JPLengineer » user profile

Member Since | 25/02/2020 |
Last Seen | 22/03/2021 |
Location | Sydney |
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So you must be exceeding speed limit in school zones and eating a lot of fines and demerits? Sigh some people's minds at work.

JPLengineer commented on How do People Find Time to Play Games?
Resident Evil 2 (2019) and 3 (2020) are AAA and can be completed within 6 hours for all collectables / steam achievements. Otherwise a…

JPLengineer replied to
Nickos1990 on Posted Facebook Marketplace Buyer Two Phones after Getting Screenshot of Payment. Money Not Received

Always check your actual bank statement / online banking to verify funds before sending out the item. Not much recourse now.

JPLengineer commented on How Many Are There in Your Tutorials?
Depends on the course, year of study and what the convener feels like. When I reached 3rd year some subjects didn't have a dedicated…

JPLengineer commented on [UNI] Should I Drop My Maths Degree to Focus on Purely Computer Science and Finance?
Which year or study are you in? Your list of courses sounds like first year subjects? If you are struggling with the workload so early on…

I have comprehensive insurance with Suncorp. Any non regular driver does not need to be listed and does factor in calculation of premiums.…

Which Mercedes dealer did you buy from? I managed to get 3 years free service with mine but no further reductions on car. I bought off…

A non factor for me personally.

This. PC store fronts frequently do game giveaways and you get to keep the game unlike ps+ where you only retain the game provided you keep…

Yes I think asking for the balance in account/s and recent transactions is very normal. It would be something you would naturally know if…

[Surely you're joking](,_Mr._Feynman!) by the legend [Ricky P…

Badminton World Federation Ru's piano Pan piano Mr Bean Gordon Ramsay Chef Wang Lego

JPLengineer replied to
Kaz0551 on Worth It? up to $40k Agent's Commission to Sell a Typical Sydney Property

This is close to the rates I paid selling an investment property just end of last year. All prices ex gst Commission 1.5% Styling $1500…

JPLengineer replied to
activ8newbs on About to Buy Luxury Heels from Jimmy Choo - Please Help Me Save $$$!

What melb88 said. Major DJ's stores like Sydney City have designer shoes and hand bags. They have end of season sales for shoes (EOFY and…

JPLengineer commented on [AMA] I'm a Stay-at-Home Dad (SAHD)
Congrats on the doctorate. Thesis title?

This [Waterman]( from DJ's Sydney City, plus 2 packs…

JPLengineer commented on Gift for Teacher - End of Year - NSW
Update if anyone was still interested. Ended up getting a fountain pen with some spare ink cartridges and handed it over yesterday…

JPLengineer commented on Anyone Know How I Can Pay into a PayPal Account without Having a PayPal Account?
How about using [OFX]( , although you still need an account. Any reason you dont want to open an account with…

JPLengineer commented on Home Loan Eligibility
Is your job the only income you have? What about spouse's income (if any). What about other assets where you could derive income e.g. have…

Suncorp rewards, you can access it if you have one of their products like comprehensive car insurance. Entertainment book (?) might still…

JPLengineer commented on Best Replacement for Pocophone F1
Pixel 4a ($599) or 4a with 5g?

JPLengineer commented on Good Easy Cushy Job That Pays over 85k No Degree No Qualification Just Get in The Door Type Deal
How about advancing your current qualification? You mentioned you have already been to university? Would a Master's degree by course work…

JPLengineer replied to
Slippery Fish on Guy Hits My Car, Exchanged Details but He Now Refuses to Talk

Why would the other party's insurer let you make the claim on their behalf?…

Many thanks for your advice. Yes, there will definitely be a hand crafted card from my child. At the moment I am very blessed with a full…

Yes, I was aware I would need to pay dining for 2. I am asking around discreetly for said teacher's culinary and dietary preferences.…

Thanks for the insight and especially you and your profession.

Universities will have a student handbook e.g. search for usyd 2021 student handbook which will show the finer details about every subject…

Very kind of you give so generously. Yes, teachers do alot and sadly their professional doesn't carry enough recognition.

Yes there will be a personalised card. At this moment since I am blessed with a full time job, I want to gift something that would be a…

I can understand the rules about the appearances of bribes and favourtism. You are right, $50 doesn't give alot of room to work with these…