Today only get a free Mars 200% Caramel Bar via the My 7-Eleven app
Free Mars 200% Caramel 48g Bar @ My 7-Eleven App

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I've read that there are no women on Mars, just men
Here on Venus, there's alot
i was brought up to believe women were from Omicron Persei 9
they still need guitars
I think you need a Snickers instead of a Mars bar.
It sounds like your local 7-11 is in Soviet Russia 🇷🇺
First you have the 7-11, then you have the power…they will gaslight you at the counter humiliate you in front of others about your lack of intelligence
Have a **snickers***
Have a break! Have a Kit Kat
It is physically impossible for anything to be more than 100% caramel. This is straight up false advertising, but I can't say no to free.
It used to be 24g
Physics goes out the door on Mars
Everything weights less on mars. So it might be that 96 grams of martian caremel is in every bar.
Are they in stock
Aiks…had to be caramel again ..Am I the only one who hate caramel…
I'll hold out for 300% caramel
and 200% free
Few left in braddon, thanks op
Got one from my local store. Thanks OP
That's impossible. No one can give more than 100%. By definition that is the most anyone can give.
Got one at 5pm today. Surprised they still had stock
Thanks OP. Got 3 & Filled 3 cars back to back and used 3 locks. Saved $40 on top of the Mars Bars.
I missed checking this deal, and the 7-eleven app threw a notification at ~ 3:30PM, dunno why. It was too late, I visited a couple of stores at the CBD and it was all sold out. However, I managed to grab one at 9:30PM at one of the stores (gave it a last shot, wasn't expecting any stock). There were 2 more left when I picked up 1.
Just curious, how much petrol did you burn going from one store to the other to finally score the free mars?
Walking. CBD has several stores within few hundred meters.
Can't wait for Earth bars on Mars