Colocation in Equinix SY4 facility
1 RU Rack Space
2TB Bandwidth on 1Gbit Port
2 PDU Power Ports
2 1GBit Network Ports
5 IPv4 Addresses
/64 IPv6 Address Block
24/7 Access
E-mail [email protected] to order
Colocation in Equinix SY4 facility
1 RU Rack Space
2TB Bandwidth on 1Gbit Port
2 PDU Power Ports
2 1GBit Network Ports
5 IPv4 Addresses
/64 IPv6 Address Block
24/7 Access
E-mail [email protected] to order
If you have a server you can put it into their datacenter to make use of their internet, power and cooling. They are giving 1 rack unit of space for this deal.
It's in his title: "co-location". As you said, it makes sense to people who have an interest in these kind of product.
Hahaha yeah, as an IT person in this area the headline was all I needed to understand exactly what was on offer. But its very much a if you know you know kinda deal.
Translation would be nice. Most of their promotions are detailed in Latin, which I personally struggle with
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in lobortis nisl, vitae iaculis sapien. Phasellus ultrices gravida massa luctus ornare. Suspendisse blandit quam elit, eu imperdiet neque semper et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in lobortis nisl, vitae iaculis sapien.
Our website was remodeled today, and most of the pages are still in design, I am working to have most of the pages operational by the end of the day today. Feel free to reach out if you are looking for something more specific.
You know that's nonsense words as placeholders? Standard web template design.
As per the website its under a redesign at present
Assume this is a monthly price, in AUD and including GST?
Pricing is AUD, and Inclusive of GST
When a hosting company has Lorum Ipsum text on their HOME PAGE, I don't know how much I would trust them tbh.
The template has just been uploaded, as I am building out a new page over the weekend,
You can do your research and see that we have been in business for many years, and we have a Australia wide network operational under AS24322
If you have your own AS number (especially one that low) and been around for years, you would think you would make your website presentable before going to OzBargain and advertising. Your About Us page is literally the template default.
Our ASN is 4Byte because we were using Cisco Routing for a project that required a 4Byte ASN, Age of a business has nothing to do with the ASN
Regardless, we wanted to list this special today as we will be releasing further specials after our website is completed
@HostLink: AS24322 is a 2 byte number (and 4 byte, by definition).
So you’re running legacy gear that only supports 2 byte?
@MSG: We had a project for a client that required 2Byte, so we organised one, and because I liked the look of the number we migrated our entire core over to the same 2Byte ASN to return out 4Byte ASN
It's not in the store on the website. It doesn't say where you can buy it.
The website's name is "gigatick"
Extra bandwidth pricing?
$50 AUD Per TB
/64 IPv6 Addresses
You are giving us a IPv6 /64 block (i.e. 2^64 or 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 addresses), or 64 IPv6 address?
/64 Prefix
Seems steep, $70/month when OVH AU can provide the same specs as above PLUS a rental server for only $7 more.
This is colocation, not renting a dedicated server, and they only provide 100Mbit bandwidth on their lowest plans
OVH do not provide colocation services
Correct, no collocation. But right now $80 gets me 500mb/10tb and 4 core, 32gb ram, 2tb HD server.
No way I can get a 1u server with above specs for $360 (assuming 3 years of hosting).
If you ask around, you can get similar 1u specs in EQ2/3 for $50 a month with some providers.
You dont really need to hijack this post with this sort of thing, but this service is colocation, for people who have hardware already, and the price for colocation is one of the cheapest in Australia at this present moment
@HostLink: I’ll just leave this here for other people,
Can I Colo a raspberry pi?
Guess it makes sense if you're into this stuff, but what is it?