I got a new PS5 and so far I am a bit disappointed that after buying 750 dollar console, I need to pay more to buy games and subscriptions. sucks lol.
hows your experience so far?
I got a new PS5 and so far I am a bit disappointed that after buying 750 dollar console, I need to pay more to buy games and subscriptions. sucks lol.
hows your experience so far?
Not the PS plus bit
One of the few things that Playstation had over Xbox was the fact you didn't have to pay to play online.
Pity they looked at it as another way to make some dollarydoos.
Free to play online games are going to be free for multiplayer on Xbox "in the coming months" supposedly. You won't need Live Gold. This is after they announced a price hike and got some backlash.
Hasn’t been free in many generations. Nintendo was the last by to the game with the switch but it’s way cheaper and free to play games don’t require it.
Except PS3's free online service was subpar compared to Xbox Live on the 360.
PS4 started charging for online, but with it actually brought in a competitive online service so I don't agree that it was simply a cash grab. What is a cash grab though is Nintendo charging for their online service.
That is Sony's business model now. Their latest financial report says that they're losing money on every console sold. Maybe over time they'll start breaking even on console sales, but maybe not.
Lower price of entry = more sales of games, media etc, and the subscription model means that they'll likely get back $80 per year for an average of say 5 years ($400), which gives them enough recurring revenue to turn a profit as well as paying for the monthly games, further development, feature updates etc.
I'm happy to pay the $79 a year, as I'd say I get back a fair value in the monthly games. Only takes 2 good ones a year and I'm happy enough…
I think there's still a long way to go before the game developers make the most of the new controller features and power of the console- hoping a few more good games come out over the next 12 months.
Seems like a while ago. I still use the PS4 and I've been paying for online subscription for years now. It used to be free once upon a time but no more.
Not sure why the outrage that it's not free on the PS5? Did anyone actually expect it to be? Virtually all online platforms cost money nowadays
Welcome to 2006
I think for the yearly cost, with the excellent games on the ps+ collection as well as the monthly free games (I was about to purchase control anyway, so that being free was a great saving), PS+ is a pretty good deal. Xbox game pass is better value, but PS+ actually has more games I want to play so it works out for me.
I got my PS5 on launch and have been extremely happy with it. I never had a PS4, only had an Xbox for last gen, so I have been playing through a heap of the exclusives from last gen and loving it, and either bought them for $10-$15 each or had them on the collection. The only current gen game I have bought is Spiderman MM Ultimate, and I loved it, and definitely feel it was worth the $100 i paid for it. The PS5 has gotten me back into gaming and has just provided such a smooth experience in doing so. Very happy with my choice.
I have XB Game Pass and it is great value, so I can only attest to that. It is definitely worth it.
It feels like I get more for my money in contrast to other subscription services I use, such as Spotify or Netflix.
I bought a car, nobody told me I would have to pay for petrol.
little petrol comes from the showroom?
@SydStrand: lol its a good game no doubt . but I wanted to get free games PS4 collection without PS plus
? should have got a toyota mirai or some other hydrogen one
Did you get a Tesla?
Send it to me please!
Don’t do that. Chuck it on eBay for $1000.
You’re actually taking him/her seriously?
Nah, just making a joke in poor taste because JV was making a joke.
Just to be clear, I don't condone the scalping. Yeah, capitalism and all, but it's still a dick move.
@tomsco: Yeah but it is not scalping if you actually wanted something then decided to have a change of heart. I would expect anybody to sell whatever it is at the market price in that case.
@Save 50 Cent: Oh, of course, and that's what JV's comment was indicating at, but the context of mine is that it's a high value item that is being frequently scalped.
Absolutely love it. Huge upgrade from the PS4 Pro, much faster, better overall experience, fantastic DualSense controller etc.
You get plenty of games with the PS+ Collection and monthly PS+ titles. Why are you expecting completely free games with a console purchase?
You get Astro's Playroom. There's no reason to expect any free games.
to be fair ive gotten several games free for ps4 but i think they just give them away to get people to update to the latest firmware so they cant pirate games
Everyone gets Ratchet and Clank this month, so you do get a free game
Curious, are you aware of any other consoles that come with free games out of the box? (Excluding bundle deals). PC, Wii, Xbox, Playstation: all are just hardware to play the games and you generally need to buy the games separately.
PC has loads of games free (including AAA titles sometimes like GTA 5) and even more at 70-90% off in steam sales.
The difference in frequency and depth of game discounts is so huge that PC can end up cheaper than consoles, in the long run, even if you buy a PC that's quite a bit more expensive than the console initially.
@ItsMeAgro: This.
PC store fronts frequently do game giveaways and you get to keep the game unlike ps+ where you only retain the game provided you keep subscribed.
Epic games store had star wars battle front 2, revenant from ashes, gta5 all free at some stage without needing to spend anything on store. Picked up metro last light redux on gog galaxy recently. Also got guacamelee and lego ninjago free on steam. Cherry on top of that my gaming pc's are also my work pc's they really do pay for themselves.
Well the Nintendo Wii came with Wii sports/Wii Sports Resort.
My Nintendo 64 came with Banjo Kazooie.
Sega master system came with Alex the kid built in
Once you buy your 1yr PS+ sub you can grab the PS+ collection which is designed to kickstart a playstation library
Here’s every PS4 game you’ll get access to as a PlayStation Plus subscriber with a PS5:
Batman: Arkham Knight
Battlefield 1
Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicles Edition
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Days Gone
Detroit: Become Human
Fallout 4
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
God of War
Infamous Second Son
Monster Hunter: World
Mortal Kombat X
Persona 5
Ratchet and Clank
Resident Evil 7 biohazard
The Last Guardian
The Last of Us Remastered
Until Dawn
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
These games are enhanced with faster loading speeds via the PS5’s Game Boost system.
This is great, but the fact that 99% of the best games on PS5 are unenhanced PS4 games is reinforcing the OP's point: anyone upgrading to one of the new consoles right now is spending a huge amount of money for not much extra gaming fun, compared to the bang-for-buck of existing consoles, VR and PC.
Most of them will be as disappointed as OP, and most of the rest are fanboys kidding themselves.
Another good reason to wait a bit longer (if the crazy price and shortages weren't enough reason).
compared to the bang-for-buck of existing consoles, VR and PC.
but you dont get to play exclusives.
@BuyOrNot: yeah you can still play the eclusives later at a better price point for both them AND the console given the price gouging I have seen with the shortages by just waiting. So you still get the exclusives you just don't get them right NOW but odds are you will get them cheaper. If you know you will be buying later you can watch for sales.
@ItsMeAgro: As someone whos been on PC and Xbox for the 360 and XBone era buying a PS5 and a one year PS+ subscription (~$50) gives me a HUGE value. I get to play pretty much all the PS exclusives I've missed for free. Getting 21 games, including some BIG exclusives was well worth it to me.
Having a 4K OLED TV to play God of War in 4K 60 FPS in HDR is (profanity) amazing. And it's not even a new game!
For me I've barely scratched the surface of the content that came with the console and subscription. I imagine that most of the coming year will be spent grinding through this content, demon souls, and ghost of tsushima. Even if we dont get a single good PS5 game this year I'll be pretty happy with that.
Huge upgrade from the PS4 Pro, much faster, better overall experience, fantastic DualSense controller etc.
Is it quieter ?
Completely silent except for disc spin on installation. Beyond that, don't hear it at all.
How much can you sell a PS4 Pro these days?
@jv: EBGames offered me 40% off a PS5 physical disc edition in exchange for my PS4 Pro. It's actually not a bad deal and worth asking about. Just don't buy any games off them.
EBGames offered me 40% off a PS5 physical disc edition in exchange for my PS4 Pro.
That's not bad, that's $300.
Mine only cost me about $330 from memory after discounts, AMEX cashback etc…
@20percentcorrect: Sold mine for $750 during second Melbourne lockdown. Though that was still 2 months from next gen launch.
People are pretty desperate, and as you see from these comments some just dont see the value in the ps5. Personally to me its crazy to pay $400 for a ps4 pro at this point, but it is what it is.
Didn't know there was an Old PS5.
There's mean to be a new bundle coming with two controllers in it anyway.
Remember the good ol' days when we used to 'pay less to buy games', because I don't.
lol Im new to console
PC gamer?
If so that explains it. $100 plus for a single game has gotta hurt when you're used to getting AAA games free from Epic and for $5 - $30 in steam sales.
What bullcrap - you're comparing older free and sale price games to brand new PS5 games.
PS4 games were regularly sold for cheap (physical disk or store sales). It's literally the same as PC - if you buy at release you will pay top dollar, if you wait a few months they are cheap. I never paid more than $30 for any PS4 game.
And Epic is an anomaly in the market - they are only giving out free AAA games to win market share off the incumbents. I guarantee their business model isn't perpetually giving out free games.
@lunchbox99: brand new AAA game keys can be bought for $60-70~, sometimes brand new can be bought for less with region swapping.
It's literally the same as PC
All you said is true but this. For frequency and size of discounts, Sony is better than Nintendo, but not really close to PC yet.
If you're an Ozbargainer, and don't buy all your games at release, PC is actually cheaper in the long run than console, even including the extra cost of buying a mid or high range gaming rig compared to a console.
Many of us don't even look at games above $10. (Personally it's closer to $5, and I don't bother with anything that wasn't one of the top few games of the year it was released).
@ItsMeAgro: Well last gen I had all 3 - xbox one, ps4 and pc. The way I buy games (ie never at release) I think they are comparable.
EDIT: I guess I have a large catalogue of steam sale games that I've never played, but I also have a huge catalogue of PS plus games that I never played. It's only $60 per year so well worth it for a few decent games plus a bunch of indie garbage.
Agreed, it does hurt coming from PC land to PS5 land. However I did manage to score a deal on a Dark Souls code for $50 from FB Marketplace which was a decent deal.
I heard if you want to play local co op that you will need an extra ps5 controller, that cost even more money.
Can confirm, at least for PS5 games. You can play PS4 games using PS4 controllers, but they won't work on PS5 games.
DualSense controller is amazing, I absolutely love it. As far as games I've been spending most of my time playing Hitman 3 - but the Hitman 1 (and eventually 2) levels since I never played them last gen. I'm also still addicted to Fall Guys (there are dozens of us… DOZENS!).
So I'm currently using my PS5 to play a PS4 game, and an upgraded PS4 game. I believe this is a pretty common experience.
What is so good about the controller?
It's hard to explain in text, but the haptic triggers are the big one. They have levels of force feedback that scales based on what's happening in the game.
As an example, in Bugsnax using a camera, the triggers feel like a shutter release. There's a noticable "bump" akin to a mechanical keyboard like Cherry Blue switches, followed by a smooth release and the inbuilt speaker makes a shutter noise. The first time I did it I literally exclaimed in surprise and it feels "fun" every time I do it.
Or in Destruction All-Stars the accelerator trigger begins to actively resist being depressed the more the car is damaged. Note, I only played this for an hour and deleted it so there may be other things going on that I'm not across.
Astro's Playroom is essentially a tech demo for the controller and shows off all the new in-built tech. Things like tracing where your finger is on the touchpad, using the in-built microphone, motors in the controller itself (as opposed to the trigger motors) which respond to different controller orientations etc. It was a smart move to include it on every PS5 and it's also surprisingly fun.
Oh okay, that sounds cool. Thanks for the info.
When I went back to play Fortnite every gun has a different feel to it. Like the Pistol feel easier to pull the trigger on compared to the Assault Rifle which also had more of a kick when pulled. Also the minigun feels a little unwieldy, like it should.
Dozens !!! *( arrested development Easter egg )
PS4 games at 60fps is great.
Honestly though there's no Next Gen titles yet that I'm really interested in.
Got Persona 5 Strikers on Pre-order and am keen for Yakuza Like a Dragon next month, but these are still just PS4 games.
Don't even know what the first 'PS5' game that I buy will be at this point :P
Yakuza Like a Dragon becomes a PS5 game next month.
I guess? It's still just an Upgrade/Next Gen patch of the game that came out last November though isn't it?
I dont think so, it was next gen on xbox but they had an exclusivity window on the next gen version.
That being said, as it was designed to run on both, it'll hardly be a revelatory difference between the 2 versions. But you cant upgrade the ps4 version to the ps5, so i've waited for this one as well.
@modiika: I always thought we could upgrade, and that it was Japan that couldn't.. or was that the recent news about Judgment? Ugh I'm lost.
I'm going to have to go and look this up now :O
@Stoibs: Ah, not 100% sure maybe it was Japan only i thought it was worldwide.
Or maybe its that if you upgrade the save doesnt come across? What ever it was, was enough to let me wait until it came out.
Like some of the above, I love the new PS5 experience although I'm mainly still playing PS4 games on it…
new to console gaming. no wonder my expectations are broken
No matter what console (PS5, Xbox or PC) you have to pay for games. You get free games with PS+ subscription every month, and often they're decent games. I don't understand why you think games would be free?
No matter what console (PS5, Xbox or PC) you have to pay for games.
Not for the Wii
I don't think it counts as not paying for games if your parents were the ones buying them for you… You absolutely had to buy games for the Wii…
What did you expect? Weekly freebies for nothing like Epic Games Store?
OP, your PS5's life is suffering in your hands.
No reason to expect free games on PlayStation, though there are a few like Fortnite and Rocket League but they're filled with in game purchases.
Paying for online definitely sucks though, there should have been more backlash when Sony first announced they intended to put online play behind a pay wall.
Too late now though, everyone just accepts it
The PS+ collection is actually pretty good so if you dont want to buy new games just get a plus subscription and play those free games. You can also wait every month for a free game lol. Also if you're a new user, I'm pretty sure you can get free PS plus trial?
will check that out . do you have aus subscription?
You don't have to pay extra for Astro's Playroom!
Astro is awesome agree
Sell the PS5 for a profit and get an Oculus Quest 2 with half of that money.
It's the breathtaking "wow factor" next-gen gaming experience that we used to get from new consoles 10 or 20 years ago when the difference between gens wasn't so subtle.
Supporting Facebook = no.
You seriously didn't know this?