This was posted 13 years 3 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

10 Coke Unleashed Tokens (= 1 Bottle of Coke) for a $20 Ticketek Gift Voucher


Redeem 10 tokens to receive a $20 Ticketek ezy-gift voucher! Available until the 7th Dec 2011 or while stocks last. Vouchers expire 20th Dec 2011.

For one week only on ‘COKE UNLEASHED' we've got a whole bunch of Ticketek ezy-gift vouchers for you to redeem at a MASSIVE discount!

As a special offer, we've decided to give our members the chance to redeem our Ticketek $20 ezy-gift vouchers at a drastically reduced token value!

Redeem just 10 tokens now to receive a $20 Ticketek ezy-gift voucher! How amazing is that!

This is the important part:
These Ticketek ezy-gift vouchers expire on the 20 December 2011, so you'll need to head on down to your nearest Ticketek office and use them in the next two weeks. Gift vouchers can't be redeemed online.

Be quick - this offer is only available until the 7th December 2011 or while stocks last.

Please note: There is a limit of 5 Ticketek ezy-gift vouchers per peron for the duration of this offer.

Codes are easy to find. Just pick up any specially marked 450mL or 600mL, 1.25L, 1.5L or 2L PET bottle of Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero or Diet Coca-Cola and you'll find a unique character code behind the label.

Before you can enter your first code, we need you to register. It will only take a few minutes. Join Now.

Once you've registered, you can enter your codes online or from your mobile.

How to get codes (you get 10 tokens for every code):

Codes are easy to find. Just pick up any specially marked 450mL or 600mL, 1.25L, 1.5L or 2L PET bottle of Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero or Diet Coca-Cola and you'll find a unique character code behind the label.

For every code you enter, you'll get 10 tokens which you can use to get great rewards and experiences. The more codes you enter, the more tokens you collect and the more rewards you can get your hands on. So keep stocked up with your favourite icy cold Coca-Cola, and start collecting now!

Use your tokens to get loads of rewards from the SHOP.
Use your tokens now, or save up for something big!
What's more, when you use your tokens on rewards in SHOP+ you'll also get a bonus entry into exclusive competitions.

With brand new rewards added regularly, be sure to keep coming back so you don't miss out!

Related Stores

Coke Rewards
Coke Rewards

closed Comments

  • -4

    im confused… how is this a bargain?

    • +9

      Basically, you're getting a $20 Ticketek gift voucher for the price of a 450mL coke

  • well good to see they are offering codes on the big bottles now, use to just be the rip off 600ml bottles.
    I am set for coke though bought 2 slabs at big w sale and got about 50 pepsis from that woolies deal lol.

  • -1

    Weird how they say the vouchers expire 20th Dec 2011, but on the voucher, it says the ezygift is valid for 12months from purchase date. Also, I assume you can use several of these vouchers for one ticket/transaction?

    • haha nvm, I read the purchase year wrong. Oops

  • finally got through and bought 5 vouchers thanks

  • I got one in August it has a purchase date on it of 20/12/2010 and says valid for 12 months from date of purchase.

  • yep purchase date is 20/12/2010 so looks like they need to get rid of them fast hence this offer

    should be able to use it for an event further away though so quite a good deal. $100 of ticketek credit for a few bottles of coke :)

  • +1

    Do these gift vouchers stack?

    Can you use all 5 on a single purchase?

    • +6

      yep it says you can use them all on a single purchase

  • +1

    Great way to go take a look at the Harry Potter exhibition in Sydney!

    • great idea

  • +2

    Can you use all 5 on one purchase? I.e. $100 off? Would be an awesome wait to get a cheap festival ticket.

    • +2

      "Each Ticketek ezy-gift voucher has a unique bar code and can be redeemed once only, however vouchers can be used collectively. "

      So it looks like… yes? I hope so.

  • Might go to the ballarat beer festival!

  • Sweet instead of throwing the labels out they have came in good use, I'm sure they'll be something on ticketek for everyone. If not think of Christmas.

  • it is a shame can only get 5 per person. got another 60 points to spend and will never have enough for anything good

    • Sign up for another Unleashed account!

  • This is a great deal.

  • it says events and experiences, I think it should work if thats the only way to go to that event.

  • seems like everything in WA is Ticketmaaster!

  • HP exhibition + Picasso exhibition + an early round ticket to the apia international. :D

  • Thanks, already had an account with 40 points… Great find OP.

  • -3

    Not a bargain until coke is on sale! ;P

      • Super. I love Vanilla Coke, and tickets to Picasso are perfect for the parents. :-)

        • Just make sure they're marked unleashed. My woolies vanillas aren't marked but the zero and sugar are fine . Just check

      • Thanks Sage. I bought 5 bottles for $7 and now I have a $100 ticketek voucher. Will be taking my kids to a LazyTown Xmas.

  • I wonder can you buy a $100 gift card with them?

    • Nah

      Ticketek ezy-gift vouchers are not redeemable for cash or for the purchase of additional Ticketek ezy-gift vouchers

  • +1

    lol, this promotion is great! I'm using all the points i got from cokes facebook free coke zero promotion.

  • -1

    Trying to work out if we can use a whole heap in one go, more than 5? Like I want to buy tickets to everything and use a heap of vouchers. I have a plastic bag stuffed with coke labels. Currently have $400 worth of vouchers and could easily do a few thousand dollars worth if I create more accounts. It looks like we can only redeem 5 on one Coke Unleashed account but as many as you like at Ticketek

  • well maybe if you make a few accounts you can

    also do the 1.25 and 2l codes really get you points can anyone confirm?? never seen a code on them before.

    • +1

      The vouchers have to be used in a venue so I am hoping to use 20 in one go or something like that haha. And yes the 1.25's and 2L's have codes, though not since they had the share a coke with promotion. Note that these kinds do not enter you in the draw to win the $50 000
      Yeah I have been doing this competition all year and run three accounts entering 10 on each a week. My dad gets the garbage guys from work to collect labels for me :)

    • I can confirm 1.25L codes.

  • Thanks OP! Great find!

  • If you are going to use it for Harry Potter or Picasso exhibtions you will need to purchase your tickets first from a Ticketek agency:

    The Powerhouse Museum & Art Gallery are not agencies.

    It pays to book your tickets in advance anyway for the two exhibitions.

    Most Westfield concierges are agencies.

  • +1

    All those times I looked at the label and thought nahhh not worth it :(

    Oh wells… off to coles i go

  • Can you use the voucher to buy Australian Open tickets in advance?

    • I don't see why not, I plan to go to ticketek and grab a five day pass with my vouchers.

  • ref " Ticketek ezy-gift vouchers can only be redeemed for events and experiences on sale through Ticketek agencies. " so does that mean i can not use multiple $20 Ticketek ezy-gift vouchers to gain entry to the Australian Outback Spectacular show (Categories: Exhibitions, Family, Lifestyle) or for dinner at a restaurant if i redeem them at through Ticketek agencies?

  • any one have any spare coke unleashed codes? need 3 more if anyone has any to spare…too late to go to the shops :(

  • only need 4 bottles of coke, to get a B Reserve Section tickets to NKOTBSB concert, not bad…

  • 20th of December?
    You'd be lucky to receive the vouchers by then!

    • +1

      Nevermind, they've delivered eletronically!

  • +10

    Been collecting a shitload of codes - we use 1.25L bottles at my work so I get 2-3 codes a shift.
    Only reason I haven't yet redeemed these is the 10 code weekly limit cokeunleashed restricts us to.
    in the spirit of christmas and ozbargain, I'll post some here.

    be nice. Redeem one, don't be a prick and grab them all.


    have fun, Merry Christmas.

    • All used up. :(
      I think someone was a prick. (I did not redeem even one of them, to be clear.)

    • Good effort Chewman - pity people come along and use them without even saying thanks! +1 for posting them all up though :)

  • +2

    Helpful hint! Be sure to rename the Coupon.pdf to something else before getting another one as it seems it'll erase your old one when you get the new one!
    (Luckily I still had the old one open so I could save it.)

    • The links get sent to email as well.

  • I signed up for coke unleashed this morning and apparently they're 'almost gone'. So I rushed out to woolies to buy 4 bottles of coke and so I could get 4 vouchers. When I got there, in my haste, I just grabbed 4 of the smallest without paying attention (which were $3 each) but my mum pointed out that you could get 4 x 1.25L bottles for $7! BARGAIN!!!!

    PS I have successfully gotten my 4 vouchers (I had one extra for just signing up!) I LOVE OZBARGAIN!!!

  • great deal, thanks OP

  • +1

    Just went and got my Australian Open ticket. It worked a treat! Although the guy had to call the call centre with each and every voucher.

    • how many coupons did you have?

      • -4

        This. I have $2000 in Ticketek vouchers and want to use them all in one go.
        Was it more than 5?

  • +1

    Has anyone been able to use multiple vouchers to buy one ticket?

    • It's right there on the page if you click the link. "Each Ticketek ezy-gift voucher has a unique bar code and can be redeemed once only, however vouchers can be used collectively."

  • I am going to make another account I have 3 coke bottles here can get another 3 tickets with it.

    I want picasso tickets and maybe harry potter tickets. was thinking of going to eminem concert for $99 but not sure.

    • if you can get eminem tickets for 99 DO IT! Was a great concert. Just get seated tickets though, the standing tickets are wayyy too far back.

      • yeah the cheapest tickets are $99 probably pretty poor view but I may get them

        • if i was in syd i would go again!

  • Just got 10 points for signing up, bought 4 bottles for $7 at Coles and now I have 5 vouchers :) Going to try and get Slipknot tickets when they go on sale in Melbourne on Fri. Thanks heaps OP, awesome deals!

  • I am going this afternoon to buy 8 more bottles to get another $200 of vouchers

    will have $300 worth and can go to everything I want to see and give away some gifts too :)

  • Just registered to explain my situation and say a


    to the OP.

    I went to woolies and bought some coke (4 x 1.25 = $7). Bought 12 bottles.
    I already had my own account with 50 points, so that was 5 vouchers.
    Then I signed up my mother, grandmother, and nephew. 10 points each for signing up and 120 points from the coke.
    Total: 20 vouchers, $20 each.

    I now have a Diamond seating ticket to Roger Waters - The Wall. Cost me $6.85 (and $21 worth of coke).

    As a heads up, it said "Almost Gone" for all 20 vouchers. Not sure how many are left, so if you want these tickets jump in quick.

    • Can you confirm you used all 20 in one transaction with no problems?

      • Sorry Frostee for the late reply.

        I can confirm that. Poor girl had to do it over the phone one at a time, but it went through without a hitch.

  • Just used 10 vouchers for one transaction. Just be patient with the Ticketek agent as they need to validate each voucher by calling through to their call centre. Great find OP!! Thanks for sharing.

    • Let's see how patient they are with 120 :)

      • Ah so lucky!!! I only got 1 before they ran out xD

      • Any chance you'd have any spare/sell any?

  • I can't believe that worked. $100 worth in one go (be patient at ticketek places, they have to manually call ticketek to confirm your voucher codes) and bought a chocolate tour double voucher. Niiiice.

  • Do they ask for any form of ID? or can you just bunch the vouchers together?

  • No more tickets. :(

  • Looks like all vouchers gone now, got a few, thanks OP, great find, I had all these points that were pretty useless until now!

  • I have two codes with a question mark as the twelth digit of the sequence, which the site won't process as tokens. Anybody know what the question mark indicates?

    • they ran out of ideas for unique codes

      • Haha, brilliant!


  • NOOO just came home with 8 bottles of coke and they are all gone…

    • Same here :( except with 7 bottles. Sigh.

  • :(

    Any chance anyone has two spare vouchers? I was buying tickets for my parents and I'm two short.

    • I'll even buy them at a fair price if anyone has a few leftover, I just really want to organize these tickets. PM me!

  • The early bird catches the worm :P

  • they had the promotion lasting for nearly a week thought they would have had more than this, selling out in 24 hours is a bit of a joke :(

    • -1

      they did them way toooo cheap. that was the problem. i got 5 thanks op

      • +2

        The word you're looking for is 'ozbargained'

      • Dont really think its too cheap, they had to get rid of them anyway and this would have encouraged sales. Im still happy I got 7 but would not have bothered buying 8 cokes if they were sold out, already have 2 cases of it and another 20+ bottles of pepsi.

      • -1

        Agree they did it way too cheap…

        Especially since you can just create new accounts and you could redeem the welcome 10 credits for a voucher!

        But for Coca Cola I'm sure it created a mini rush back to the website for people like myself who forgot about it!

  • thanks so much OP, got 5 yay! Hey I voted kyldrkn up, why neg for just asking? we're all getting virtually free concert tix n stuff here, and some people have hundreds or thousands of dollars worth! Good luck to him/her. Think I'll be grabbing a beth orton ticket! :)

  • Does anyone know how the redeeming process is? Do you just turn up with the tickets or do you need to know the account details and provide ID or anything like that too?

    • Just show the vouchers and they just have to verify each voucher over the phone. Apparently the call centre is now very used to agents calling up to claim the coke unleashed vouchers now.

  • +1

    Crap, why did I have to go to sleep…. :(

  • This is awesome thank you so much undercut. I just got two whale watching tickets for me and the girlfriend.

    You are a boss.

  • +1

    I wonder how many tickets there were?

    They seemed to increase in voucher number… although i had a few come through that were lower.

    My voucher numbers ranged from 1064 to 2948?

    Did anyone get into the high 3 thousands?

    At least with this offer only Coke loses out and not the events we all end going to!

    • I found the voucher numbers actually decreased to three and finally to two digits as time wore on as they were running out. I have some as high as 7xxx from earlier.


      Was able to redeem about two-thirds of my large stash today but the remaining third weren't processed due to the transaction number being in the format of xxxxxx-xxxxxx instead of xxxxx-xxxxxx (first set of numerals being six instead of five in number). Can anybody shed some light on this, as the Ticketek call centre stated this sequence is incorrect to the girl who was processing them for me.

      • All my vouchers had the same last 6 numbers and different beginning 5.

        Trans no.: XXXXX - 101220

        Account no.: 9084022

        Voucher no.: YYYY

        • Yes, most of mine were like this.

          The problem ones are:

          Trans no.: XXXXXX - 110720

          Account no.: 9084022

          Voucher no.: YYYY

      • Yes I have one voucher that has a larger transaction number with 6 numerals instead of 5 in the code. I got it at 3pm and it is voucher number 4XXX and my previous voucher at 1pm was 2XXX.I think it must be some sort of glitch in the system. Let me know how you go in getting it redeemed.

        • My problem vouchers were redeemed on or after 3:01pm EST, the rest that were processed at 3pm EST or earlier are fine. Perhaps they ran out of vouchers at that point in time and the system began to issue useless ones? I was told to complain directly to Coke Unleashed. Hopefully enough complaints will get these to work.

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