Murdoch just got his way I suppose? News articles gone from Facebook. Thoughts?
In my mind the small players and local news outlets will be the ones struggling here.
Murdoch just got his way I suppose? News articles gone from Facebook. Thoughts?
In my mind the small players and local news outlets will be the ones struggling here.
A bit rich coming from someone who still lives with mum and dad.
what does that even mean?
No, I still get ozzyman videos and that’s all the news i need .
Welcome to destination f……d
I feel the only people who get their news from Facebook are those involved in far left or far right groups which thrive off sensationalistic journalism and sharing to get a reaction out of people. Alternatives such as google news or apple news do a better job i feel.
Power to Facebook though. The less air time Sky news and Rupert Murdoch's tirade on Australia the better.
Barely use it.
But when i do, I’m loving the only news that shows up on my feed is all satirical humour.
I rarely use it, so it doesn't affect me in anyway.
It too high in the food chain for "news" feeds.
The only reason I have a fb account is for oculus. My account has no public info except my name, and even fb only gets mandatory info.
Australia was looking for a fight… And it got a bloody nose.
You mean we watched a toddler spit a dummy as it shits its pants.
A blood nose metaphor might be, say, having all our Chinese exports get slugged with tariffs that directly affect the viability of businesses and their families.
You mean we watched a toddler spit a dummy as it shits its pants
Whose the toddler in this example?
Government, media companies, or both ;)
Yep, can't complain when you go all in and someone with a bigger stack at the pocket table calls your bluff.
The fact news outlets thing they should be paid by Facebook for posting their own stories, promoting their own website, and maintaining a social following is illogical…
I ditched it, firstly by deactivating my account, but I then went further and deleted it.
It didn’t make my life better, I think there are more negatives than positives and I don’t think it’s a company I want to support.
Interested to hear more of your take on this. I've been trying to ditch it for a long time but there's a couple things I'm not sure I can do without completely… What negatives do you experience as s result?
What would you possibly need it for? Lots of people have never had it and survive just fine.
You realise the oz gov was blackmailing FB & googs.
FB complied with their rules and stopped showing news.
It's all as news/oz gov wanted.
Look at the chaser fb post that sums it up so well.
Morrison - pay for news or stop sharing it!
FB - ok we'll stop..
Morrison - OMG how could you! such a bully!
FB - 😐
Not boycotting Facebook absolutely ludicrous that news companies want to get paid for Facebook giving them traffic. Seems to me more likely Scomo trying to hide a bunch of stories regarding liberal party rapists. What an opportune time for less news to be thrown in people faces, and pretending to 'stand up for Australia'. Also any lost revenue for arsehats like Andrew Bolt is a giant (profanity) win in my book.
I have just signed up to Facebook so I can boycott it properly.
I never joined Facebook, and never will.
Same here
How can you know that, unless your future self value back to tell you. Do you have a time machine?
Need a Facebook account for the oculus quest, but don't use it otherwise.
hated facebook since the cia funded it… most people now understand its original function, now its being used differently but by the same people for the same amoral reasons.
I feel sorry for what little is left of the more independent aussie outlets who attempted to use its free services to provide some social value, but a new game is afoot, and they are viewed by their government as meaningless collateral damage.
Facebook is actually better now that there isnt all that rubbish click bait news.
And some of the stories that were linked, once you clicked on them you found out you need a subscription to read the crap anyway.
Definitely done me a favour. I use it mainly for my business and its been great.
I wouldn't call it a boycott as such, rather a realisation that it added exactly nothing to my life, followed by account deactivation. It was never my news source though - I have The Guardian and The New Daily for digital news, AFR for actual print, and the ABC app for immediate news.
News outlet creates Facebook page to put their news and share with people to get visitors to their native site
Turns out a lot of people use Facebook and thus more people click on the news shares and visits the native news sites from the link
Why would any body be siding with the news outlets here….
Yep. Uninstalled on my phone along with WhatsApp and Instagram.
Unfortunately messenger is used by too many contacts else I'd close the account.
There are valid viewpoints on both sides, but legislating that someone needs to pay before they can share a news link is insane and, dare I say, corrupt.
I deactivated my account years ago. I can reactivate if I choose to, and still have messenger active. It's nice to be out.
I hate Facebook and what it does and what it represents.
That said, I don't understand how the current news situation is their fault? It is the Australian government introducing a law and they are just going with an option that's both legal and imo, sensible.
Nobody uses FB because of the news. The news was just there to be shared like cat videos.
Individual people will not be affected by this at all
But as a collective number, the news outlets will be heavily affected by the lack of sharing and the loss of clicks to their website.
Morrisons pay or leave threat has shot news outlets in the foot. Facebook doesn't need news on its platform, it's more work than its worth. I wouldn't be surprised if they block it worldwide
Uninstalled spying FB app and using Brave browser to login.
Still need the account to get in touch with ol frens.
FB is for losers with no life.
Thank god news is finally gone, I dont think I ever wanted it in the first place and it feels like it's being force fed into me at every available opportunity.
I don't know why anyone would want to actively seek out news.
Dopamine maybe?
Personally it does nothing for me, doesnt increase my knowledge or skillset in any way, doesn't increase my income, doesn't improve my quality of life in any way.
I don't know why anyone would want to actively seek out news.
It use to be a means of holding one to account
Now its just a puppeteer for the government and a way to feed the sheeple
Are you talking about news in a general sense or on FB specifically?
As far as I am aware, news websites use FB for free. The government want to make FB pay for news websites using FB for free. Did I get this right?
Zuckerberg and FB simply does not give a shit. As a nation we are tiny and will cause almost no impact to their business or their presence on a global scale - even if we all "boycotted" FB.
Its laughable how all these nobodies and politicians are condemning and "not using" FB…even more laughable how Australian news sites are publishing mindless articles attacking FB as a form of retaliation
Zuckerberg - laughs in billions
The thing is, other countries may start following Australia's lead.
Hard to trust RT which is Russian propaganda
American propaganda is much better
All the power to Facebook imho. The government is really just doing rupert murdoch's bidding for him. The less air time his empire gets the better.
the other way to look at it is that this is the govt's attempt to crack down tech giant into paying more tax. Facebook pay ~1.5% tax because they have their own overseas subsidiary company bill them, making their profit shrink so they pay less tax.
I would support cracking down tech giant tax loop.
Um have you seen how much newscorp has paid in tax over the years? 0.000
There's a big list of companies who should be paying tax but aren't. The government is doing sweet F.A. to bring them in line.
isnt this the first step then if thats the case?
Aussies: You have to pay us for the news we link to on FB?
FB: Ok, I won't link then.
Aussies: Outrage!!
It is why Australia is going no where…
Too many outrage merchants
aus gov: if you dont pay more we will ban you
the zuk: pulls out uno reverse card
shame on google for not standing its ground against the murdock news corp blood sucking fake news organization who have probably paid off Morison to be their errand boy spokes person
Australia and other western countries aren’t really “free market” we are controlled by crony capitalism. Socialism for the rich, while capitalism for the poor.
I find Facebook to be a pathetic site anyway, get on Reddit for some proper discussion.
It doesn't matter who you side with, there are many countries around the world carefully considering their own similar laws for Facebook. They may find themselves in very deep water if they decide to block all these other countries as well. India is one of them, facebooks biggest market.
the way facebook sees it is that facebook gets the majority of its revenue from running ads in the western market, usa, canada, aus, uk, nz tier 1 countries is what they are referred to in marketing terms. india is the last on the list of countries that has lot of traffic but no purchasing power for advertisers looking to sell stuff. add vietnam and a few other asian countries to that too. and to be honest with you they are excluded in most ad campaigns by digital marketers because they click alot but they dont buy. this costs the advertiser money but without any roi and it also messes up the ad campaign optimization. so india gets excluded from ad campaigns. now i dont see facebook paying india any money for lack of a better word, for 'useless traffic'. however i do see them playing ball with tier 1 countries if those 5 tier ones gather together as they would make probably close to %90 of the ad revenue for Facebook, aus alone will not stand a chance against FB.
Uk, India, Canada, and the eu, are all looking to regulate and force fb to pay. I can't see fb standing up too long with that amount of pressure. With facebooks actions here, they may have made a very poor business decision, which could open the floodgates around the world. I think fb have seriously mis underestimated the repercussions.
england is so corrupt these days its a joke, canada another 5 eyes joke, is as sleazy as oz, india is heading for major disruption and france already has a different approach.
murdoch and his trumpettes are whipping a false scenario to assist in internet censorship, because that's what this is really leading to, and strangely our governments rape assistance is now relegated to the back pages.
that fact alone makes all those countries alleged total support of our government look pretty sick….
Not sure how young people gonna live without Facebook news…. that’s probably the extent of their current affairs info source.
Maybe now now, but decades down the track I can definitely see millennials and younger kids kowtow to Facebook unconditionally and grant them great privileges and power.
The future is Facebook for Australians no doubt
The rabid psychosis is very real
I don't have a facebook account so I don't care and anyway all the news story's are biased
Facebook are a disgrace ….they hid all the hunter Biden stories when the election was upcoming …if I didn’t have so many Facebook friends I would be gone
? wrong country mate…but its hard to see the difference now
Facebook friends aren't real friends…
I don't understand what the big fuss, FB don't put news on their platform then get the news from somewhere else, just don't get the news from Murdoch media group they're fake as hell.
It’s probably just me, but this has to be the smallest problem in the world.
It’s not like the ONLY app everyone has is Facebook. And TBH, it’s the last place I’d go looking for news.
How hard is it to download the ABC News app and tap that once a day? At least then you’ll know the news isn’t outrage articles, click-bait or opinion pieces… plus you won’t be subject to FB’s tracking algorithm rubbish.
or any other news app since they all print much the same rubbish..
ABC is a cut above the rest. The Australian and Sky News is for old white racists and the rest of the Australian news apps are for the centre-left and centre-right.
nope abc also runs fake news as well…why would it allowed to do otherwise since it is government funded?
@petry: nope - the ABC (unlike other 'news' platforms) is governed by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983, and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment (Fair and Balanced) Bill 2017.
Both of which mean that it's not allowed to do what you're suggesting.
@Pro-crastinator: so you think the government enforces those when its deliberately pushing out doctored versions of stories? who funds it again, who appoints people? look at the incomplete rape narrative on the abc, which is supposedly feminist and left wing, for its true bias.
@petry: I’m not really into conspiracy theories.
The good news is, because of those Acts, if you think they’re in breach of them, you can report them.
@petry: Here’s the link, good luck with your complaint:…
@Pro-crastinator: you think the abc deals with complaints internally about dodgy stories with missing facts run by the liberals impartially?
@petry: Sorry, I misunderstood your replies as wanting some factual information… now I can see you're just wanting to push your political bias - carry on.
I thought the same, but it's more of a problem for the smaller outlets. Michael West, an independant journalist who focuses on corruption in public government, said they got a decent amount of their traffic through Facebook.
Funny how the ABC sees this as a bad thing for Facebook - maybe it is all the new agency's??? Yet the majority of people on Ozbargains sees it as a non issue for many reasons and it seems even Facebook see's no news for Aussies as a non issue also. Funny huh?
I think the news agency's will be the ones losing out because Aussies on facebook will not be going to their links and reading their articles and seeing their adds anymore.
Big evil tech company vs government doing the bidding of Murdoch and Fairfax, big evil media. Can I hope somehow they both lose?
Sucks for the little independents to die in the crossfire.
OzBargain is next.. ebay/amazon/Dell ect. will soon demand OZB to pay them for all the "content" they provide on OZB.
Actually we consumers pay for there products Ozb will be demanding a a referral fee
You mean like the news sites are paying a referral fee? In both cases both sides can argue they provide value. The question is merely the split: what's it worth?
The news agencies and Australia needs Facebook
Facebook doesn't really need Australia
If there was 4-5 other countries all saying the same thing then Facebook might worry but our market is a drop in the bucket
There imply is no argument to say Facebook needs to come to the table because they hold the better cards in this poker match
It is the same argument with Google but I think Google cares a lot more about its public perception than Facebook does
@Trying2SaveABuck: Actually both can operate without the other. Quality is a different story. FB takes a much smaller hit than Aussie media.
In both cases I'm more worried about other services. Mostly contacts and contact groups for FB, because most people don't keep alternate contacts for FB acquaintances. In the case of Google, it revolves around search and phone. No Bing is not a good replacement. And the only real alternative to Android is an even more controlling walled garden that's got a history of sometimes flouting the law.
I don't blame Facebook Australia is a small fish, if our media companies cant be profitable with the current rules i dare say our media companies need to go under.
Facebook literally just proved that they don't need Aussie news media. A small percentage of links in a small market will barely be a blip in their stats. Good luck trying to force FB to provide those links. FB has a lot of problems, especially around strange and inconsistent enforcement of community standards. But in this instance, they are not the bullies.
The most the government can do is restrict their ability to provide other services. If we lose Messenger and Facebook groups altogether it'll be political suicide for whoever pulls that trigger. Good luck to even the biggest spin doctors explaining to mums why they can't have their school community groups, nevermind all the social groups that literally rely on Messenger as their primary contact. And if it goes that far it'll take years of fragmentation before things settle down.
Facebook literally just proved that they don't need Aussie news media.
Everyone knew that beforehand. They'd survive without any news media at all. It just means less engagement on their platform which means less money.
If we lose Messenger and Facebook groups altogether it'll be political suicide for whoever pulls that trigger
Good example of why Facebook and Google's dominance needs reining in?
Everyone knew that beforehand
You wouldn't know it the way half our politicians are talking. Did you catch ABC Q&A on the subject. It'd be funny if these weren't the people making the decisions.
Good example of why Facebook and Google's dominance needs reining in?
Completely agree that their dominance needs managing and regulating. I don't think the priority should be giving media a cut though. How about ensuring fair and equitable access to private communication and an appeal process that isn't a joke if there is a community standards violation?.
Facebook doesn't give two shits about Australia….At the end of the day Australia is such a small market for them. I don't see why the news agencies are kicking up a stink, they are quite happy to charge us for their content but want to be able to use Facebook free of charge.
See the thing is, other countries are siding with Australia. Australia is nothing to them, but you add uk, India, eu, and Canada, and suddenly shit gets real. They are all looking at options right now.
Right on. It's the other countries, especially US. As Facebook said, Australia's revenue is a rounding up error LOL
So, they wouldn't have an issue if they gave that revenue to me right?
Remember Facebook started pretty small. Takes a few people to start a trend upwards or downwards. What I can see now is that the trend downwards is way underway already.
I have now opted to deactivate my account and fully delete it after I get my Alexa echo from the Alex name thingo 🤣
I absolutely love the fact that the news has been blocked from Facebook. Don't understand why anyone would be complaining.
Mainstream information is tightly controlled and censored. Makes no difference if it is Facebook or murdoch distributing it.
Those news are full of misinformation. Media should pay FB for helping spreading their propaganda.
Murdoch? Didnt they pretty much ousted our ex-pm Malcom Turnbull? I much prefer Malcom Turnbull than what we have in now………
Seriously ??????. I'll assume that was a poor joke.
He would have reported the rape to the police in all probability because he was stabbed in the back after his anti sleaze stance , which was very unpopular with the Liberals/ nationals, so no not a joke really hey scratchy?
Yep scomo is the worst PM we have ever had. If you have been following the news closely from a variety of sources this would be very obvious.
The only reason I stopped using Facebook was because the mums and dads started using it and having a whinge every time their kids posted something funny. When the companies started giving employees shit for having fun online then I was totally put off it. I recken Facebook should ban all mums and dads and large corporations.