Virgin Mobile have restocked all the phones again :)
$74 a month gets you an iPod 16GB, with $520 credit and 1 GB data. (the offer seems to change from time to time between $70 or $70 + $4 per month)
$100 a month gets you an iPod 16GB, with $520 credit and 5 GB data.
edit: Just confirming I don't work for Virgin. I'm a customer. Also, I don't own an iPhone or anything like that. I went for a much cheaper deal instead
note: Thanks for the correction to the deal :) I note that before clicking choose me, the 16GB iPhone says $70 per month … but after you click they then tell you it's $70 per month … + $4 per month more :P
16gb phone is $4/month on the $70 plan, $0/month on $100 plan