[SA] Free 2x $100 Sports Voucher for Kids from Reception to Year 9 @ Sports Vouchers Plus SA


2025 vouchers are available to all South Australian children from Reception to Year 9 (this means the child would be born between 2010 to 2020 inclusive). Each eligible child can claim 2 x $100 vouchers per calendar year. Both vouchers can be used with the same provider.

Even better than previously.

Now 2x $100.
Per kid.
From reception to Year 9.

Sport, active recreation and music fees

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Sports Vouchers Plus SA
Sports Vouchers Plus SA


  • Reception to year 9.

    Why does the receptionist get this?

    • +3

      Sounds like they put kids to work pretty early in SA

      • +1

        The children yearn for the desk work!?!

  • how about vic

    • +2

      Government of South Australia won't fund Vic students.

      • stingy bunch….. ;P

        • Vic needs to stop subsidising SA…

          • @jv: WA could say the same about you…

            • @moar bargains: If you are referring to mining, that is a commonwealth resource, not a state resource.

              • @jv: I feel commonly poor…..

  • Note that it's from reception age, there's no actual verification of school enrolment. So this means that kids who are 5 and not yet at school can also claim, though these kids are likely the vast minority these days.

  • What a weird name for Prep

    • +1

      Don't know what other states name it as. Here it goes : ELC, Reception, 1,2,3,etc

      • Hol up, what do the other states call Reception?

        • Had to google what reception and prep are. Here in NSW, we call the equivalent Kindergarten.

          • @Mr Idiom: Kindergarten (AKA Kinder in Vic) is something entirely different in SA. It's the year (or sometimes two) before children start primary school, usually aged 3-4 years old.

            This is not confusing at all 🙄

  • +1

    Great scheme - we use the vouchers for kids' swimming lessons.

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