Furtive Pygmy » user profile

Member Since | 14/11/2018 |
Last Seen | 06/09/2023 |
Location | Adelaide |
Recent Activities

Careful, CDPR fanboys don't like being called out and have to admit their golden child CDPR is as shady as all other developers they look…

Furtive Pygmy replied to
luketechfast on High Spec R7-3700X RTX 2070 Super Gaming PC [B450M Mortar Max/16G 3200/480]: $1849 + Delivery @ TechFast

Legend, just grabbed one.

Furtive Pygmy replied to
luketechfast on High Spec R7-3700X RTX 2070 Super Gaming PC [B450M Mortar Max/16G 3200/480]: $1849 + Delivery @ TechFast

Hey mate, mobo seems to be out of stock again. Was going to pick one up :(

Haha! If drummers could read you probably would have caught a break :p

I see you've not interacted with a bassist before.

Furtive Pygmy replied to
FabMan on [PC] (Pre Order) Borderlands 3 $48 + Delivery (Free with Prime / $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

While it is probably the best engine for AAA's a 5% hit to smaller companies, not hobbyists earning less than 3k/quarter, is large enough…

Furtive Pygmy replied to
FabMan on [PC] (Pre Order) Borderlands 3 $48 + Delivery (Free with Prime / $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

The only people that are paying the 5% are the small to medium studios. Rocksteady (And all big studios) would have negotiated a better…

Furtive Pygmy replied to
FabMan on [PC] (Pre Order) Borderlands 3 $48 + Delivery (Free with Prime / $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

You're right, it looks like I got my wires crossed with the regional pricing and and transaction fees. Epic does appear to be better. Yes,…

Furtive Pygmy replied to
FabMan on [PC] (Pre Order) Borderlands 3 $48 + Delivery (Free with Prime / $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

The transaction costs are the GST/VAT etc. I have spoken with game developers that have released on both platforms. I believe Epic pass…

Furtive Pygmy replied to
FabMan on [PC] (Pre Order) Borderlands 3 $48 + Delivery (Free with Prime / $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

While the 12% vs 30% looks good on paper it's not a true representation of the "cut" Epic and Steam get, Steam covers all transaction costs…

Furtive Pygmy replied to
umoddbro on Triple Zinger Stacker Burger $12.45 (Secret Menu Item) @ KFC via App

If it doesn't kill you instantly you're doing it wrong.

Furtive Pygmy replied to
abctoz on [eBay Plus] Ryzen 5 2600 Gaming Desktop 120GB SSD 8GB (GTX 1060 RGB) $746.1, (RX580 RGB) $719.1 Delivered & More @ TechFast eBay

You mean there are people that don't have 500 chrome tabs open while trying to play PUBG?

Furtive Pygmy replied to
jamestas on [eBay Plus] Ryzen 5 2600 Gaming Desktop 120GB SSD 8GB (GTX 1060 RGB) $746.1, (RX580 RGB) $719.1 Delivered & More @ TechFast eBay

It is a good deal for an entry level gaming PC. You won't need to upgrade the graphics card,the RX 580 and GTX 1060 are good mid-range…

Furtive Pygmy joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!