• expired

Dick Smith - 12 Christmas Day Specials - 1 Hour Each


A whole range of items starting at 12pm AEDT Christmas Day - one hour each, while stocks last

Time Deal Cost Saving
12 - 1 Moshi Bass Burger $39.98 50%
1 - 2 DSE Handsfree Car Kit $19 $60
2 - 3 Eneloop Rechargeable AA $24.99 $15
3 - 4 $100 iTunes Gift Card $70 $30
4 - 5 Belkin iPad 2 Verve Folio Stand $34.98 50%
5 - 6 DSE 18.5" HD LCD TV $139 Amazing (apparently!)
6 - 7 Belkin iPad 2 Kitchen Stand $29.95 $10
7 - 8 DSE 8Gb SDHC Card $22.48 50%
8 - 9 Cocoon Dual AV Sender/Receiver $79.89 $20
9 - 10 Sennheiser Wireless Headphones $149.95 $100
10 - 11 DSE Micro Hi-Fi with iPod Dock $59.95 $30
11 - 12 Belkin Live Action Camera Grip with App $29.95 $20

The iTunes card looks like a go-er for all the iPod and iPad gifts out there…

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

    • +1

      Ahh dick is a bit of a tosser. Luckily he isnt in charge!

  • +4

    Eneloop probably the pick, although they have been $20 for that pack before


    • +1

      Yeah, I got it on that deal =D

    • +4

      missed out that deal but now $25 is too much

      • +8

        An Ozbargainer strives to get a better deal than previous ozbargainers..otherwise he/she is no longer an ozbargainer

  • +1

    This is possibly the best iTunes going, anyone else find anything at all better for itunes?

  • Wat do fellow ozbargainers think of the bluetooth kit?

    • Buy Blueant S4. I bought it for my mom and she loved it. From Ozgameshop for $59

    • +2

      have a look at the reviews for it on the dse website. quite a few unhappy purchases. some said it was great but most said there was problem with being heard and sound quality.

  • +1

    Googled the sennheiser headphones and top result was amazon for $55. But if it's reduced by $100 to $150 at dick smith it must be good. And they're probably second hand too.

    • -5

      Amazon don't ship to Australia, doesn't really count

      • +1

        They do ship some items. I don't know much about Amazon though.
        And cheapest on Staticice is $129 http://www.themp3outletstore.com.au/earphones/headphones/wir…

        • +9

          Well goes to show how bullshit these "deals" are. Also sucks for them to encourage people spending their christmas day on the internet to get hourly deals.

        • -1

          Should have said they dont send this item to australia

  • +6

    Dammit, times are in AEDT and I live in QLD. I'm going to miss them all by an hour.

    • +4

      Poor Queenslanders - always behind in everything they do LOL

    • LOL

  • +2

    Crap. I'm going to be in the air when the iTunes deal hits :-(

    • +2

      Me too… Santa brought me booze :P

  • +1

    The 8Gb SDHC card is $22.48 half price? It's a class 10 but so is the MSY 16Gb Class 10 Patriot SDHC that runs till 31/12. That one is $15. Way cheaper for double capacity, I know what I'd choose (and I did yesterday).

    • I'm gonna buy from MSY as well. Do they open on 26th? uhhm to be safe maybe I'll just go on 27th.

      • +6

        MSY are run by asian, they are probably open Christmas day.

        Disclaimer: I am asian so no racial.

        Positive from me for the sexy table.

        • I guess it makes sense for them to open only if their competitors are open? In any case they might be subject to labour laws (ie. can't open on Christmas).

        • They don't open any Sunday in QLD at least. I think they are not back until Wednesday.

        • I need the card to with this http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/60341
          Already have 8GB but this is very cheap

        • Lots of asian restaurants are open on Christmas day because they don't celebrate Christmas. I don't see why MSY wouldn't be the same.

    • We can't all get to MSY though, and they don't ship.

  • snork

    Amazing meaning all of… $10. I r amazed.

  • hopefully you can get a used item with full of movie

    • Can't really use this in the car

    • maybe,
      the thinner the better (LED LCD is thinner than LCD)

      • I would go aldi over dse. For the size of the screen you are not going to notice much difference

  • http://www.bigw.com.au/electronics/computers-office/computer…

    belkin verve is at big w for a little cheaper if youu happen to be shopping there, you wouldnt have to wait for delivery too

    DS works out better if u need it delivered tho

  • 40 eneloops here I come.ftw

    • Wow you're going to buy 5 packs?

      I remember I bought 2 when they were $19.99 :)

    • can staff card be used on these discounts as well..Won't be too much discount but even if it is a dollar less, still pretty cheap

    • What are you gonna do with 40 batteries anyway?

      • +3

        use them to power electronics that require battery power to operate in a functional manner.

  • Coles at Robina has the single bass burgers for $10'on clearance but I think they are clones.

  • Read the reviews of the BT car kit. 3 stars, only 33% would recommend to a friend.

    Looks like it's not worth it.


    Insert topical comment about probably all returns anyway ;-)

  • +6

    Nothing outrageously exciting. I miss the days when an OzBargain was a massive bargain :(

    • +1

      I havn't bought anything from ozb for weeks and weeks.

      • In the end you'll cave only to later realise it was a bad deal..

      • hmm my last one was the MSY patriot deal but yeah Haven't bought too much lately after the android market deal

  • +5

    If I could neg this I would. I think dick could've waited one more day instead of making the sale on Christmas day.

    • +10

      dick move by them

    • +1

      Stop using up all your negs then. One must always keep negs in reserve ;)

    • +1

      and who is going to pay for shipping?

    • +1

      They won't ship to here.

  • Oops! Comment removed.

  • +4

    This is all junk. This gives you an idea of how much they normally rip people off.

    • Not all junk. I got the batteries as, even though it's not as good as the last deal, at $25 it's still ~40% cheaper than anywhere else I've found eneloops, esp with free delivery. Generally 4 packs are ~$20+delivery. This is an 8 pack for $25 with delivery.

      So I bought 2 packs for $50, inc delivery. Right at a time I really needed batteries. To me, this is great. I could've gotten Imedion for around that price but their batteries seem to push the size specs to breaking point. They always seem to be a too tight a fit for AA battery holes. :/

  • -2

    lol.. this is fail.. the first item is showing up in cart at $79.. :P

    I thought well maybe it shows discount on checkout nope.. someones forgot to reduce the price!! OOPS!

    • That's because each deal only lasts one hour.

  • +1


    From experience GP rechargeables are also very good quality.

  • +2

    just ordered the batteries, but site seems a bit glitchy atm - i.e. problems accepting credit cards, so had to pay via PayPal….

    • +1

      Got that too. Accepted mine on the 2nd go.

    • +1

      I tried ordering the batteries, but the site kept giving me problems

    • +2

      Keep trying. Disappointed at their site, but I got my order through on about the 4th or 5th attempt.

  • Got more eneloops, shame about the gay colors, but hey i can live with it ;)

  • man that site sucks. Tried three times before I finally got the iTunes card with my debit card. PayPal was gonna work…

  • 4 - 5 Belkin iPad 2 Verve Folio Stand $34.98 50%

    Belkin iPad2 Leather Folio Black
    Be the first to write a review
    In Stock
    Product normally ships next business day.
    Save $24.97

    That's not 50% off!!!

    • +1

      It is if you look at it funny. Have you tried looking at it funny? Perhaps eggnog might help?

    • Its probably something shifty like 50% off RRP.

  • So anything worth buying besides the eneloops?

    • nup haha

    • iTunes card… but you've missed it…

  • so many posts - so much tat.

  • nothing that entices me to depart with my cash.

  • Nothing to see here. Would've been more exciting if mobiles or laptops were in the mix.

  • Moshi Bass Burger $39.98 50%

    I bought one today for $14.98 @ Toys'R'Us Doncaster

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