This was posted 4 years 2 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Cyberpunk 2077 $64.39 (GOG Platform) @ CD Keys

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Was looking to buy this game. Stumbled upon cdkeys. Probably the cheapest I can find now.

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closed Comments

    • -7

      Yah but then you need to get on a VPN to Russia and purchase via the VPN with your credit card right?

      • +15

        PayPal works fine. Did it last night for a mate. Bought it for myself few months back.

      • +1

        Not hard, save 30 bux

      • +2

        I used ExpressVPN and connected to Ukraine - came to about AU$42 in the end but still much better than $64. Mate of mine used Hola VPN as well (said he uninstalled Hola straight after lol)

        • +1

          used Hola and got it for 1999rubels…on a decent PC its actually a quality game…imho…

          • @thecraw: by decent PC i think you mean top of the line GPU

            • @chriskq: Works great on my modest 1660 Super/Ryzen 5 3600 build….

            • +1

              @chriskq: ive only got a 2600 and an rx580 and it runs fine on 1080p for me

      • CyberGhost VPN has a Russain node and a free trial that doesn't require entry of payment details.
        Don't these CD key sites get their codes through methods like this anyway?

      • +6 is trust worthy site. you can let them have your credit card detail. Hola free vpn plugin for chrome works great with this buying. Easier than get cranky.

      • I used the Hola VPN google ext and bought it for about $36aud and nothing weird happened to my account

      • not sure why you got downvoted for asking a legit question.
        but you can use paypal, so you have insurance.
        then as soon as puchase is done, you just load up gog galaxy, install, play.
        many many people have done it without issue. good way to get it for sub $40 aud.
        good luck

    • +5

      If you are willing to violate terms of service, you can also pirate it.

      • +1

        pretty sure cdkeys are doing the same thing, but charging you 30 bux for being the middle man.

        • +4

          Cdkey is not selling pirated games. What they are doing might still be illegal, but it's not your old-fashioned piracy where the devs get no money.

          • +9

            @UrbanLegend: @BrutallyHonest: There's nothing illegal about using a VPN to get around geo blocking in Australia

          • +1

            @UrbanLegend: I meant they are getting keys via a cheaper method, like VPN and then re-selling them. Which is what Mistredo meant by if you are willing to violate terms of service. I'm not talking about pirating as obviously they are selling you a key not a crack.

        • -1

          I don't think you understand the term middle-man

          • +6

            @sk3iron: I don't think you understand what is going on. CD Key's are getting the keys from other (cheaper) regions and then selling here, so essentially the same thing just with a middle-man.

    • Cheers, worked for me on ExpressVPN(Ukraine) and opening GOG in incognito. Got it for 29.99 USD. Worth a punt at this price.

  • +4…

    Update 15/12, 12:10pm: An ACCC spokesperson has also replied with a statement and suggestions for any users who wanted to refund Cyberpunk 2077 but were running into difficulties.

    • I thought the pc version was fine, no?

      • Not sure, letting others know and to investigate before purchase

        • +2

          there have been far worse game launches

          media going apeshit cause this one had so much hype

          this is why you dont pre order

          that being said. 70 hrs in, and ive not noticed any significant bugs. theres the random T pose but id just be nitpicking

          and im having an absolute blast.

          Both the world and the aesthetics and the story and the characters really pull you in. once everyone gets over the pre order lies controversy, and play the game that was delivered for what it is, they wont be disappointed

          if you keep comparing it to some high brow expectation you will never be happy

          Also posting here for visibility:

          1) play side quests not side Gigs. gigs are shorter grindier missions for cash. they are in unique settings and conditions, but unsatisfying. There are about 5 side gigs i did really enjoy. Esp the NOIR detective one narrated by Keanu Reeves. that was stella when you do the mission on a rainy night

          2) play the story involving takemura, Judy and Panam first then River, and finally your other side missions before touching Keanu and Rogues missions
          otherwise the progression may be a little jarring

          i know the open world aspect is lacklustre, but give the story a damn chance since its the whole point of the game

      • +7

        Better, but far from bug free (esp if you don't have a new card and want more than 1080).

        • +3

          I’ve got a RX580 running at 1440p, it lags a bit on Ultra but High is fine.

      • +13

        PC version is.. pretty OK. Performance is decent on a mid range PC and damn does it look pretty.

        There are a lot of half finished things like the god awful AI but no crashes in 30 hours so far.

        • +2

          It's important to note that when people say "it's fine" they mean that the game runs stably, and is not unplayable. There ARE still very many bugs, like graphic glitches, that are very noticeable but not game breaking. They're the sorts of things you can live with but shouldn't exist in a finished product.

          My issue, from a personal perspective, is that it's not the game we were promised. Most of it is stock standard open world RPG stuff, nothing really exciting. It looks beautiful for the most part (the main map sucks) but it kinda just feels like Deus Ex with better lighting. YMMV.
          I think with the press it's getting about refunds, the price could possibly drop soon. I'm not going to try for a refund, but I wouldn't buy it if I knew it was in this state either. Buy it direct if you want to support CDPR, but I wouldn't feel bad about torrenting it if you just want to play the game.

      • Its ok depending on your hardware

      • +6

        Nope, if you play too much you risk corrupting your save file. No joke.…

        • +3

          100 hours still going

          • @slowmo: Back up just in case. It's a factor of actions taken (like crafting), not just hours.

            • +1

              @Cyb3rGlitch: its part of my windows hourly backup path…. so i'm not worried

              868MB and 763 files, 254 folders of manual and autosaves.

              my save #240 is 4.93 MB (5,180,055 bytes)

          • @slowmo: 132h 38m, finished with the 'faster' ending.

        • if you play too much

          *if you play exploit the crafting system too much to get an obscene amount of components.

          I'm 100 hours in, 6000+ of each component, and my save files are 2.1MB.

      • +1

        PC is fine. I have a gtx 1070, playing on 1080p ultrawide on high settings getting around 30fps. I don't mind the fps.

        1 crash so far, but I kept alt-tabbing between loading the game and I think my comp or the game didnt like that.

        • +2

          I must need a better CPU because I'm running similar hardware but my FPS dips so bad when driving in the city

          • @sleepyowl: I have a 5800x but my 1070 is underpowered for my CPU. Your GPU may bottleneck if you get a better CPU, because my 1070 is bottlenecking.

            I was hoping to wait for the 4070 but cyberpunk isn't a game that will make me buy a 30xx series

        • Im running on a gtx 1070 as well, but am getting a solid 50-60fps on high settings @ 1080p (but on a standard 144hz 24inch 1440p monitor). No crashes just a few pop-in and rendering glitches.

          Im on a Ryzen 5 3600 with decent RAM but cant see why there would be such a massive performance differential if you're on a better processor. Have you turned off stuff like motion blur that eats up your frames? Surely ultrawide wouldn't impact it that much?

          • @GloveM8: To be honest, I really don't know.

            Some people are having higher FPS on high settings with a 1070.

            My comp specs are;
            32gb ram
            game installed on SSD

            but the thing is, my monitor is only 2560x1080 144hz.

            I shouldn't think an ultrawide monitor would be the cause, tho I dont have another monitor to test it on or maybe ill lower the resolution in game and test it out again

            Edit: Just tested 1920x1080 with everything else the same. Went to the city, FPS went from 30 to 40. So yeah it's my ultrawide monitor as well.

      • +2

        Working OK for me (R7-3700X and GTX2070 Super).
        Getting between 40-55 FPS (averaging ~50) on a 1440p monitor with a little bit of ray tracing and DLSS Balanced.

        No bugs so far…. I feel like I'm missing out… some of the ones I've seen online have been hilarious.

        • +1

          That is pretty good and I am sure they will optimise! Only in parts of the city fps drops badly.

          I feel like ray tracing looks great when you stop to look, looks stunning even without RT.

      • It's not too bad few bugs here and there. I'm happy with it so far

      • +1

        pc version is fine but bugs are very noticeable and I hate to say - take away from the game for me.
        about 20 hrs in and only act one was pretty bug free so you can see they are nowhere near fininshing the game, needed about another year - and thats no joke to get it all ironed out
        you are better buying this after they release all dlcs and fix it…so another 2 years

        • what immersion breaking bugs are we talking about

          the latest one i got was an npc that wouldnt die. thats it

          no other bugs aside from a T pose. The day 1 bugs have been patched out for me

          im trying to get some of the hilarious glitches ppl have been posting. but like the guy above i feel like im missing out lol

          the game is plenty immersive

          • @furythree: I have 46 hours+ in the game. Don't worry, you'll definitely come across quite a few bugs, especially if you do a lot of the side missions too and like to explore.

            • @ThatsCheap: im 80 hours in the game

              some of the stuff ive encountered isnt a big deal. day 1 and 2 of playing was constantly reloading savepoints to reset a waypoint or mission trigger that didnt go off. havent encountered anymore over the last few days.

              and certainly nothing immersive breaking people are moaning on about

              ive never played a game that has enthralled and pulled in me in as this game

              the open world aspect takes concepts like Mass effect 3 over to a new level

              i can only imagine how better it gets with DLCs and patches

          • @furythree: heaps man, like when you get into a someone else's for eg to start a mission and you park your car in from of theirs…just tries to drive through your car and it ends up on top of it for half the ride while dialogue is on
            when you try to sneak around and they go through walls and spot you, or they spot you but nothing happens but alarm is raised and they are actively looking for you but you are still not spotted
            I had to re load few saves as it wouldn't find a security card to proceed to other area
            and one that is bugging me the most - when I enter scanning mode I cant tab out of it….that effectively means I have to re load

            then you have annoying one with cars disappearing from horizon, ppl walking in circles , info on things you pick up stay on right side of screen and dont go away ….taking 30% of your screen…..

            And worst of all is the AI - Half life that was released 20 years ago has better AI then this

            really really annoying shit that doesn't just let you play game and enjoy it
            It is really disappointing as first 7-8 hrs were really good and Im excited to play the rest but now Im just waiting for them to patch it and when they do I wont be into it as much as I was
            they really made a mess of it

            • @botchie:

              heaps man, like when you get into a someone else's for eg to start a mission and you park your car in from of theirs…just tries to drive through your car and it ends up on top of it for half the ride while dialogue is on

              thats not a bug. all games are programmed like this. the story missions where the NPC is driving is scripted on rails…like every game has been for the last 15 years. so when you crash into it, the game is glitching because its not expecting a human player to idiotically park their car there, so their collision mechanics trigger but at the same time the story mission takes precedence forcing the object (being the car) to continuously move forward…like a train on rails. the ai is never really driving

              in fact, calling delamain in the heist mission, takemura escaping from the assassins, Jackie driving you home, summoning your vehicle. All of that isnt ai, its scripted on rails movement of the vehicle from point A to B. this is why we dont have self driving taxis in this game. They didnt implement dynamic way points like GTA did. only fast travel

              when you try to sneak around and they go through walls and spot you, or they spot you but nothing happens but alarm is raised and they are actively looking for you but you are still not spotted

              They can still hear you sometimes. ive played 3/4 of the game in stealth. i dont think its a bug as ive either not encountered the above problem or when i do get noticed its valid cause i gave myself away. Have you tried using the hacking abilities to make them blind and deaf?

              I had to re load few saves as it wouldn't find a security card to proceed to other area
              you dont need security card for the missions. every mission allows you to complete it in a different way. you can still stealth, hack, shoot your way through. Or if you have enough tech or strength abilities, just brute force open doors or use the terminals to open them remotely.

              i started thinking i needed a security card at the start, so went looking for one every time before i realised this. Also, a few times AFTER i completed the mission i would find a random gang member im looting carrying the card after ive already wiped the entire club lol

              during the angel vs skye mission, i realised EVERY gang member is carrying an access card for that mission

              and one that is bugging me the most - when I enter scanning mode I cant tab out of it….that effectively means I have to re load

              i personally use Hold tab as a keybind for hacking. and capslock as toggle hacking
              ive used the capslock like maybe twice in the game? mostly using hold to scan so releasing it does the job. but never encountered this problem and ive done all the side gigs and missions already.

              Maybe check your keybinds? this is a weird one.

              then you have annoying one with cars disappearing from horizon, ppl walking in circles , info on things you pick up stay on right side of screen and dont go away ….taking 30% of your screen…..

              the car horizon one isnt a bug, just performance. The game has a poorly implemented method of making you experience "density" for objects in the distance, then removing the cars and NPCs when you get close to balance performance and avoid Pop in. What graphics settings and NPC density settings are you using? either way they made the performance optimisation too jarring.

              Its not that big of a deal though. way better than other games which either have piss all NPCs walking around or very short draw distances. When you are in central city looking at the skyline or out in the desert. the draw distances and details is insane. ive never seen anything like it. and it doesnt cheat like horizon zero dawn or other games do, where they cheat and only render a small cone of visible area around your FOV.

              And worst of all is the AI - Half life that was released 20 years ago has better AI then this

              Yeah but what are you trying to do with the AI. ive clocked 70 hours in the game just trying to finish the campaign and side gigs. having shit police and AI is not great, but ive had 70hrs of other content to absorb me. Ive been fully immersed going through the story. i dont get why people are letting AI affect them so much

              see the forest for the trees. Everything else they finished and put so much time and energy into is (profanity) amazing. maybe wait for the AI patch they said they would try to fix. The latest 1.05 already made the Police a little less teleporty

              it doesnt sound like youve put many hours in. My personal recommendation is focus less on the open world aspect. because they clearly spent 80% of their time adding insane detail to the city, then writing this brilliant storyline and side missions (dont do the side gigs), and the gimmicky stuff to make the open world aspect fun wasnt finished.

              Just play through the story. its freaking amazing

              • @furythree: Oh to add if you are high level enough and with the right skills and augments, you can defeat the police without running away.

                I did it with a toy for the giggles.

                • +1

                  @slowmo: yeah i know what you mean

                  but like seriously the police cant be that big of a deal

                  i have 6000 armour. bullets fall off me anyway

      • It's average. I experience decent performance but a lot of minor bugs. Enough to make me stop playing and wait for a fix tbh. Every time I start something new I wonder "what will break this time"

      • I have a 2080s/3700x and get something like 70-90 FPS with Ultra (shadows high) and DLSS on @1440p. I have very rare dips to 55-60 at specific points of the city though

      • 20 odd crashes in only 6 hours of gameplay. No, it's not.

        Nowhere near as bad as PS4, but still in a pretty bad state.

        Add to that issues like save games corrupting if you craft too many items, poor widescreen support and other issues, I wouldn't be rushing.

        I'm considering getting a refund and buying it in another 12 months when it's in a better state.

      • PC version is very far from fine just need to read steam reviews. I refuse to purchase it because it’s unplayable on my AMD Ryzen CPU as it defaults to 1 core. There is supposedly a patch coming. Well I’m happy to wait for the bargain bin sale.

      • Google Cyberpunk PC crash. There are many, many people experiencing either crashes to desktop on launch or frequent crashes in game. My experience was that the game was crashing over and over again at specific points in story missions.

        I want to love this game but it's nowhere near done. I would say anyone thinking about buying should wait 6 months so they can actually finish it.

  • +3

    CD Projekt Red's own investors are reportedly exploring the possibility of suing the developer for misrepresenting Cyberpunk 2077.…

    • +16

      The same investors who made them push it out before it was ready. They deserve everything that comes to them.

      • +3

        No, the investors are suing for misrepresenting that it was ready to be released. The investors specifically advised the board not to rush it and happily signed off on each and every delay and push-back that was put to them the whole way through. They aren't idiots, nor did they have any interest in having their investment trashed and left worthless by being rushed out like some sort of moron dev team, like what GGG does to Path of Exile every 3 months with it's league content.

      • +1

        It's been repeatedly stated that this isn't true so I'm not sure why it keeps getting posted.

    • +5

      Going public ruins game developers

  • +8

    Can we also get refunds for hardware specifically purchased to play the games!! ;)

    In all seriousness, CDPR has top much invested to let this bomb. They will get it fixed but leaves a sour taste and feels like we are beta testers.

    Game is good and the world is nicely designed.

    • +3

      Game is great. People just expect it to work on old hardware, so CDPR rather than just up the min specs, their engine allows for less detail to keep framerate decent. On a pc with a decent gpu, it rocks.

      Played 40hrs, only found 2 or 3 bugs that I had to reload a save. Had to reload many more times from bad choices.

      • +2

        This, playing on Series X and at 50 hours, thoroughly enjoying it and no game breaking bugs.

        • +2

          Not that many hours, but also on a series X. So far, the worst I've had is looking in a mirror and suddenly not having pants or hair 🤷🏻‍♂️

          • +3

            @RMBC: And you weren't sure if it was in the game or a Saturday morning?

            • +2

              @ceejt: I mean, let's be honest, it may well have been both

          • @RMBC: its caused by a hat hiding your hair

            honestly minor issue compared to other things. how often are you looking in a mirror lol

        • Started playing on xbox series x, and ran into bugs with not being able to pick up a lot of items, and also not being able to quit out of the options menus if I did things like invert the y axis. Got a full refund from amazon. Shame, looks like it could have been great

          • @DrC: Refunding just for that? Wow that's soft. Yea ok, picking up items is a bit fiddly sometimes, like if there is a dead body covering it you have to move the body out of the way. Invert Y axis works perfectly fine and I'm on a Xbox One X.

            • @bongo007: Some items are impossible to pick up. I've tried moving around them multiple times, reloading, going away and coming back. Bug has been reported multiple times. Sound cuts out every minute for a few seconds. If I enter the options menu the only way I can get out is by closing the game - hitting B to close the menu does not work.

              If the game improves down the track I'll get back to it.

              I'm also not sure why getting a refund for a game that is obviously full of bugs and largely unplayable is "soft". Anything I purchase that does not work as intended or is defective I will return; I have better things to spend my money on.

      • +2

        CDPR deliberately misled people about the state of the game, including the performance on older hardware. The consumers aren't at fault here.

        • Careful, CDPR fanboys don't like being called out and have to admit their golden child CDPR is as shady as all other developers they look down on.

      • It wasn’t old hardware before the game was delayed 4 times…

      • It should work on old hardware. They have min requirements and development started 7 or 8 years ago on old hardware.

        The fact that reviewers were only given PC copies to review and were told they could not use their own footage is a bit dodgy.

        Investors are taking legal action so it will be interesting to listen to the the defence arguments.

        Feel bad for people that have spent money on new hardware - will get repaired in time but not sure if they can fix the issues around not being able to shoot out windows or water doesn't create a splash.

      • Rubbish, I'm playing on a brand new, fairly high end PC and I've experienced at least 40-50 crashes in 15 hours of play. No other game has ever crashed on the rig. Just because it happens to work ok on your machine doesn't mean the problem is "old hardware". Spend 2 minutes on the various support forums and you will see how badly unfinished the software is.

  • PS store has announced for full refund… Not sure if can play for free or not but surely the game is full of bugs… Better avoid whatever deal comes out… Unless you're catching a chance for getting it free

    • +7

      You don't get it free lol, if you refund you lose access to the game.

      I think the digital version is pulled from the store.

      • -1

        Correct the digital version has been pulled out… But for those owners who have downloaded… I don't think can be undone, still accessible to play single player… No???

        • +1

          Sure, you get to keep it or even redownload it if you bought it before it was pulled.

          If you were feeling cheeky you could probably play the whole game then refund it afterwards.

        • +1

          I would assume they could de-authorise the content given there’s surely periodic DRM checks for digital content. If you stayed offline then maybe it’d remain active.

          At least that’s how I assume it’d work.

      • +2

        Yea, if you opt for a refund, you lose access to the game lol.

        It makes sense, most of the bugs has been experience by previous generation consoles. I've seen youtube videos, its pretty bad.

        The PC version is ok, still got some bugs, but definitely playable and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

        PC master race?

      • Not true mate! I refunded my PC version to EB games last week, got a full $99 refund on my debit card. AND THE GAME STILL WORKS IN GOG HAHAHAHAHA

        • Don't you need a disc to run the game? I would assume this only work on digital version since disc-less to play

  • +2

    Playing this right now. Its a good game overall. Graphics is very good, my 3080 is struggling with everything turned on. The story is amazing, I haven't explored the world very much yet.

    It is very glitchy albeit none game breaking so far. I find it funny, its all visual glitches for example:

    NPCs walking weird;
    NPCs spawning or disappearing in front of you, and
    objects seem to float, eg, this guy was eating a burger, the burger drops to the ground before he takes a bite. He bits into thin air then the burger reappears again.

    The PC version is less buggy than the console version, especially for previous gen consoles.

    • +1

      Witcher 3 was similar (stability, performance, gameplay issues) for quite some time after release.

    • -1

      Don't kill the copper in the mission where you have to assassinate a guy who murdered someone. I say in that car for too long waiting for it to move. The auto save, saved me a lot of heartache

    • I had a great Cutscene bug where a guy was talking to me from his motorcycle, but he was balancing on his front tyre the whole time.
      I was like, odd flex but okay

      • Haha, someone should make a youtube video of all these glitches. I think there's a big issue with physics inside the game which is causing all these hilarious glitches.

        Like on the console, when you are driving, if you brake hard, you can see your own eyeballs and hair, its so funny.

  • Make sure you have a 8 thread cpu. My 4 core i5 is not cutting it in the city no matter what setting. It's a bit of a slide show in very busy areas. Fine elsewhere, I quite like the game.

    • Are you sure it is not your GPU?
      What GPU are you running?

      • A 1080. I'm constantly bottlencking as I get about 40-50 inside and 30-15 outside, it's particularly low with crowds. It's a 4th gen i5 so it's pretty old!

        • hmmm fair enough, i'm assuming you are doing your best to make the game purely GPU bound? setting wise that is.

          • +1

            @scud70: I've tried a lot of different settings. Resolution does absolutely nothing as do most of the other settings. I've had some minor gains by setting crowds to low but after some research it looks like 4 thread cpus are just not going to cut it any more. It's a shame because my setup could handle just about anything else I threw at it until now. I think I will just get a next gen console rather than spend ludicrous amounts on a gpu.

    • +2

      I am 100 hours in i7-3770 with a gtx 1080.
      The only time it lags is when I ping and 40 devices showed up plus 20+ moving aggros. But this is mid/late game skills.

      Game is not flawless, for the pc version it has a lot of bugs but it didn’t crash (5) as much as ac Valhalla (lost count >2 per play session over 24 days) did on my PS4 pro.

      • Same with me. i7 3770 with GTX 1650. Works fine with mid settings on 1080p.

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