading Megastores in Australia. We distribute genuine stock in AU and commit to your satisfaction with local warranty and prompt support. One stop shop for all you need!"

          Did they just change it?

          Technically, Genuine stock IN AU could mean grey imports… grey imports ARE genuine.

          • +1

            @jecec: Yes - they changed it! I did a copy and paste of the exact wording from eBay when I posted my earlier comment.

            When I clicked on the seller name, it was the blurb just to the right of their name and picture, above the feedback ratings. I've checked it again now and they changed it to the wording you have above.

            Now I wish I'd taken a screenshot of the original page. I agree the revised wording changes the meaning. And the timing of the change makes me think they are going to provide grey imports for the GoPro.

            So disappointing.

            • +1

              @ilovemangoes: Wtf man. That's so dodgy!!! We should bring more attention to this!

      • +1

        Well if that's the case the folks at eBay should be on the case, pretty dodgy to advertise an eBay Plus promo on this scale without spelling out it's grey stock, already bad enough having to wait for May delivery!!

  • Devastated thought ps4 Spiderman MM was on sale too.

  • Sick. I got one even though it took me 3 minutes messing around with shit ebay app and a new account to use 30 days eBay plus trial

  • Estimated delivery Fri 7 May-Thu 13 May…… The GoPro has to be delivered by someone walk over the interstate.

  • +1

    Got the GoPro using eBay gift cards - thank you OP :)

    Any recommendations for accessories packs? Plenty of options on eBay but most seem to cheap to be true…

    • +1

      Don't worry, you got more than 1 month to shop around for accessories and even have it delivered before your actual go pro 8 arrives.

    • Also want to know a good pack.

  • +1

    Took only about 5 minutes for the first 250 GoPro to go out of stock 😮

    • not a lot of love for the go pro8 for some reason.
      I have no use for it nor am I going anywhere interesting to use it.
      still got one though 😶

  • Reckon the gopro is that much better than a good smartphone with OIS these days? Maybe not as rugged,

    • +1

      Horses for courses, they're both suited to different situations…

    • Bigger sensor. Makes all the difference in low light conditions, which means indoors, not just night time.

    • Considering everything else you use your smartphone for, I wouldn't risk my phone in most situations I'd want to use the gopro for. Haha.

  • +1

    Guys… any concerns around this beiong grey import, non AU stock?

    I'm contemplating cancelling my order.

    • +1

      I do suspect it is, based on the sneaky wording in the seller profile and the comments on the previous deal. Bit of a surprise to me that ebay promotes such things.

      Not happy about it but the person I bought it for doesn't mind.

      • +1

        I suspect this is the case too, just like the apple $99 / $249 airpods/airpods Pro ebay promoted late last year.

        • Please check your facts. The AirPods and AirPod Pros were all Australian stock.

          • @Sainter4Life: Yeah I think it was the ipads last year that were not Australian stock but the seller agreed to give 2 years warranty anyway so it made no difference.

    • What is the difference between the grey import and Australian stock?

      • Local support predominantly.

        If something goes wrong with it, you really need to send it back to grey importer for repairs etc.
        There will be hundreds on eBay if they are grey imports I guess

    • Can always choose to return it if it's actually grey import stock

  • +1

    Got a GoPro. Perfect timing as I needed one.

    • +1

      Also. How would I know if it's a grey import or Aussie stock?

      • +2

        Checked with the seller, it's grey import. Only 1 year warranty. So bad…

        • Doesn't that fall afoul of OZ laws?

        • What is the warranty for a gopro normally? nabbed one of these also.

          • @saleseeker: I'm curious as well.
            Honestly, I'll prolly keep mine, as I need a camera for my motorcycle, for the daily commutes as a insurance video just in case.

        • From the website

          GoPro products are guaranteed against manufacturing defects one (1) year from the original date of purchase.

          • @strike1: So to be clear, if grey stock, we don't get a 12month gopro warranty? but instead a 12 month warranty with the seller? I haven't really had any issues with my previous 3 gopros (which were all second hand… ) so not expecting anything significant here but keen to hear what the concerns are (if any) from those with experience.

            • +1

              @saleseeker: Sorry mate, I am not sure how warranty works for a grey product.

              But to confuse you further, as per this comment in an earlier deal, it seems that even buying directly from GoPro has issues and local retailers are more reliable.

            • @saleseeker: I wasn’t sure about the grey product either so I checked with the seller. It’s a genuine GoPro unit that will be imported from overseas. The warranty is through the seller and they will be the ones who will liaise with the manufacturer regarding the warranty. As mentioned above, it’s one year from the purchase date so for this the expected delivery is in May sometime so that will eat into that period a bit. For the price, I’m probably happy with that and will keep mine.

              • @linkbrokemypots: Thanks for following it up.
                Will be keeping mine to use for riding. Now just get the motorcycle gear to go along with it

              • @linkbrokemypots: So do you know if the charger is Australian and software is the same as Australian?

                • @Jklaro: There's a difference in software?
                  Charger don't really care as I have enough chargers lying around

                  • @he11bent: Not sure. I'm just thinking of resale. If you can tell the gopro is not Australian.

                    • @Jklaro: I doubt they'd be different software, I'm not too fussed about resale as I'm keeping mine.

  • has anyone even received their Gopro or had it updated as posted?

    • +1

      Contacted seller and they said that the shipment got delayed due to the canal issues recently, and the stock was meant to be in before promo started…

      • +2

        Sounds like an excuse haha. These cameras come from China, no canal.

  • Cancelled my order. One of the benefits of eBay Plus is express delivery, yet we have to wait a month for this? Besides for the fact that its grey stock. So dodge lol

    • Me too, cbf waiting tbh…

  • I'm cancelling. This shouldn't have been for sale if no stock

  • +1

    mine was posted 10 min ago, just in time to my trip to uluru next week :)

    • Mine arrived today! Happy days considering the original estimated date haha

    • m8ne just shipped. why the date are so different

      • who knows. Mine arrived last week. Been using it on my motorcycle since. Absolutely amazed at the stabilisation and video quality.
        My friends thought I had a proper gimbal on my motorcycle.

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