UPDATE: This now comes down to $759.05 with this coupon thanks to doweyy!
JB are doing the $799 price for the original Ninebot Max again. This looks to be the best historical price from a reputable store.
UPDATE: This now comes down to $759.05 with this coupon thanks to doweyy!
JB are doing the $799 price for the original Ninebot Max again. This looks to be the best historical price from a reputable store.
what is the difference in range?
It also weighs 5kg more, 15kg vs 20kg and also doesn't collapse to be as small as the 1s for transport.
Real world I get about 40km on the Max, can get a bit more if not going to fast in the first 50% of the battery, or less if going with the throttle 100% all the time.
Mass, weather, tyre pressure, terrain and speed are all huge factors in how far you can go.
Was considerinf this over the 1s for hills in my area (ryde nsw). Can Anyone with a 1s comment on their experience? 75kg male
100kg male, struggles quite a bit for me, i have a long gradual slope near me with an 18m gradient and I have to push up it. However, I'm quite a bit heavier than you but I doubt the 1s would make it up anything steep.
72kg here and I had a clone/knockoff of a Xiaomi M365 (predecessor to the 1s).
It had no problem taking me up the inclines in the basement car park. If it can take me up those inclines, I would think the 1s should be fine with real world inclines and 75kg.
Sydney might be a different story, I hear their inclines can be brutal.
Im 70Kg male and can say the Max can handle almost any hill comfortably.
Be careful riding these in NSW, i've seen a few posts about people getting fined using these and the fines can be quite hefty. It's a bit of a risky gamble, I would personally prefer to wait until the laws are amended to account for these but each to their own:
You are correct about the possibility of fines and to be careful. Both of those posts you linked were from the same timeframe and both from the same inner-city area. The Whirlpool post guy was riding down the middle of a busy Sydney street with no helmet on and was pulled over by Highway Patrol for speeding lol, that guy was asking for trouble. The Reddit guy seemed to be unlucky but quite possibly crossed paths with the same cop as the Whirlpool guy considering the timeframe and proximity as someone suggested in the comments. I mention this because apart from those two posts you don't really see anyone complaining about getting fined. I see eccooters everywhere around the NSW coastal area I live. You can buy them easily in large retailers. I feel you'd see a lot more complaining about fines if police in general were targeting scooter riders. We have two G30's for the family to use and have never had an issue on the NSW Central Coast cruising around the coastal paths. Tempted to get a 3rd at this price.
@Cutsick: I think it's just tolerated by police officers. Unfortunately I'm in the vicinity of CBD and it pretty much depends on the cop. I've seen people get pulled up for riding them here but only when they're doing something stupid like running a red light a pedestrian crossing or speeding on the road or footpath.
This takes weightier people up steeper hills without stopping.
Where is it $450? I can only find it for $499?
Hmmm, thanks, I don't have eBay Plus anymore, this may sway me to rejoin.
@billy_bob: Me either, but I would take advantage of one of their $50 vouchers for rejoining if I was in the market for something expensive that is only on an eBay plus deal.
@billy_bob: $400 today with the afterpay deal, might be a good time to get if you haven't already.
$475 from Catch if you include today's 15% cashback.
Catch sent me a 5% off voucher so I purchased with gift cards I bought at 15% off so effective cost was $403. Couldn't pass that up. Would have been good if was able to get cash back as well..
Done just over 1000km on Segway Max since Jan 1, I don't think there is much to compere with it at this price level especially considering the warranty JB Hifi give. It is definitely a bigger scooter compared with the 1s mentioned above, different uses really. Above this I'd probably be looking at Jubel, which were $1650 the other week on eBay, or a Cruiser for $2.2k or so. Both of those are a more comfy ride, though the brakes on the Jubel are rubbish, but a lot more money and harder to get warranty sorted if needed.
If you want speed just go get a dual motor right away.
Done just over 1000km on Segway Max since Jan 1
You must be riding it really slooooowly….
I stop at night, and go in circles a lot…
go in circles a lot…
Same, I'm in VIC and the kids are only legally allowed to ride theirs in the backyard around the trampoline.
They are getting a bit bored to be honest…
Sometimes, for variety, they change directions…
Ride it on the trampoline for more fun
Trampoline has a 1 person limit unfortunately.
I think its another VIC law…
@Pobman: I think Dan should ban people walking down stairs. Seems to be a lot more dangerous than riding a scooter…
They are getting a bit bored to be honest…
Move the trampoline to different location in the backyard.
As someone who fixes these for a living stay away from the Jubel.
As someone who fixes these for a living stay away from the Jubel.
Why are you trying to kick your bacon?
He is a) a nice guy and b) taking the long view of building the market through happy users = more business long term.
Signed already!
Come on ozbros we need more signatures 🤗👍
Is UberEats, Deliveroo and other rider industry biz's not supporting this? Surely it could really drive down delivery costs… :-)
This should be made a mandatory link in the description of scooter posts…
Yes it should. It's a toy for a backyard or farmland until the laws allow for legal use on public roads.
eScooters (not OK on public roads)
e-Bikes (OK on public roads see below for the rules on max power and certification required):
"They're dangerous, a nuisance, and would soon litter the streets if allowed to proliferate"
So rather that address the issues and come up with a workable solution, the Transport Minister can't be bothered doing his job.
I hope he's not getting paid for his position…
Rather than complaining about what is happening overseas, has he looked at what is happening in Queensland?
Is he going to ban cars too, because they are certainly dangerous in countries such as Italy…
I would rather ride one of these to work than take my car if they were made legal.
Signed, thanks.
No this one is real :D
The deal was legit I'm still waiting been in contact the whole time $620 delivered was my buy price just have to wait a wee bit longer, they've told me late march early april
Scoot city, I asked for a refund from their scam advert on here on february 12 and despite multiple requests and responses saying it is with their finance department, they say it is 5-7 working days away, or 7-10 working days away.
Highly recommended, I got mine from JB for $699 back in Jan and love it, always fun to ride.
always fun to ride.
Where in Sydney are you allowed to ride it?
I like riding mine at the local park on the bike track.
Is it legal to ride it in the park? In Melbourne you can't as this one is capable of exceeding 10km/hr.
Didn’t a lot of peeps mention $799 as historical low? Howd ya get it cheaper ?
Price-matched SC deal
Sorry, what is SC deal? May i have the link to try?
@Killua: Scoot city. They didn't have much stock and then tried to sell you a different, inferior brand so try to clear their old stock. Many people got refunds. the ones who waited are still waiting and it has been around 3 months.
JB Hifi have sold it at $799 at least 4 times now, and to be honest wasn't hard to 'negotiate' down to that price in Jan when the sticker was $959.
Was as easy ask asking over the phone :)
@BargainKen: I think you're one of the only people who managed to get JB to price match the SC "deal". Myself and many others were not as lucky when we tried.
@studentl0an: Try JB Direct (online/phone) instead of the local store manager who will decline you at their own discretion (rather than follow JB's own policy).
Its been mentioned here before that JB will decline people price matches simply because they dont like the way people dress/look etc (a form of discrimination perhaps)
how is the folding mechanism. is it sturdy?
Yep pretty solid.
cool. i had some issues with my M365. had to modify it to make it bit solid.
@Trioboy: Yep I heard about them, the one downside on the latch is that it does require a little more effort to pull to fold the scooter but no big deal really.
Ready to buy this as soon as they make it fully legal here in Vic.
To be quite honest I rode this around cops so many times and they don’t seem to care.
Yeah I've heard a lot of people having the same experience. I just personally don't want to risk it. Especially with the recent news of police 'cracking down' on escooter riders in the because of the new 10km limit law.
Seriously though the law needs to catch up. Its so much better for people to be riding these around vs driving a car. Especially in the CBD.
As long as you do the right thing cops don’t bother you.
@nightelves: Pretty much this, except if they are having a "crack down". And channel 9 will jump on the hate everyone who's not in a car bandwagon
Yeah practically legal in VIC. Cops aren’t allowed to chase you so u less u literally ride up to a cop and ask them to fine you .. you’re sweet
Have you got a link to prove that?
@nightelves: What link. It’s a fact. They changed police procedure since that time they kill someone. they no longer chase suspects. So if in fact ur riding a scooter and a cop thinks it’s high power one they won’t chase you if u ride away
@Gavman: This was in the paper today
Sorry for paywall
@Tleyx: Wrong state dude. And scooters are legal on qld so he musta been riding it like a tosser. Irrelevant
saw a guy riding this in the CBD in the side walk without a helmet, was riding safe and not bothering anyone. I was just thinking how convenient to have it.
Did you wear a helmet?
Anyone been stopped by operation river run?
Sydney too, i prefer not driving in / near CBD due to new tramways
Very happy with mine. Can't compare with others as this is the first e-scooter I have owned but certainly has the range and power I need to get up some pretty steep hills. Only think I would improve is the suspension (it has none really) as it can be a bumpy ride at times. I also use this at night and the light is not quite focused in the right place to help you see a long way ahead but I have added a light to my helmet and this helps a lot.
Don't know how many times I want to buy one of these. The problem is I don't have a place to store it while I work.
The problem is I don't have a place to store it while I work.
Boot of your car?
I keep my M365 under my desk, folded. I also charge mine at work.
Free power
True Ozbargainer !!
Ive had mine for a month or two - purchased from JB for $999. It is fantastic. Would recommend.
Just got back to Melbourne from Adelaide. I was pleasantly surprised to see the e-scooters available for rent around CBD, just like in many cities across Europe. What I did not like though is that people ride those on footpaths, it's pretty dangerous.
Decent scooter trip right there. Hope you took the scenic route.
here's my two cents as an escooter owner who purchased a mi pro 2 a month or so ago (150kmish on the odometer) initially concerned about getting fined for riding it around (sydney cbd).
cops won't give a crap/bat an eye as long as you're being safe and not endangering people.
wear a helmet, ride on bike paths if possible and slow down/dismount on congested footpaths.
just to be on the cautious side, if i see a cop anywhere, i immediately dismount or switch to old school kick scooting.
Fake kick scoot the way to go
Motorcycle cops are the ones to watch out for. I also don't take chances with the Jaywalking duty cops.
brilliant feedback, and yes… they are everywhere near UTS, as long as they're careful the cops wont be fining u.
I originally had my heart set on the Ninebot. I got the 1s, have a couple of minor hills near me and sometimes I need to push along with the throttle to get up them. I'm 85kg.
I suspect the Ninebot would handle them better, but at $470 I couldn't say no to the 1s.
Can you put 2 people on this Scooter and ride? 85kg and 55kg?
I wouldn’t risk it.
I've seen people doing it in LA. Not sure if it's the best idea though.
100 kg payload limit, but feels like u could get away with a lot more .. IMO.
Probably can it'll likely just eat more battery. Also safety might be an issue with two people staying balanced etc
Me (80kg) and the missus (50kg) do it on my old xiaomi m365 without issue, just a bit slower. Would assume you'd be right on this too.
Me (80kg) and the missus (50kg) do it on my old xiaomi m365 without issue, just a bit slower.
If you are doing it on a scooter, you are living life in the fast lane.
We had 180kg on it, little slow to get to top speed as you would expect
I've done it on my Xiaomi Pro 2 quite a few times, even gone up and down steep inclines with a combined weight of 130kg. It's actually really fun
Is it possible to unlock these Ninebot’s?
I would like to compare the battery to this:
Still for sale on their website.
That company have those advertised as Xiaomi Pro 2 on marketplace at the moment, super sketchy.
Anyway yes you can unlock and flash these. https://max.cfw.sh/
Seeing as no one has commented in the other threads about getting their scooter yet nearly 3 months on - $799 is the best historical price, not just the best historical price from a reputable store.
I personally think the Xiaomi 1s for $450 is a better buy than this at nearly 2x the cost, unless you NEED the extra range and the 1s won't cut it.