• expired

Bunnings Block Warehouse (168 Pieces) $30 @ Bunnings


Scaled down model of a Bunnings Warehouse
168 Pieces which can be combined with most other brands
Comes with easy-to-follow instructions and sticker sheet
Build your very own Bunnings Warehouse brick by beautiful brick. Use these durable building blocks, that are compatible with most other brands, to recreate your favourite warehouse time after time. With 168 easy-to-assemble pieces it’ll keep kids (and adults) occupied for hours.

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +12

    Even comes with a Sausage Sizzle Stand.

  • +58

    Too expensive, 168 piece set for $30 is Lego prices for no name blocks that are advertising a store.

    • +2

      but they're 'quality blocks' fully imported from far away and exotic china…

      • +30

        Made from highest grade Chinesium

          • +3

            @Vote for Pedro: Nice. Racist gas lighting disguised as a call out.


            • -5

              @This Guy: Sure, right ok. Xenophobia. Please explain.

              • +3

                @Vote for Pedro: Yeah that is so vaguely racist, you’re just point scoring.

              • +2

                @Vote for Pedro: No vote for Pedro this time mate.

              • @Vote for Pedro:

                Please explain


                Replace Chinese for Australian. You don't buy Australian because it is too expensive. It's a generalisim, that is often true, about Australian products. Not race, not xenophobia.

                To make it a prejudice, to make it xenophobia, you would have to have ill will against Australian products.

                As jjcf posted their comment on the internet, I highly doubt they have ill will against China. Why? The internet is Chinese made. The device they posted with is likely Chinese made. And even if it isn't Chinese made, it is still likely made by a Chinese company with Chinese technology, just final assembly performed outside of China to bypass Trump's trade war.

                tl;dr: China is a country; Chinese is a nationality, not a race; Products are not people; Products can be assigned nationalities.

                • @This Guy: Seriously get real. Read the sentence. It was definitely intended to take the piss out of chinese made quality and the Chinese generally.

                  • -1

                    @Vote for Pedro: Yes, they were taking the piss.

                    They were writing about crap products, not people.

                    You are the person who can't seem to differentiate Chinese people from objects.

                    Dismissing a person's race for their nationality is racist.

                    Reducing a person to an object because of their nationality is xenophobic.

                    I get you are trying to virtue signal to show how progressive you are, but your comments are racist and xenophobic garbage.




                    Slow down. Think about what you are implying with your comments and try to understand why people down voted you.

                    • @This Guy: Sure sure ‘chinesium’ was definitely not a shot at the Chinese

                      And just to clear up votes, we both know they are not representative of anything other than the following: 70% of those that chose to participate disagreed with my post and 30% agreed.

                      There is no breakdown of demographics or other factors that contribute to certain views. For example if you poll Pauline Hanson voters and of course you’ll find they won’t agree with my comment.

                      But we digress to talk about votes rather than the post in question. It’s just another way to say ‘chinks’ or any other now shunned term to describe chinese/asians

                      • @Vote for Pedro: Dude. [facepalm]

                        Chinesium was taking the piss out of the perceived low quality of some Chinese products, not people.

                        Chinese people are people, not products.

                        • @This Guy: And how was ‘chinesium’ taking the piss of the product. Go on, explain it.

                          • @Vote for Pedro:

                            Chinesium was taking the piss out of the perceived low quality of some Chinese products, not people.

                            Are you feeling ok tonight? I know your user name because your comments are normally pretty on it.

                            • @This Guy: How so? Never mind. We disagree.

                              I’m astounded that the conversation continues to revolve around ‘shit Chinese products’ instead of actually calling it for what it is.

                              Manufacturing in China is filling a market demand for product at a certain price point and certain quality. Manufacturing in China has the whole spectrum of quality and each quality point has it’s respective price point.

                              But i guess no one wants to talk about the ‘tightarse who paid $3 for a cordless drill, upset that it won’t last more than 12 months… blames foreigners inability to make quality products like we could in Straya!’

                              • @Vote for Pedro:

                                How so?

                                We're on the same page but you don't seem to be reading what your replying to. You seem stressed.

                                Na, the problem was western companies exploiting countries with cheap labour while destroying these countries reputations.

                                China is the worlds manufacturing innovator. Chinese technology makes all our devices.

                                This makes them excellent at making products at all price points.

                                High quality products made in China are often branded by western companies, associating these companies home office locations with premium goods.

                                Low quality products are often unbranded, other than made in China, damaging the reputation of China for anyone yet to pass the 8th grade.

                                Chinese goods aren't people. Calling Chinese goods crap is stupid, but not racist. Calling Chinese people crap would be xenophobic, but no one was doing that.

                                Australian made goods have gone to poop. My last gen Aussie Bonds wife beaters are falling to shreds while my kmart Bangladesh 'specials' look as good as new. Aussie built appliances are nothing but trouble. Chinese built Appliance Online while labels are bullet proof.


                                Calling something Chinesium because it was built to a cost people were willing to pay is stupid. But not racist because products aren't people and China isn't a race.

                                • @This Guy:

                                  wife beaters

                                  That is exactly the example of part of the problem, turning bloody serious issues into jokes diminishes their value/seriousness, particularly to the target audience that perpetrates these behaviours.

                                  I can see you are clutching on the race argument. How about focusing on the offensiveness? I guess that is lost on you given you probably find the nickname ‘wife beaters’ as ‘just playful aussie slang’

                                  Also, let’s be real. The poster was suggesting the products were made of chinesium. I wonder what the intent there was? Perhaps a name calling effort to put down the non Australian people manufacturing the product?

                                  • @Vote for Pedro: You are searching for meaning that isn't there.

                                    You are yelling at the wind for getting you wet when you decided to go for a walk in the rain.

                                    You are offended by 'wife beater', a word, but not modern slavery practices enabled by Kmart's supply chain?

                                    jjcf called Chinese products crap. That is it. Nothing about people, a nationality or race.

                                    And jjcf might be a raging racist. Who cares. They didn't publicly make a racist comment like you did.

                                    • @This Guy: What an atypical response to being called out for making fun of domestic violence. Whatabout this, whatabout that.

                                      Who’s talking about kmart and where did u get the idea I’m not against certain work practices? Oh, right, whataboutism

                                      • -1

                                        @Vote for Pedro: Mate I'm not sure if you're aware but the demographics of OzBargain lean heavily towards those with asian heritage as was demonstrated when Scotty made his 'OzBargain turning Chinese' April Fools Joke back in '18. Still you are being heavily downvoted, maybe think on that for a bit.

    • +9

      it should cost less than $5 for a no brand 168 pcs toy.

      • +1

        Yeah, it's actually way higher than Lego prices. It must be tiny to only have 168 pieces.

        • Don't say the L word, a thousand Lawyers will dive upon you ;-)

  • +8

    needs 20 mil. SUVs and 4x4s in the car park…

  • +15

    how is this a bargain?

  • +18

    This is not bargain

  • -1

    Is it genuine Lego ?

    • +8


  • It isn't Lego so don't try and milk it for it.

    • its not genuine because if its was it would be $130 and not $30…

      • I don't think Lego would care to make it too :)

        • Once maybe, these days they're a marketing engine IMO.

      • +5

        $30 for 168 pieces is terrible value for Lego metrics. Works out to be 17.8 cents each.

        Lego, even at full price, easily goes below that price per piece for many sets.

      • +1

        @tonyjzx You've got your math way off. Licensed set, 565 pieces rrp$60


        Hence why I said that it was way overpriced

    • +1

      Don’t associate it with milk. The dairy farmers will want a levy.

  • +2

    *Not Lego

  • +10

    Assembled one of these. Pretty poor quality.

  • +2

    OP then should clear Lego from title . Bloody confusing . I thought OP had another rare promo Lego set :)

  • +2

    It's kind of amazing how bunnings advertising has made the company so friendly that people would want to buy this for their kids or something.

    • +1

      for their kids

      u sure?

      • +1

        Daddy building all his favourite Bunnings locations with a few sets. Them demolishes them all and builds his "Mecca" Bunnings…..

  • +10

    Pfft, this should be given away for free. Its practically advertising.

    • -1

      They often are after a while to tradies

      • +2

        Last year these sold out in hours. They're not the hats/stubby holders they always keep on hand for that

    • Absolutely! Or they could do a "Get a Bunnings Block warehouse for free for every $200 worth of purchase", or something like that…

      • +1

        So after every trip to Bunnings?

    • Its literally advertising.

  • I wonder if there’s a Lepin version…

    • A lepin one would be an improvement.

  • +2

    This looks awful.

  • +3

    Does it come with bored teenagers checking their phone with zero knowledge of hardware posing as staff?

    • +1


    • +5

      Or the cranky Boomers that "only work in the aisle over" so they can't help you?

  • +15

    Full RRP

  • +6

    Send me your $30 and I'll take it direct to landfill for you

  • Have the designers of this never heard about scaling? The sausage sizzle stand looks to be taller than the warehouse itself.

    • +5

      What is this? A bunnings for ants?

      • No it is a sausage sizzle stand for giants.

  • +16

    rrp != bargain/deal, how is this even upvoted

    • +4

      It's ozbackinstock lately

    • Say that to the hundreds who upvote PS5/Xbox preorders.

      • At least the next gen consoles are good value, were hard to get and the best product you can get.

  • +5

    Lol what a waste of money

  • Derek Zoolander will not be happy about its size and scaling.

    • A bunnings for ants.

      • Needs to be at least 3 times bigger

        • +1

          Bunnings is so hot right now.

  • This is just normal retail price isn’t it?

  • +1

    This cannot be legit. I see ZERO maskless Karen's that are asking to talk to the Manager.

  • +2

    Limit 2 per customer .
    Instore only . Hurry it might sell out .

    Sold average of about double on Ebay up to $199 by some pro buyer : https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=Bunnings+B…


  • Just in time for christmas

  • Not impressed by Bunnings with this one - $30 for a no-brand 168 piece kit is ridiculous. They've hit a new low with this one - "people like us and our brand - let's sell something else with our logo on it" … "kids and adults love Lego Blocko and will pay $$$ for it - let's get in on that action" … "an awesome combination - we can charge through the nose and make $$$$$".

    • +1

      "Right right …Blocko shirt store"

  • Sorry to be debbie downer, but at 17.86c a brick for imitation lego and instructions for a MOC set available at BrickLink, I don't see this screaming bargain..
    [ https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/design.page?idModel=1131… ]

    Isn't just a repeat of Wesfarmers selling the kits again as an Xmas only special, which was same as last year.

  • Obligatory "what is this, a Bunnings for ants?" comment

    • I don't wanna hear your excuses! The building has to be at least… three times bigger than this!

  • +5

    They should pay me $30 to build and put their advertising at my home.

  • Probably a good thing to destroy or burn if anyone ever gets fired from Bunnings.

  • I bought one cos I'm into the gimmicks lol but it's not an OzBargain thing.

    All you've done is probably just hastened the brodens picking them up and ruining it for others. It's a bit of a blunt consequence of OzBargain sometimes.

  • +1

    Limit 2 per customer…..who is trying to buy more than 2 of these anyway.

  • +5

    An off-brand shill product at full RRP. Why is this posted here?

    • I'm curious why the PS5 thread has no negs at RRP .
      Is it they made $700 ?
      I love the Neg RRP Crew more $$$$ for the latter LOL

      • people actually want a ps5

  • +2

    There are "none lego bricks" and than there are "none lego bricks" …
    These look like they would be of the rather cheap type on "none logo bricks"!
    Having said that 30 bucks for 168 pcs (of none lego bricks) is definitely NOT cheap!!
    BTW not a bargain but full RRP.

  • +1

    Managed to get one this year, finally!

  • +1

    Thanks alot!

    Now I have the song stuck in my head.

  • +1

    Lowest prices are just the beginning
    cough cough

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