This was posted 13 years 1 month 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GoDaddy 30% off Promotion to Any New/Renewal Domains

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Spotted from a Malaysian coupon website:

Use this code "FAN3" to get 30% Off when buy .COM’s domain.

Use this code "QUEEN3" to get 30% Off when you RENEWALs your .COM’s domain.

Thumbs up if you like/tried/tested these codes. Cheers

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Shouldnt the coupon code be "SOPA4ever"??, you should look at the behaviour of a company as well as its deals.

  • +2

    GoDaddy deals aren't worth mentioning unless they're having a $1 domain promo because they happen so often and usually have multiple promotions going on all at once.

    For instance, two alternate codes that provide a better bargain than the ones in OP:

    CJC599V - $5.99 .com's (whereas the 30% off OP provided would make it only $7.49)
    UKPS412 - .com domain for $7.48/yr recurring & also valid for renewals (in bulk too)

  • +4

    Only get a domain with GoDaddy if you dont like the internet….
    GoDaddy=SOPA supporter.
    If you dont know what SOPA is, hit up google

  • +3

    These guys support SOPA=neg

  • +3

    GoDaddy endorses the shooting of elephants. :(

    Nothing personal, Nick.

  • +3

    Im glad fellow ozbargainers are aware of this SOPA drama.

    Say NO to all the SOPA sponsors.

  • +3

    No deal can offset helping write the biggest internet censorship act to be seen, giving the great firewall of china a run for its money.

  • I assume this SOPA haters also keep away from Nestle and the companies they own? If not, do some research. Other companies they own:

    L'Oreal, Cross and Blackwell, Branston, Ski, Munch Bunch, Buitoni, Vittel, Perrier, Herta, Purina, Allenis, Maggi, Peter's, Milo, Carnation, Caterer's Blend, GoDog, Lean Cuisine, Sunshine, Rowntrees, Breath Fresh, Quik Eze, Scanlens, Nesquik, Vitari, Nescafe, GoPet, International Roast, Medallion, Papa Guiseppi's, Chapstick, Dermoplast, Mighty Dog

    • +1

      If you're referring to the silly "give away baby formula to African new-mums" tripe from the 1990s, that was absurd even at the time.

      It's an undergraduate urban myth that makes NO sense the moment you think about it for more than 2 seconds … where are these underprivileged folks - so poor they can't afford treated water, hence the kiddies-dying-from-dysentery trope - getting the readies to buy formula when their paps dry up?

      You fell for THAT?

      Just goes to show - a narrative that doesn't stand up to a moment's scrutiny, can still persist well after the cost of proving it idiotic falls to zero. Hence religion, I guess.

      Note: I'm no fan of Nestle's industrial-waste-as-food, and would never be stupid enough to wear L'Oreal face paint.

      Further to the $100-a-pot coloured-mud industry:. women need to stop being SO insecure - fake height (stupid heels), fake eyelashes, fake complexion, fake hair colour, chicken fillets, push-up bras, depilation… if men did that sort of thing, other men would mock them until they committed suicide.

  • +3


  • +1

    I vote down based on the elephant thing. GoDaddy are evil and should be avoided.

  • +2

    A deal is a deal, but people should be informed

  • +2

    SOPA + elephant neg

  • +2

    In my opinion GoDaddy can't be trusted. They'll sell you out when the going gets tough.

  • +2

    The reaction here has certainly changed a lot since a year ago (their previous offers — +34 votes, +27/-1 votes, +28 votes). Okay those were much better deals, but happened before all that SOPA things which GoDaddy later on went against as well. Anyway, it just seems easier to punish a domain registrar than many other companies on the SOPA supporter list.

    However I do agree that GoDaddy shouldn't be people's preferred registrar, no matter how much discount you get.

    • +1

      The site, and the account management pages, have now become so laden with tricks, distractions and what not that I actually find it difficult to do what I want. Every suggestion has some cost to it, every notice and warning has some hidden sales thing behind it.

      The site, the tactics, and the policies all combined mean that GoDaddy is best avoided.

  • Neg because it's GoDaddy - SOPA supporter, and therefore enemy of the internets who cannot be trusted to keep your details out of the hands of the black vans.

    Anonymous will dedicate some small subset of its ever-rowing resource pool to help GoDaddy revise its view of the internets; anyone who hosts with them really needs to take that into account in their contingency planning.

    We Are Legion.
    We Do Not Fogive.
    We Do Not Forget.
    Expect Us.

    PS (edit) Oh yeah, and the elephant. Wanna bet the douche who got all hard from killing a peaceful wonderful creature is about 5'8" or shorter?

  • So who are people moving their domains to?

    • NameCheap

  • +1

    They're trying to get their customers back. "Oh, we've changed our mind on SOPA, and we have this great deal".


    • They haven't changed their mind, they've only ended their support of the bill for now until the time “when and if the Internet community supports it".

  • +1

    Again SOPA and Elephants. Giving a neg. no offence to the op.

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