[PC] FINAL FANTASY XIV Online - Complete Edition $41.97 ($33.39 with Green Man Gaming XP + 3% off Coupon) @ Green Man Gaming

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Great price for those looking for the complete edition (Contains the base game + all expansions)

Discount requires a Green Man Gaming Account with 1 purchase or the XP Entry Pack ($2 store credit).

Product Info:
• *The 30-day free play period included with purchase can only be applied once to each platform on a single service account. Moreover, this 30-day free play period is not applicable to platforms on which a license has already been registered.
• All editions of the game require user registration. All editions of the game other than the Free Trial require an active paid subscription to play.
This product is NOT compatible with the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online

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Green Man Gaming
Green Man Gaming


  • +4

    At humble bumble yikes! AU$105.70 complete collectors edition

    Is this the same as GMG?

    • +1

      2nd one is the same

      The other one is for bonus items (mounts, minions, accessories etc)

    • +3

      Both of the $40 "complete editions" will give you access to all expansions. They're all the full game, and you won't be missing anything.
      The first one you linked is the "complete collectors edition". In addition to the expansions, it grants you the collectors edition bonuses from each expansion.
      These are all purely cosmetic weapons, minions, and mounts. You can look them up if you want, but unless they're really important to you I'd recommend saving yourself the extra $60.

      • At the end of 30 days, we will need to sign up on a subscription to keep accessing the full game right?

        • +2

          That's right - once you've purchased the game, you're locked into the subscription model.
          Instead, I'd recommend looking into the free trial. They give you the first two expansions with unlimited gametime, and the only real restrictions are on your ability to use social features. There's hundreds of hours of game there without the need to put down a dollar. Though once you buy the game and the subscription clock starts ticking, there's no way to revert your account to the trial again.
          When I got into the game, I bought the complete edition on sale, but held off on redeeming the key until I was ready to move on from the free trial. Saved myself months of subscription time in the end. Worth considering at least, imo.

  • +1

    Do I need to interact with real people to enjoy this game? Or can it be played single player?

    • +5

      You can complete most of the mandatory story content solo with AI party members (excepting some boss fights), but you will be required to party with real players for anything outside of that. Some of the games best stories are in this side content, so I'd recommend keeping an open mind to it.

      FF14 more than other games makes playing casual content with others about as painless as it can be. The culture in this game is mostly pretty respectful (almost too happy to help, if anything), and outside of hardcore content, you're unlikely to have any bad experiences as a new player.
      If you give the game a shot, I'd recommend using the party bots for dungeons at first, but try queuing with randos if you ever need to replay one for EXP or whatever. It was nerve wracking for me at first, but I had enough positive experiences doing it that the anxiety pretty much disappeared entirely after a short while.

      • +3

        Also if you start new, you would have a sprout logo on the side of your name with a new player chat available for asking questions - most of the time friendly old timer will help there.

    • +3

      if you do join, I'd be more than happy to help a fellow OzBargainer out. I recommend joining the Materia, Sophia server. Its one of the more populated ozzy servers.

    • I played for 13 years and finally quit after finishing the story in Endwalker, on JP server, with 85% of the time using ingame translator. So trust treat other players as NPC lol. Most of the side content for story wise is very easy and accessible nowadays, when A Realm Reborn first started the story was locked in a hard raid called the Binding Coil of Bahamut, including a fully animated movie cutscene at the 13th battle out of the 14 battles. That was the hard day.

  • My Mrs and I played this for about 400 hours, the glam is ok but not actually getting loot to powerup was a downer at times. Story is very good. Amazing community. Shame the mugglenet shop is absolutely terrible to navigate and monthly it's quite costly

  • +1

    Is this something I could get and play with my wife? Like don’t need to reply on other players just her and I? Doing the quests, story etc. or do I have to raid to get the most out of it?

    Is there oceanic servers?

    • You'll be able to read together through the story at the same pace but a majority of the co-op will be traversing through the world. Co-op Dungeons/Combat Trials unlock periodically throughout the story that require 4-8 players but will automatically fill when you queue up together. (Beginner friendly and doesn't require communication beyond saying hello)

      Would recommend the free trial if your unsure.

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