Got this in the email about a sale tomorrow. One day only and discounts in a number of areas. Have a look
Myer Secret Sale - Wednesday Nov 30th

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SNAP !!!!
Secret (read: unpromoted, make us tell everyone)
I just saw an ad on TV for it, so they are promoting it themselves too.
shhhh….dont tell anyone..
They might as well give up on the 'sales' and just make these normal prices.
agreed, they always those so-called 'sales'…
What offer honest pricing all the time!!! That is very un-Australian!
yep have them all the time, and always a waste of time too.
20% off LED/LCD/plasmas, no exclusions,
$100 off apple computers,
20% off clearance notebooks, excludes AppleTVs sale might be good if they have any already decent prices
"excludes iPad and Mac Mini."
Worth a try, though.
youve never heard of haggling before? u can pretty much walk into any myer store (esp cbd) and ask for 10% off apple 30% off applecare 10% of accessories and 30% of software
which beats the measly $100 offjust look for a uni student sales guy or wait for someone to approach you (inidcating hes eager and desperate for a cost price sale)
Yeh, The TV prices are quite good during these deals. Especially the clearance models
$100 off apple computers
anyone know when myer are going to sell giftcard ? remember $1000 giftcard, you got $100 more ? about 10% on top of your giftcard.
then use staff discount card.
airport claim gst.OWNING
Another secret sale? How many more secret sales now? Not much of a sale when i got there…..some sale products in myer are around same price as normal non-sale prices in kmart…i prefer david jones as they offer better sale discount
Just saw an ad on TV for this. Now I'm one of the lucky few that knows about it!
On tv? What a joke lol.
Secret means
1. Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed.
2. Dependably discreet.n.
1. Something kept hidden from others or known only to oneself or to a few.
2. Something that remains beyond understanding or explanation; a mystery.its secret but it got revealed
heres a bridge
now get over it
It's obviously a marketing gimmick…
shh….it's a secret…i have to kill u now….muahahaha :)
20% off small appliances. Was only 15% last "sale" I recall.
It was 20% off during last weeks Special VIP Christmas shopping event
Actually it's still a Secret sale.
I've looked everywhere and I can't find the good deals.
[ba-boom tish!]
I'm confused about vacuum cleaners being under entertainment.
It is entertainment for your wife/gf when not in the kitchen sexist comment :D
given the track record of their CEO, this is unsurprising
If you mean the one that made the news. He was the CEO of David Jones.
Haha. Disgustingly appropriate
I went to the Morley WA store during last Fridays VIP Christmas shopping event because they were open late when they are not usually there was barely anyone there it was a relief to wander around christmas shopping without having to battle hoards of peeps. Not that many great bargains though.
Opening hours for Aust wide stores Wed 30th…
Nothing new. We all can get these almost every week now.
Having worked in the area before, small appliances are really good at 20% off (the best you will ever get from myer), and tv's MIGHT be good at the 20% off depending on original price.
even more awesome with staff discount + gift cards and myer one points…oh man im marketing them again
But the 20% off will be off the RRP right? I am after an appliance which retails at $600, after the 20% it will be $480. Unfortunately for me, that's Good Guys' usual advertised price, which I probably can bargain down a little more.
havent seen the tv ad because i have no tv at home :(
so just to confirm its Aust wide? ie. includes VIC?Yes, seen it on tv in VIC.
cool thanks mate >:D time to go TV shopping
I went in there today, and it seems to be on already. At any rate, knives are 30% off. shrugs
Where do you sign up to get these special notifications from Myer?
Get a Myer one card
what are the prices for portable HDDs there? or am i better off going somewhere else?
_Bruce nailed it LOL
Well I walked into the city store (Perth) and picked up a HP Mini netbook for $276 - marked down from $345, not too bad IMO
not much of a secret then is it…