These are on clearance for $74.99 (click and collect)
Great beach cart and cheapest its been for a while.
Note: Free delivery with coupon code 'RSXMW4W9P5' at checkout. Thanks nismo
These are on clearance for $74.99 (click and collect)
Great beach cart and cheapest its been for a while.
Note: Free delivery with coupon code 'RSXMW4W9P5' at checkout. Thanks nismo
Updated post, this now includes free delivery.
Thanks for the reply champ, I wouldn't have seen this update otherwise.
Just bagged one!
No stock anywhere near me
damn that sucks… plenty of stock around Adelaide when i checked for myself.
AUD 2.39 cashback from cashrewards too!
Better off using 6% off discounted gift cards from Suncorp Benefits = $4.50 discount
How long do they take to process?
@brandogs: Just bought through Suncorp, gift card initially showed up as "Your order make take up to 72 hours to process" before showing up as a gift card a couple minutes later. YMMV
Better to pay cash just in case it’s crap and needs a refund
I got this one last year and it has a miles better than the cheaper / Kmart carts. It’s the same as BCFs (same group).
Should still work for free delivery
Awesome, that made it a real deal. Thanks
thx champ
Thanks for the free delivery code. Was the difference between buying and not buying. Have been looking for a deal on these for a while now👍🏻
The free delivery code works for non-beach-cart items too, by the way. I bought $15.95 worth so I don't think there is any minimum spend.
No there isn't a minimum & it works on nearly everything, as far as I can tell..
It's supposed to last until 30th June.
If also works on bulky items, eg heavy weights / equipment!
Thanks OP, ordered for click and collect, now hoping they don't cancel it.
my friends jumped on and ordered 3 and within 20 minutes she got the text to say they were ready for pick up!
That's nice to hear, hope the store I have it ordered from sends a quick confirmation too.
Wheels look a bit stink? Never used one of these before though. Anyone with first hand experience?
i have one already and used it today and my friends saw it and wanted one hence why i saw the price and thought i'd post it.
i had an esky, small bifold table, 4 camping chairs and a couple other bits tucked away and worked a treat. i bought it based on the reviews i read and a few comments from other Ozbargainers. This cart is supposedly similar to the wanderer red that BCF sells which has great reviews also.
i bought this cover also (which i haven't used yet) as it fits the Tahwalhi Cart.…
kids also love riding it in LOL
Warning – This cart is not designed for transporting people
This translates to "This cart is very fun when transporting people." in childspeak.
How do the wheels go in soft sand? They look pretty small.
On coarser sand they'd be fine, but on beaches with fine, powdery sand that even your feet sink into? I'm not so sure.
With a heavy load would be pretty ineffective.
Have this and use it on soft sand at beach weekly. It is great. Sure it would be a struggle if you had all 100kg in it but that would only happen if you had a couple of full eskys and I’d assume in that case would have a couple of big lads to pull. I’d note the wheels are not small, it is the cart that is big. This is the exact same as BCF apart from colour and brand sticker (same group). This has twice weight rating of similar looking Kmart ones and it is easy to see why (I have had both). Much better build and material quality. My preferred method of use is to load it up, take wheels of at boot of car (simple push clips in 10 seconds), load it into boot fully loaded, and when get to beach / park just lift it out and click wheels back in amd gone in 30 seconds rather than unfolding and loading. Would recommend for this price.
This one is fine on soft sand. I have it and it’s great. I wouldn’t fill it with 100kg of gear though
They (e.g. Wanderer) all look like they were made in the same factory and simply painted with different logos 😂
what does the cover do? apart from keep it clean.
Sand from going inside?
Do these actually roll on the sand? Without getting bogged!
Yeah. These have the big wide wheels which help it float better on sand. Much better than the original from Kmart.
Would struggle with anything over 40-50kg. Hence 100kg limit sprook bit bullsh!t
It’s weight rating is it’s load rating, not it’s ease of use rating. Pulling most things with 100kg on it is going to be a struggle. You tried an industrial wheelbarrow with close to that weight in it? It’s also a pain.
Edit - I would add it is pretty easy to pull 95kg on non soft sand eg grass or path. First hand experience.
100kg is for when you use it in places like flemington
tfw bogged :(
Got one, thanks OP! The reviews on the website indicate that the wheels work reasonably well on most terrain including sand, as long as the trolley is not overloaded. Good price anyway, worth a shot!
This or the kmart one for 49$?…
The kmart one looks more sturdier. Needed one for shopping at farmer's market specifically ;)
Edit: Right now for some reason, the kmart page keeps refreshing itself on chrome on win 10.
For starters, the Kmart rear wheels aren't even at the edges, so it tips very easily on loose sand.
Secondly, the wheels on these (not Kmart) are removable. So you can load this up at home, stick it in your car and just lift it out, pop the wheels in and go. Then do the same in reverse when you're done.
I got the Kmart one few months ago. It’s pretty good. I use it more for parks and when I go shopping at markets and buy 30-50kg worth of stuff (much better than trolly). It’s strong and material is strong too. Not sure about beach but can’t see why it would be any different to this and $30 cheaper
I believe maybe because of narrow wheels, it may sink in the sand.
Kmart wheels aren’t narrow. True they aren’t removable but seriously who would bother taking them off
@Gavman: Compared to the wheels on this cart, it surely does from the pictures. But thanks for your response, might pick one up at kmart :)
@John Doh: Kmart have 60
Day return so no risk if u don’t like it or it’s sucks on sand.. just return it for a full refund .. doesn’t faze me much cos I don’t use it for beach much. It’s excellent for what I need it for
@Gavman: I take them off when it’s in the car, and the wheels go under the seats. It packs down smaller. Every bit of space helps.
It's good
Has a second handle for going downhill
And a cover to keep out rain sand and bird sh!t
I have the Kmart one, took it to the beach with an esky inside, got bogged on soft sand. We had to lift it the whole way down and back afterwards. The wheels are smaller and narrower than OP’s one.
$25 delivery kills it for me. How does this compare to the Wanderer branded one?
It's free delivery…
Just realised with the code.
The kmart one looks more sturdier.
You trolling?
I havent seen them side by side right in front of me, but the kmart ones have extra pipes on the side, so looked
more sturdy :)
They are not. Source me. I have had both (no longer Kmart one)
What about the deluxe Kmart trolley…
$79 with free delivery.
Anyone have experience with it.
this one is $75 delivered why bother?
Because it's deluxe :)
In all seriousness, it's got a canopy and pockets and better handles by the looks
I love mine
Has a second push handle - good for downhill
cover keeps out a lot of rain, sand and bird sh!t
Comfy pull handle too
Wheels turn well
Foam a little broken but great for price
Was this on shark tank? I binged a bunch of shark tank videos on youtube a few months back and this looks so familiar.
Uber driver here I come
This will not go over soft beach sand if loaded over 20kg…. Therefore if you have a full Esky, beach chairs, blankets/towels and umbrella then you are not going to get very far at all. On the other hand great for hard ground like picnic in park etc
Just bought it like a month ago for $99 or something and used it to help move my house. Even it’s fully loaded, it was still easy for my partner to drag it around. Recommend.
Wow your house is <100kg?
probably the dog house
You can do it over a few times
I have this exact item.
Pros :
Cons :
- The handle only extends to max length no in between which would have been handy. There is more control with a shorter handle.
- The bolts that hold the axles of the wheels need to be tighted regularly. They have loosened and fallen off multiple times. You cannot tighten them too much as the the wheel can't turn, too loose and there is a chance of it loosening and flying off and the wheel is stuffed.
For $75 its a good buy.
Use blue locktite
Just use an old pram if money is tight.
Run the risk of being called the crazy cat lady
slaps handle
You can fit so many tinnies in these things
Which one is better, this one or BCF wanderer??
This is the same as the red Wanderer
Thanks mate!
Just to add for certainty, apart from colour and brand sticker, they are exactly the same. Made in same place for the same group (BCF and rebel owned by Super Retail Group ).
@Wombatstew: Sorry to be a pedant… but no need to say “exactly the same”… that’s what “the same” means :p
Ready for the negs, but I just had to!!
Nice one! Fantastic price for one of the best carts on the market. No brainer at this price
How heavy is this thing? Thanks
These are much better. Also you can stand up items on the back of it and hold them with bungy cords.
When not in use can be used as a beach chair.
Aldi sells them cheaper
Looks like a nice product but it's entirely different. It's a trolley not a cart
Yes but is better for a similar purpose in my opinion. I have three small kids and painfully had to take beach toys, esky, boards and umbrellas and thanks to this thing it was easy to wheel around. Go down stairs. While the other cart would not be as easy to maneouvar on most terrains unless they are flat or have a ramp. Something to consider.
I have the Aldi one with air pump tires. Picked it up from gumtree second hand for $10
Thanks for the suggestion, I suspect the Aldi brand not the same with the ezybeach one?
Bought one. Thanks OP and @nismo fort the code.
This one or the rubber tyre one that looks like actual tyres? Would there be there much difference? it wouldnt make much noise on concrete like the hard plastic would.
How about this for $99? Looks like it has wider wheels.…
Click bait to get hits to their homepage (most will continue to browse and buy something).
An alternative is the Kmart version if anyone is interested.
Quickly spent 30 seconds doing ‘research’ - decided I may need it one day - hurry to buy gift card from Suncorp - jumped straight back to buy, fearing it might be out of stock and I would get stuck with my $74.99 Rebel gift card - order went through successfully - relieved and went back to OzBargain checking for new comments.
Such is the life of an Ozbargainer!
damn…now u got me second guessing myself passing this deal the first 10 times i've scrolled past it… .
Wouldn’t bother with gift cards. Not worth the hassle if u need to return it
I see your point. I’d have done the same, but to me the gift card discount is nice enough (6%) and the item is bulky and cheap enough so I’d be less inclined to return it even if it turns out to be not as useful as I hoped.
Could turn out faulty. Someone already said the bolts on the wheels are problematic . Then ur stuck with a dud gift card instead of ur money back
Damn good price if you have local stock! $25 delivery kills the deal.