Hi, I've recently upgraded my phone for work and it has 5G capibilities. After doing some thinking i've decided to scrap my NBN and use my phone as a mobile device in the house. Sound simple right?
Well about a month in and my wife is pretty annoyed that I always have to be home for her to access the internet, my chromecast is now useless and I cannot use my printer wirelessly. Netflix also won't allow her to watch downloaded content without an internet connection.
I've tried using my laptop as a wifi hotspot but I cannot get my printer to recognise it, I also bought a travel router but it won't recognise it unless it has a USB dongle.
Has anyone sucessfully a way to live with mobile internet as their main go to internet? or have I jumped into it a few years too early.
Yes, you have switched a bit early and you didn't do your research properly…
Personal Hotspot does have limitations and only support a few devices at one time.
If you REALLY wanted to switch to 5G, I would look at getting a proper 5G Modem and a separate Data SIM card or take a look at the 5G Home Broadband services
In short, Your Wife has the right to be annoyed at you for doing this… If the internet was just for 1 person then running a personal hotspot is fine.