This was posted 13 years 2 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$398 Canon EOS 1100D DSLR Camera Lens Kit with 18-55 III Lens Is Still Avaiable at Harvey Norman


Hey guys,

Notice this was posted sometimes ago but just to let you know that Harvey Norman/domayne at North Ryde and Alexandria are still doing them for $398.

3 Left at Alexandria.
63 Left at North Ryde.

Just ring them up and ask for $398 before you come in.

Original Post:

Edit: Receipt is now attached:…

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Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • Beginner DSLR user here, do I buy this or step up to 3100?

    • 3100 is a Nikon.

      • and 240+ more than this

      • +2

        tbh, I prefer the D3100. But at this price, it's a bit hard to say no.

    • This is a crappy DSLR. The lens is very soft and non IS.
      All the features are really poor. ISO performance, DR, AF speed/accuracy.
      Note you don't have ANY cross point AF with a kit lens. And you'd be a fool to pair a f2.8 with this body.

      If you want to stay a Beginner DSLR user forever, buy this. If you want to learn to take photos, you'll replace this whole kit within 1-2yrs.

      It's cheap for a reason.

      • +3

        kind of interesting that a lot of reviews do not agree with you.

      • +1

        I kind of agree…

        for that kind of money, one is probably better off with a s100 or spend a little bit more for epm1.

        1100D is such a tiny dslr that putting any 2.8 zoom will look ridiculous.

        • Who cares how it looks? Is aesthetics or looking pro your main aim?

        • let me rephrase, it's not the looks that is the problem. The 1100D is so tiny that any 2.8 zoom will make it imbalance - ie front heavy.

        • +2

          Tamron 17-50 2.8 doesn't look unbalanced on my 350D.

        • There is no need for a rephrase. I don't see how your previous post could in anyway mean the balance of a camera.

          Also as mugsy has mentioned tamron 17-50 f2.8 non-vc is a very small lens. I had one and used it on my 1000D, 500D and 7D.

        • +1

          My Tasman 400mm doesn't look unbalanced on my NEX-5.
          Jokes, it does - and I love it.

      • +1

        hmm video mode is not that great either. 3100 or 550D would be the ideal starting point

      • +3

        DSLRs are pretty mature at this stage, so even a basic model like this has a lot going for it.

        It's ideal for dabblers, and students, since it's enough to establish photographic perception with.

        And if it stimulates a strong affinity for photography, then it's still not too late to preference Nikon or microfourthirds etc.

      • +9

        Yes, the lens is a bit poor, but the body is pretty capable, for the price especially. And even with this lens, the combination will beat any compact or other camera you could get for this price. Absolutely right that if you want to be serious about photos, you'll want to replace the kit in a couple of years, but that's the good point of this package! You can learn a lot in that time, without breaking the bank and you'll later know what is it exactly that you'll want from your "proper" camera.

      • +6

        I know a dude using a couple of L lenses with a 1000D. Wins competitions and stuff, so if you're thinking this is a crappy camera. Maybe the user is crappy.

      • +2

        So those of us who still use a 350D (quite comparable to the 1100D) but have had reasonable success in our hobby should consider ourselves beginners I take it?

        I'm no pro, but am definitely beyond beginner (I believe 'enthusiast' is the word they use). I've used my 350D to do everything from wildlife to wedding photography with excellent results throughout the years. Yes, I've out grown my 350D. I could do with higher ISO and better AF for low light work but it doesn't stop me from capturing low light shots of wildlife that are good enough to enlarge and frame.

        For $400, I'd say this is a good starting point for anyone who wants to get into photography. Considering I've spent in excess of $7000 on gear (initial $1600 on the body and twin lens kit), $400 is a 'cheap' investment into learning photography. Add on the 50mm 1.8 which can be had for $100 and they'll have the necessary equipment to learn the basics.

        • no one is calling you out personally but I'm sure you'll agree that even a Pentax K-x(for maybe $50 more will be a better choice than this unless you absolutely can't spend more than $400.

          For most, buying the body should take precedence over the amount of lenses. Buy a good body + single lens kit and save up for a better lenses in the future. Specially if you are an amateur who doesn't even know how to use the initial lens.

        • +3

          RE the argument that a Pentax K-x is better than the 1100D, I'd say that it would depend on what system one intends to buy into and how much into photography one wants to get. I'd still go Canon if I was looking at a lot of telephoto work - better lens selection there. My 350D was bought with the intention of doing an African safari… needless to say, I soon found the 75-300 to be inadequate for the shooting environment and pumped out the money for a 70-300 IS. At the time, that was an expensive lesson. I'd hate to have seen what would happen if I had gone Nikon (who didn't have a 70-300 lens with VR at the time). Would have had to purchase into an all new system. On a safari, an 1100D would also be a reasonable back up body.

          I'm in no way a Canon fanboi… my last recommendation was for a mate to get the Nikon D3100 and 18-105 VR lens as the 18-55 VR would have been cr@p for his uses. Given his budget constraints, getting a lesser body and a better lens was always going to yield the best results.

          DSLR gear needs to be looked at as a whole and not in isolation as individual parts.

          I'm going to have to challenge the view that a good body + crap lens is what most people should look at in the beginning. Most people I have given DSLR gear advice to have had a specific use in mind when they were just starting out… whether it be travel, macro, sport, etc. In most cases than not, the 18-55 kit lens just isn't suited to what the person wants to use the camera for and an entry level body is sufficient. So why throw more money on the body and get a crap lens from the start when you know the crap lens is going to be replaced immediately? Just my thoughts from my personal experience over the years.

        • hmmm now that I think about it, that makes a lot of sense now. For anyone starting out, getting some good lenses will last a long time while the body will be outdated in a few years.

          Of course non of this would matter for someone who will be using the same combo all the time

      • +1

        There's nothing wrong with replacing the kit in 1-2 years. I bought a 400D a while back now, and within 1-2 years I'd stepped up to a 1D Mark II and two L lenses. This basic kit is a good place to start, it's not poor unless you're used to something amazing, and even then a good photographer will find a way to shoot well with it.

        • +1

          My thoughts exactly. A good photographer will find a way to shoot what he/she wants when using lesser equipment.

          Had an opportunity to shoot fairy penguins in twilight a few years back and I only had my 17-85mm lens with me. Flash was not allowed as this damages the eyes of the little critters. I shot at 85mm, f/5.6 and ISO 1600. Used a faster shutter than what the camera suggested so that I'd get a sharp shot but the shots still came out excellently (IMHO, the slightly darker exposure added to the scene). Again, I'm no pro but a reasonable photographer knows the limitations of the gear and finds a way to compensate and still get good results.

        • With that being said there's no need to throw the kit away 1-2 years later as well. I find myself needs TWO bodies when I'm covering events now. Granted the body is lesser but throw on a 35mm f1.4 it makes a great 2nd body for low lighting fast pace events.

          And photographer will tell you this: Equipment can get you only so far. Ultimately it's up to the photographer to frame, angle and time shots. Many of the greatest photos I've seen are captured on crappy equipments.

          Hence, just go for it.

  • no offense, but the stocks are so limited.

    • It's not ShoppingExpress mate….

    • no one said there was a large amount of stock. and the OP said its the same deal that was posted ma while ago.

  • Sorry if im reading this wrong, is this just the Lens or Camera+Lens

  • +1

    Just called North Ryde, the sales guy said $398 is no longer available, it's $448 now.

    • If that's teh case, OP may want to change the title to avoid confusion.

      • Have you tried Alexandria Domayne? I got one last night for 398.

    • +1

      i dont think so. i rang my local store and they said still 398

      • @ North Ryde?

        • nope. bought mine at erina :)

  • Where is the best bargain in Victoria's HN? Or anyone can scan an updated receipt for price matching?

  • Just picked one up at North Ryde @ $398
    Deal still Valid

    • Can you please post up the receipt?

    • Lucky. Just went there at lunch time. They refuse to sell at $398. Another guy asked the deal got turned down too.

      • sorry guys, havent been on since i posted.
        the item was a gift for my gf dad and no longer with me.

        if there no1 whose gonna upload the receipt ill see if i can do it tomorrow.

        p.s. i had no issues when i went 2 north ryde, however the sales rep didnt know it was on at all and had to check his computer 2-3 times.

  • I'm going to get two: one for taking photos.

  • +1

    Is it $398 anywhere in Melbourne. Can anyone confirm. I want to go and get one.

    • Try QV Melbourne :)

  • Just called North Ryde not doing the $398 deal anymore

    • If you go instore you can still get them at 398

  • And can anyone upload a receipt.

  • +2

    looking for one in vic as well

    • Preston have them

  • +5

    I'm annoyed… I bought one of these about 4 weeks ago from for about $550, everywhere I look now this model is on sale everywhere dirt cheap. Of all places - Harvey bloody Norman. 4 weeks ago they were selling this for about $898 at their online store.

    To those who are stepping up from a point and shoot into the world of DSLR, this is a very good camera for the price. It takes nice clean pictures even on full auto and creative auto mode.

    There will always be haters who say this camera is junk, but that's far from the truth. If you are a seasoned photographer, yes, this is not a good camera. But as I said, if this is your first DSLR, you won't be unhappy with the purchase.

    I recently got myself a 55-250mm IS lens and am happy with it - cost me about $150. I switch between the kit lens and the new one depending on the situation.

    This price is good and if you were thinking of buying a DSLR for a newbie, I highly recommend it.

  • Gerry Harvey is whinging again this morning. Maybe not enough people are taking advantage of this deal.

  • I would NEG this deal if my account allowed it. Went to the North Ryde Store. They would not honor it. wasted my time

  • +1

    I have just called the Alexandria store, and confirmed that they have 40units in stock.

  • I have just call HN Alexandria store, they are happy do it at $398
    For the 1100D single lens kit Non IS. No question ask.

  • just bought this deal from HN Preston (vic)
    they had a deal at the desk advertising this camera+lens at $450, inc camera bag and 4GB card. I decided to go for $398 for the camera+lens alone.

    Thanks again Ozbargain - it's been a long time since I bought from HN !!!

    • shmahoo, was it easy to get from HN, I am not far from them, any haggling ?, if possible receipt please, would be a great gift for myself considering my 7d got stolen

      • i'm really sorry - mine is a gift and I have wrapped and given it, and have put the receipt in the box

        So sorry!!

        the $450 deal inc bag and SD card was advertised at the desk, so it shouldn't be hard to haggle lower me thinks

        • Thanks

  • Receipt please

  • Guys try HN Alexandria 504 gardeners road Alexandria
    I have just went into the store and pick up one

    Their phone number is 02 9693 0666.

  • could some one post the receipt please….if possible shmahoo so that i cud price match at high point

    • i'm really sorry - mine is a gift and I have wrapped and given it, and have put the receipt in the box

      So sorry!!

      the $450 deal inc bag and SD card was advertised at the desk, so it shouldn't be hard to haggle lower me thinks

      • no worries thanks….will go and try my luck now!!!

  • Anyone tried in any QLD (Brisbane) store?

  • I wanna buy one in QLD, come HN in QLD do this deal for me and take my money. Someone please post a recent receipt. I need to arm with an evidence of the price.

    • Receipt is now attached mate. good luck

  • My original post has a copy of the receipt from about a month ago.

  • My original post has a copy of the receipt from about a month ago.

  • Rang Auburn store earlier. The guy picked the phone quoted the price $6xx and said never heard promotion price, $448 I got from North Ryde store.

    Are HV stores run by different owners?

    • Harvey Norman is made up of franchises, electrical & computers are separate, as well as furniture, and i think bedding is separate now too? The stores participate in the catalogs, but anything outside the catalog they can do as they wish. correct me if i'm wrong thanks :)

      • Actually the stores don't have to participate in the catalogs and I think that's mentioned in the small print on the last pages in one way or another IIRC.

  • Picking one up today from HN Alexandria, spoke to a guy named Ho. Thanks OP!

    • Picked one up from Ho as well.
      Tried to ask for best price on 16GB class 10 SDcard.
      Best price they did was $26.

    • They changed price tag for this Canon1100D to A$398. And there were about 20s left.

      • I just picked up mine an hour ago and it still had a sticker that said $699. To think that I got a $300 discount is mind blowing.

        • +1

          to think you were impressed by a discount from an overpriced non-realistic sticker is astounding for an ozbargainer !!

          Merry Christmas to all!

  • Just rang HN in Aspley, QLD and they cannot match that deal. The guy on the phone said he could do the IS lens kit for $648.

    • I called Liverpool HN before going to Alexandria as well. They said whatever price you see online is the price they will do it.

  • Try HN Fortitude Valley in QLD, I can not guarantee, but you might get lucky if go into store and ask in person promptly.

  • Is this camera made in china?

    • -1

      Box says Made in Taiwan, so yeah you could still say it's made in China. :)

      • isn't either the lens or the body supposed to be made in Japan. I know that fro the 550D both of them are

        • just checked the lens, says Made in Taiwan as well.

        • hmm..both the body and the lens. Still better build quality than China though

        • not everything made in China is bad quality, e.g. iphone, ipad etc

        • wait are you with me or against me. the iPhone is a prime example of bad build quality.

          But seriously of course there is stuff from China that is good, but I tend to trust my more expensive electronics to the original countries. My Sony is made in Japan and my SGS2 made in Korea

      • isn't either the lens or the body supposed to be made in Japan. I know that fro the 550D both of them are

  • I live pretty close to Alexandria, so if anyone wants one I am happy to proxy for a small fee. :)

  • Anyone knows if Harvey Norman QV is doing this deal?

  • 2 HV stores in Alexandria near airport. Bought on from the HV at Gardeners Road. Another one didn't give that price.

    Gardeners Road HV even have a special price ticket out. Forgot to capture the photo. Damn. Hope somebody nearby can get that photo and upload it.

  • I think there are couple of reasons HN is doing this camera cheaper than usual 1100D. Firstly, this one is made in Taiwan, whereas 1100D is originally made in Japan. Thus, HN is able to source cheaper than other 1100Ds. Secondly, this camera is a free bonus to flexirent promotion /as you can see on everyone's receipt/, supposed to go out free to customers who eligible for this promotion. I guess, the sales for the promotion has been slow and they maybe decided to sell the camera separately to clear the stock. Correct me, if I am wrong.

    And very happy Merry Xmas to all OzBargainers from me.

    • That could be the reason but $398 is still very cheap for 1100D

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