SEAGATE Official Store @ eBay with 100% rating, $98 delivered
More than 10 available as of now
SEAGATE Official Store @ eBay with 100% rating, $98 delivered
More than 10 available as of now
So, really depends what you're planning to use it for.
In terms of general storage, this requires power while the 2.5 inch one doesn't.
I'd say if you plan to use it as an actual external hard drive, I'd personally want the 2.5 inch because the idea of having to power my hard drive each use and the fact it is bigger is not something I'd want
$99 is everyday for 4tb desktop
its generally rare for 2.5 4tb to be $99
$99 is not an everyday price but they have dipped recently
Never seen 4 tb 2.5 but keen! Best i got was the 2tb seagate at the usual $79 price at jb during black fri.
It is generally accepted that powered 3.5" drives will last longer on average than portable 2.5" ones but there's no hard data to prove this theory.
The only other reason is to shuck the 3.5" ones for cheap NAS drives.
From my experience over the years 3.5inch drives last twice as long as 2.5inch drives.
Yup, I believe so too. The 3.5 inch has longer lifespan.
Hmmmm. Only dead drive I have had was a 3.5? Still using a 320gb 2.5 Fujitsu for music in the shed purchased in 2008
Eh, I find the reliability to be about the same if they get treated the same. 2.5" drives just usually get put in portable devices, which puts a lot more stress on the drives.
+1 I ended up with a Barracuda
I found that 3.5 one is faster than 2.5, which is why I use it for my PS4 external drive, game load faster. Of course it is faster to use SSD, but very expensive T_T
You can still get these for $109 but they have terrible reviews. Since they require power they are manely intended as an auto backup drive for your PC. Unfortunately multiple people have had them die in first year and lost all their data when using as extra storage. Personally I would stay away from Seagate. My personal favourite are WD drives as they seem to be most reliable
They're $109 at Bing Lee.
Must've been a promotion last week then. I was looking at the exact drive on the weekend.
Nope, when you commented that I checked and they were $99. Must've just gone up this morning lol.
The 6T hard drive is 199 at officeworks. Is it a good deal? Have a look at this product from Officeworks -…
Buy x2 of these 4TB and you get 8TB. Quick maths
Only if you need a single drive or adding it to a NAS. Else, 2x4TBs for same price…
Neither of those are a good choice for NAS if you plan use them in RAID.
Best to go Ironwolf Seagate drives if you’re looking for NAS
Depends on use case scenario. For long term archive of linux isos these are perfectly adequate. Been using them for years.
This is SMR drive iirc
Barracuda, then yes. so.. nothing to see here lol.
what are guys taking about???
SMR shingled magnetic recording not good for general day to day use due to it needing to rewrite data due to the how it overlays information, like tiles on a roof.
Cheap for archival. Write once ready many it's fine so it's use is movies, photos and backups.
@Rauland: It blows my mind the small drives are SMR. Why do this when density isn't an issue? Just trying to have less platters for cost reasons?
Bad write speed. Fine for archiving, not good if you're using for constant writes.
The read speeds are fine.
Looks dodgy af
Just a heads up for anyone that's curious - I had one out of the 9 drives I purchased last time fail on me in the first year(about 6-7 months in). They were shucked and put into a NAS so no warranty from my understanding.
They're very slow to write too as they're SMR so rebuilds can take a very, very long time.
The main positives are:
- The price. $98 for 4TB = $24.5/TB which is very decent.
- Read speed of bulk data storage (i.e. Movies, photos, etc) is fine.
- USB3 speed is pretty good. 90MB/s Write, 130MB/s Read.
Apparently you can register the bare drive for warranty on their website. Try it and let us know how you go.
No Bueno.
The bare drives serial numbers are not recognized.
Only the enclosure serial numbers are valid.
My suggestion would be to take a photo of the drive SN and the Case SN so you can reference them to RMA in future. I did this for 6 our of 9 drives. Forgot to do the last 3 for some reason…..guess which one failed hahaha.
I had the same one from office works and I stored some of my data and kept it in drawer. Next time I used it was about 2 months later and it won't work. I had to return it to Officework for full refund. Not a very good experience :(
Keep each raid volume on your disk array under 1TB, or every rebuild will take an age, and the disks will fail prematurely no matter what.
Relying on a single stripe to rebuild a volume larger than this is very risky. Each successful rebuild requires every single 1 and 0 on the volume to be readable from that one stripe with 100% accuracy. Hence why multiple stripes are often critical for maintaining the array. Not saying you use just one stripe, but the build time alone, and chance of failure on a 2TB array with 2 or 3 stripes can still be a bit dicey, and hard on the disks. Even if you are happy to wait for a long rebuild following a failure.
1TB with 2 or more stripes and you're golden.
Got one, thanks OP
Unless you've got 4tb internally that you're backing up externally, there's just no point. Even then I'd go a 2.5".
In 2020 4tb is just too small. Even raided. Honestly.. buy a 16tb seagate (for $20 more than 4x4tb) from amazon UK. Having less drives is both more useful when used as single drives AND allows NAS expansion when used in a NAS.
The only reason for a 4tb 3.5" I can think of might cheaping out to make a build for a customer.
Not everyone stores that much po … cupine photos.
I don't know…some people really love porcupines.
Will this work for watching movies on TV?
That's a bit like asking if a 2012 Mazda 2 is compatible with Roma Street in Brisbane. It makes no sense. It's a storage device - if your media devices are able to handle it, yeah it'll work.
Hi think he meant to ask if it's good for everyday use, not just for back up & store once.
Out of stock now.
any particular advantage in getting this one compared to a 2.5 one, besides the size and portability? The 4TB portable ones sometimes go down to this same price and i'm just looking to store photos and movies, so RPMs don´t really play an important part.