This was posted 13 years 3 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20% off All DVD's & Blu-Ray at JB Hi-Fi


JB are doing 20% DVD's & Blu-ray off again, this time for a week. I was told it starts in store tomorrow but is live on the website now.

Some good New release buys:
Hangover 2, Red Dog: DVD $15.98, Blu-ray $23.98
The Slap DVD $35.98
Harry potter JB Exclusive Blu-Ray box $111.20

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JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • -8

    If they do a simple 20% off DVD's, use it for games as well! I successfully argued last time that since a PC game was on a DVD, and they didn't say 'games excluded', then it should cover games too.

  • +9

    Or buy the harry potter blu-ray boxset from amazon uk for $40 delivered..

      • What's the difference between the Amazon one and the JB one?

        • +1

          I've just looked and the have the exclusive in Australia, amazon uk do also have the same jb exclusive with photo book which you can get from them for $105 delivered then minus the tax or whatever it is..

      • +7

        Last time I checked, people come on OzBargain to save money, so therefore the price argument may well be valid for a fair few members out there (and not 'pointless') no matter the origin of the purchase.

        • -1

          But essentially it's a different version of the product. People who look for Australian versions will not see it as saving money if what they're offered is an overseas version - that's just not what they're looking for.

          Same with games. If it's the cheapest Australian version, then that's what it is. No point bringing in an overseas version to the table and act as if they're the exact same thing. A bargain is good, but it's gotta be accurate as well.

        • -2

          I'm all for someone posting a cheaper price from amazon uk, like how I did to my own comment above. Some of us just like to buy from Aus. I call it pointless because its always the same argument. Some people just like to walk into a store and buy, or buy online and have in in 5 days instead of 20. Some people just don't get that for some reason.

        • +11

          Lol! But amazon shipments are twice as fast as jb

        • I pulled both those figures out of my ass, I've never ordered from either lol. A good old assumption right there

        • +1

          Too true, I'm still waiting on two CD's I ordered a couple of weeks ago from JB. If I ordered the same from Amazon UK they would be here already.

  • I'm going to get the Beauty and the Beast 3D preorder for $26. Happy!

    ETA: AND it's an example where JB is CHEAPER than Amazon UK (£22.99). Hoorah!

  • "I was told it starts in store tomorrow but is live on the website now."

    I can't see any mention of it on the website how do you know the discount is being applied? Usually when the 20% of sale is on the 2 for $20 come up as $16 they are not at the moment.??

    • The items that were $24.98 yesterday are now $19.98, the price drop has definitely applied to all items that I have recently been eyeing, with the exception of the Lady Gaga concert blu ray which hasn't changed in price. Not sure about the multi buys though….

    • Every price on the website right now is cheaper than in store price by 20%. I'm sure some banners will go up tomorrow advertising it.

    • +1

      Ahh so it is and unlike last time they have correctly applied the discount to Apocalypse Now 3 Disk SE $19.98

  • Glad it's a week this time around.

  • +4

    Batman anthology (1989-1997) $19.98
    Golden Compas (Blu-ray/dvd) $5.59
    Alpha & Omega (Blu-ray /Dvd)$5.59
    Man Vs Wild - The Last Frontier (Blu-ray) $7.98
    Man Vs Wild - Urban Jungle Warrior (Blu-ray) $10.38

    • Good price for Golden Compass, but cr@p movie

  • +1

    Seinfeld dvd boxset $76 :D

  • +1

    The Hangover Part 2: Blu/DVD/Digital - $23.98 (+T Shirt version is $26.38)
    Daria: The Complete Animated Series + T Shirt - $31.98 (Released Jan 2012)
    The Adventures of Tintin Blu - $38.39

    • Correction: Daria (with t-shirt) was actually released YESTERDAY, the 1st of December. Plenty in stock in store. Ticketed price is $39.99, with 20% off, I paid $32. Available now!

      Thank you very much for mentioning it though, I'd wanted the Daria box set for ages, but had no idea they were releasing it cheaper and with a t-shirt. I read it here first - cheers!

      Ward of warning to those buying it though - I bought it for the discs, the tee was just a bonus, really. It's a Ladies size L, which is actually quite a small fit :o)

  • +5

    Bold and the Beautiful - Fan Favourites for $33:

    I can't wait to sit down and relive the glory…oh..I mean, my Grandma will thoroughly enjoy this for xmas I'm sure…

    • +1

      I stopped watching this and when I came back Taylor now looks like catwoman. What the hell happened there?

      • +4

        LOL yeah - I think she lost a fight with a gang of botox syringes!

  • 20% off the 2 for $20 is either not included, or not working on the website

    • I'm hoping it will work tommorrow when the sale is official fingers crossed

    • It works for the 2 for $30 ($24 in checkout), so either it's an error or they're not being discounted any further.

    • +1

      The 2 for $20 is now working works out at $8 bucks each :)

  • don't think music blu rays have the 20% discount, though there is a smaller discount applied i think.

  • Wow Batman Anthology/Spiderman Triple Pack and Apocalypse now 3 disc collection edition for $20 each is really damn good. Batman anthology is like $45 au on Amazon UK.

    • +2

      Batman Anthology is $45 today on Amazon UK but it was only $13 last week. Prices are up-n-down like yo-yos

      • .opps wrong spot

  • +1

    My picks:

    The Virgin Suicides : $3.99

    Downfall: $7.99

    I like movies about death.

    • +6

      yeah, i don't imagine you'd need the harry potter boxset Snape.

  • Picks for me is the Red Dog and Packed to the Rafters. Best value with aussie dvds.

  • yeah no discount on music blurays had a pile in my wish list :(

  • +3

    So…my comment gets voted down because I'm telling people of a legit way to save money on video games? Huh, sorry, thought this was ozbargain…

    • probably because it is unethical. I would totally do it but then again I don't buy most of my games, it's either Steam or TPB

      • How is it unethical? If they advertise 20% off DVD's, and games are on DVD's, where's the problem? If they advertise 20% off movies, then sure, but that's not what they do. In fact if they don't honour the discount on games in that circumstance, it's false advertising.

        • LOL…website says 20% off DVD Movies, TV & Blu-Ray so argument is moot anyway. :-)

        • Ah, indeed. It wasn't saying anything at the time :-)

    • +1

      It's because you don't realise they just gave you that discount so you'd leave

      • +2

        shrug prove it. My argument is sound - games are on DVD's, they do 20% off dVD's.

        • im not bothered, just thankful I dont work for jb lol

    • +1

      Bargain or not, some people draw the line at picking on loopholes and harrassing staff. I personally don't have a problem with you doing it, but I certainly would never do something like that myself.

      If you tried to push other people into thinking that they're stupid for not trying, that would definitely be worthy of a thumbs down.

      Otherwise, to each their own.

  • I wanted a music box set that was mistakenly only reduced by 10% last time, not the advertised 20%. I emailed customer service. They told me to order it, to email them the order number, and they'd correct the price then. Worked well. Much cheaper than buying it elsewhere. ABBA - The Albums, if anyone is interested :) (It's currently listed at $51.99 which is their full price.)

  • Bummer… Wanted Cape Fear (Mitchum version). Only came out today. Hoping it would coincide with another of these sales. All good so far, but alas, it's "$12.98" price has only come down to "$11.98". Don't know if it's a stuff up or if they decided to switched a few of the $12.98's to $14.98 right on eve of sale (am sure it was still $12.98 as recent as 24 hours or so ago)…

    Might see if i can pick it up in store with full 20% off the original price they had it at. Prefer to get it in store anyway (my experience with JB online has been less than ideal), but would have been nice to know it was there priced properly online as a back up.

  • +1

    got my jordan 20th anniversary at 20% off finally!!!

  • includes pre orders?

    • yes, if it gets released on or before the 7th Dec

  • when does the 20% offer end?

    • As per OP 7/12

  • I think they need to adjust their 2 FOR $30 offer on the website. With the 20% OFF titles are now 12.78 or 2 FOR $30. So if you buy 2 the price goes up, not down lol

    • +1

      Its still cheaper… makes them 2 for $24.
      I do believe $24 is less than $25.56

  • I have a long wish list of Blu-ray movies. Every movie on my wish list was cheaper on than

    Clearly 20% off is still not enough to be a bargain. Jb you have done it again!

  • bought the Wire 1 & 2 for 31.90!!

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