Christmas costumes start from $15.99 between 13/12/2011 and 18/12/2011, while stocks last.
Plus free shipping on order over $100.
Christmas Costumes Massive Save Sale, Start from $15.99 Plus Shipping @ Aceladies

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In which part?
Read the posting rules for Ozbargain.
We've read the posting rules, but couldn't find any part of the rules indicates this is SPAM, none of us want to mislead this community. If someone could help us, we will really appreciate it.
"Postings that reference a sale, catalog or store but don't provide enough information to find at least one bargain, may be unpublished. "
Your post is just SPAM
So do you mean 60% off is not a bargain, and could not post in this website. And we should give all our products free, then it is not a SPAM.
jv i think your post is spam.
the description tells you where the prices start from, clicking on the link brings you directly to the page with a lot of discounts. expiry date is provided as is free shipping info. sounds like the types of websites I'd visit at home, with the door closed, and a door stop.